Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 116: Discovering the Chamber of Secrets

Chapter 116: Discovering the Chamber of Secrets


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 116: Discovering the Chamber of Secrets

The two professors and the Headmaster approached the destroyed bathroom with quick steps.

As soon as they entered through the hole where the door once was, they were welcomed by a very angry ghost.

" Did you come to finish the job?!" She came flying and screaming but stopped when she saw the person who had just entered.

"You are not him…who is this?" Myrthel stared at the Headmaster.

"Myrtle, you may not remember me….I was just a professor back then but we talked for a bit... I am Albus Dumbledore, the current Headmaster of Hogwarts.

"Mmm…I don't think I remember you…"

"That's unfortunate, and I'm very sorry about what happened to your bathroom. You have my word that it will be restored, as soon as possible."

"Really?." Her expression changed.

"That would be.."

"But now, I really need to find the person responsible for this."

Dumbledore said with urgency in his voice.

"Can you tell me who did it?"

"You are going to punish the culprit?...he never told me his name. He was a cute boy with glasses and the most stunning green eyes I have ever seen…" the ghost recalled.

"Glasses?" McGonagall said.

"Green eyes…." Snape frowned.

"It does sound like Mister Potter…" Dumbledore declared.

"He better be expelled for this! I knew that boy was going to cause trouble…it is his son after all. But he went too far with this!" Snape growled.

"Severus!, control yourself. Harry Potter is nothing like his father in this regard. You would know this if you gave him a chance. He would never do something like for a prank if that is what you are suggesting." McGonagall pointed to him.

"We will reserve judgment until we have all the facts," Dumbledore stated to them before turning his attention back to the ghost.

"Tell me, Myrtle, what did Mister Potter do exactly."

"Mmm, let's see…he came the other day and just stared at the faucets for a few minutes before leaving."

"Faucets?" Dumblefore searched but could not find anything of the sort on the rubble.

"If I recall correctly, there were many faucets at the end of the bathroom, right over there." she pointed 

"Haven't been here in a long time." She didn't want to admit that it was because of the ghost's presence right in front of her.

"There is nothing left…what spell did he use to cause that much destruction." Snape was genuinely curious. He pulled out his wand and performed a series of scans.

"Right!" Myrtle appears to remember something. 

"He also talked to them. I thought that was very weird."

"He talked to the faucets?" McGonagall looked confused.

"I think he was telling them to open something." the ghost recalled.

"What about today? what did he do?" Dumbledore questioned.

"I don't know…I only saw him for a moment…he didn't even say hi to me!. Just went to the faucets and then… everything got loud and confusing. Things started to explode and dissolve. I thought I was going to die!, so I hid inside one of the toilets…when I came out, everything was like this." myrthel explained her version of the events.

"Headmaster!, dark magic has been used here….very dark magic," Snape stated. For once he did not try to blame Harry for this. 

Dumbledore walked towards the end of the bathroom and moved some of the rubble around until he discovered something. 

"There is an entrance here."

The two professors approached.

"A secret entrance! It seems to go straight down" McGonagall observed.

Snape waved his wand over the entrance. 

"This seems to be the source of the dark magic. Maybe there were some protections in place."

Dumbledore frowned.

"This castle has many secret entrances. Some of them are better protected than others, but I have never encountered one protected with dark magic. The founders knew better than that."

"I can think of one founder…and one chamber that could be better protected than all the others together," Snape said.

"You don't mean…" McGonagall seemed to have reached the same conclusion.

"There is only one way to find out…" Dumbledore glanced back at them.

"Wands out…be ready for anything."

The trio descended into the bowels of Hogwarts until they arrived at the pool of bones situated at the entrance of the chamber.

"What is this…skulls?!" McGonagall exclaimed with disgust and hurried out of there.

"Not human..." Snape pointed out..

But neither he nor Dumbledore looked to be pleased either.

"Headmaster, you need to see this." Snape Found something lying on one side of the bones.

"Snakeskin.." Dumbledore noticed.

"That's massive!, there are no snakes of that size," McGonagall said.

"If this is the place that I think it is…that is not just a snake." Dumbledore looked into the corridor.

"Stay behind me."

They walked through the destroyed passageway and saw what was left of the circular metallic door that was now embedded into the wall, as well as a pool of blood.

"This is all very recent..." Snape spoke.

They could still discern the intricate design with carvings of snakes on what was left of the metal door.

"This truly must be..." McGonagall muttered.

They ventured further and entered the main chamber.

The three of them gasped and stared in awe at the sight.

Even in its current dilapidated state. The Chamber of Secrets was a sigh to behold.

"This really is the legendary Chamber of Secrets," Dumbledore proclaimed in awe.

"Or what is left of it…it seems like a massive battle has been fought in here." Snape looked around at the cracka on the walls, the blood, and pieces of gore.

McGonagall screamed.

She was the first one to spot the body of one of the basilisk in the distance.

"Is that the Chamber's monster?"

"It looks dead…" Snape pointed out.

"Let's get closer to inspect it," Dumbledore suggested.

"What if is not dead?!" McGonagall exclaimed.

Dumbledore conjured a few big rocks and sent them towards its head.

The rocks collided and they then waited….no response.

Dumbledore moved his eyes to her.

"Fine…its dead…" McGonagall huffed.

"Be careful where you step… it seems like most of the floor has collapsed into that hole over there." he pointed at the massive hole in the middle. Not knowing that the giant basilisk was the one who created that. 

Snape got closer and examined the creature.

"Merlin!, this is a basilisk.!"

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