Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 114: The Strongest Flame…the spell with no name

Chapter 114: The Strongest Flame…the spell with no name


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 114: The Strongest Flame...the spell with no name

"Fawkes…could you lend me your flame for a bit?" Harry requested.

The Phoenix flew in front of him and, with a loud cry, its body burst into powerful orange flames.

"Thank you, my friend…" Harry gave him a sad smile. He knew this was going to hurt it.

Both wands were pointed at Fawkes.


The iridescent fire that came from his wands combined with the phoenix.

The orange flames grew in size and potency while they rotated around, creating a brilliant sphere of orange flames.

The girls had gone a good distance away from Harry but even from where they were, the heat was becoming very intense, and had to cover their faces because it was starting to hurt them.

Harry then created a protective shield around the sphere of flames as this one grew and ascended into the air.

"Magna custodia."

Many runes appeared on the surface of the translucent shield and the heat stopped leaking out.

This was Harry's most powerfull defense. It combined runic arrays with charms, creating a shield that would stop everything.

He could not feel the heat any longer but could see the fire keep growing in size and intesity while it pushed back against the shield.

But after a few more seconds, the fire seemed to have stabilizied and was not growing anymore.

The flames were now of an extremly bright golden color, almost white.

This alone would be able to decimate most creatures on the planet and turn them into cinders. But against this monster.... he knew this was not going to be enough.

"Needs a bit more…"

Both wands were pointed at the flames.

"Fiendfyre!" A giant stag made of dark flames crushed throught his barrier and jumped into the sphere of Phoenix fire and combined with it.

Harry had to quickly remake his barrier and then was forced to add another layer of protection to contain the violent explosion.

"What is he doing?!" Lyra and Ginny stared in horror at the menacing spectacle.

"Was that…Fiendfyre?!" Daphne shouted. This was one of the darkest pieces of magic she knew about. And one her father warned her to never use, under any circumstance because of how dangerous it is…even for the caster.

She could only conclude that the only reason they were still alive was those strange barriers that Harry had created around the fire.

An immediate change occurred in the flames. These ones changed color once more, but instead of adopting the dark red tone of the Fienfyre or the light yellow of the enhanced Phoenix Fire ....they took a light blue tone as they continued to grow in size and become more violent.

A third layer of protection had to be added.

The spectators stared in horror as the flames pushed against the shield containing. If only a whisp of those flames got out, they would be turned into charcoal before understanding what was going on.

"The fire turned blue!" Lyra exclaimed.

"Is…actually kinda pretty," Ginny remarked. The triple layer of barriers spun around moving the runes written on them, while inside, one could see a bright sphere of blue flames.

"Yes, that is stunning and terrifying," Daphne added. She could only imagine how hot those flames were after Harry combined the two more frightening flames in existence.

Harry did know exactly how hot they were.

He spent many years working also with muggles to find more efficient ways to use their magic.

This was something that combined their scientific knowledge with his own magic.

A spell that only Harry knew and had only been used once. Didn't even have a name.

What he had just done was extremely dangerous. The reason for the flames to change color is that the fire had raised the temperature to over fifteen million Kelvin, the same temperature as the Sun's core, and these flames had then ignited the hydrogen in the atmosphere that was now being used as fuel.

This creates a chain reaction that will continue to grow out of control until it destroys everything…unless is contained and stopped.

His barriers were the only thing preventing this from happening now. 

The effects of his slippery jinx were diminishing and the basilisk was starting to approach with difficulty.

Harry was not worried about that. His spell was ready to be used.

The ball of flames continued to get brighter until it became impossible to look directly into it. It was like trying to stare into the Sun itself.

Harry used his will to move the barrier containing the deadly flames towards the massive snake.

The beast was smart enough to feel the danger of the situation. As it felt the sphere of death approaching, it decided to forget its hunt and attempted to escape. 

"Too late now…" Harry had positioned the sphere right above the monster. 

He made a downward slashing motion and the miniature Sun descended upon the beast.

As it made contact, the flames grew in size even more until they completely covered the massive creature, who only had time to give a short shriek of pain before being silenced.

The basilisk may have been resistant to magic, to the point of almost immunity.

But no amount of resistance would protect it against something akin to being submerged inside the Sun's core.

But the danger was not over. Harry had to use everything he had to contain the violent magical fire that seemed to be trying its best to breach its containment now. Pushing against it's three layers of shields.

He heard the girls behind him scream as small waves of heat and wind were able to escape.

Harry had to drain every last bit of magic from himself and the seven arkstones, but it was finally able to dispel the flames.

The miniature sun started to diminish in size until it disappeared completely. Leaving nothing more than an empty spherical void with a pool of lava at the bottom.

There was no trace of the colossal monster. It had completely disintegrated under the intense heat.

Once all was over, the seven arkstones broke into small shards that fell onto the ground. 

His two wands were reduced to dust, including the Phoenix feathers from their cores.

This was not caused by the heat from the flames but by the tremendous amount of magic that he had just circulated through them. 

This was much more than their wandmakers could ever imagine when they created them. 

Harry collapsed onto the ground, feeling completely exhausted, both magically and physically. 

"I'm…I'm not doing that one again…" He decided. 

It had been too close for comfort. 

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