Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 119: A Tough Day

Chapter 119: A Tough Day


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 119: A Tough Day

Harry escorted the three girls to the infirmary and left them there.

Their clothes were dirty but did not have any serious injuries, just a few cuts and bruises from running through the forest.

They had not spoken a single word to him after the fight was over. 

He couldn't blame them for being shocked after seeing all they had seen today.

It would already be too much for an adult, but these girls are in their early teens.

Harry held the seven pieces of jewelry he had been previously wearing.

The metal remained intact, but the stones were compete gone. They crumbled into dust after finishing his spell.

'That shouldn't have happened… I'm sure I didn't make any serious mistakes during the creation of the magical alloy…'

The only conclusion he could reach was that there was some problem with the arkstones themselves.

He wasn't knowledgeable enough to note if the stones he received were of high quality or not.

But since they broke in such a way, he could only reach one conclusion. 

'And I also lost both my wands…what a day.'

He already expected them to break. No wood would be able to sustain that…but not even the cores had remained behind.

'I guess I went a bit overboard this time.' He concluded.

With his sister, Ginny, and Daphne behind him. He didn't want to take any risk of the beast surviving. So he went all out for a bit.

Now he was going to need a pair of completely new wands.

'Let's see how that conversation goes.' Harry stopped walking in front of the familiar statue of a gargoyle.

"Password." the statute requested.

"Move away and grant me access to the Headmaster's office," Harry told it in a monotone voice.

"That is incorr-" the statue stopped talking and froze.

A moment later, it spun around, revealing the stairs that lead to the office.

He did not know the password, but it was unnecessary.

The moment he placed his name on Hogwart's arkstone and tied his persona to the school guards, he gained the same level of authority as the Headmaster himself.

There was no door in the castle that would not open for him if he requested it.

Of course, he knew this would alert the Headmaster, but it was already too late to hide now.

The events of the day had not gone according to plan at all. He was expecting a quick fight against one basilisk. 

He did not expect those three girls to get involved.

He did not expect to find more than one beast.

And he definitely did not expect to have to deal with a snake bigger than his mansion.

The damage he had caused today was impossible to cover.

Dumbledore was bound to find out and will link him to it. Myrthel will tell them that it was me the one who went into the Chamber…and the Headmaster was clever enough to put the rest of the puzzle together.

He was already suspicious of him since last year when Professor Nayar disappeared. He will want answers this time. 

Also, he knew the old man well enough to guess that he would make sure to cover everything so no one else would find out.

'I'll leave the clean up to you, Albus.' 

Other than that, he had two good reasons to come into this office.

"Hey, you can't be here by yourself!" 

One of the paintings of a former Headmaster woke up in a bad mood.

Harry glanced at it.

"Phineas Black… I'm not in the mood to deal with you today."

"How preposterous!, a student addressing me li-"

"Sleep," Harry commanded. 

The figure inside the painting froze for a moment before closing its eyes and going to sleep.

Another benefit of having Headmaster's privileges.

"Here we are…." Harry approached the big bird perch placed near a set of stairs.

He opened a small box he had previously conjured and emptied its contents on a metal plate situated under the perch.

"I hope I got all the ashes…" 

He did the best he could to collect all of Fawke's ashes after the creature burned away in order to power the flames.

He recalled that this plate had some enhancements that would make it easier for the Phoenix to revive. And hopefully, that would be enough for him to recover.

"Get better, Fawkes…you did great today."

He then went to the headmaster's chair and got comfortable. 

"Uff….what a day…" He sighed.

His clothes were burned, he was physically and magically exhausted, lost his wands and the magical artifact that took so much effort to make.

This was definitely more than what he was used to dealing with in this school.

"And is not even Christmas yet…"

He closed his eyes for a few seconds and felt incredibly relaxed.

If it continued for too long, he felt like he was going to fall asleep.

But then he heard the noises of the stone column moving away and someone walking the steps to the office.

The steps continued to get closer and closer until they stopped a short distance away from him.

"Feeling comfortable?, Mister Potter?"

Harry opened his eyes and saw the figure of Albus Dumbledore, pointing his wand directly at him.

"We have much to talk about, I believe." the old man's expression did not show anger but was not the usual calm and kind grandfatherly demeanor that Harry had grown accustomed to over the years.

This was Dumbledore in 'serious business' mode.

Harry smiled.

"Good evening, Headmaster. yes, I believe we have a few things to talk about."

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