Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 123: Daphne’s Visit

Chapter 123: Daphne’s Visit


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 123: Daphne's Visit

"Mister Potter, you are free to go." Madam Pomfrey informed him.

"That's great news…do you happen to know where my robes are?" Harry asked. He currently wearing some white hospital robes.

"Yes, I'll bring them to you. Give me a minute." Madam Pomgrey turned around and left.

A moment later, he saw someone opening the infirmary door with a lot of care to not make much noise.

She then slowly sneaked around while moving her eyes around.

Harry smiled and kept the curtains of his bed close.

The girl moved on her tip toes with utmost care and Harry kept quiet.

Once she was very close and looking inside the curtains of the next bed, Harry decided to speak.

"You know…"

Daphne gave out a yelp of surprise.

"I'm currently the only patient, Daphne. There is no need to sneak like that." 

"Potter!" She turned around with a scowl on her face.

She quickly recovered and cleared her throat.

"Ah…is that so? I mean…I don't know what …I wasn't sneaking around." She stood back up and pretended that nothing had happened, regaining her noble demeanor.

She walked to his bed and glanced over at him with her usual calm expression.

"I heard that you had woken up… so I thought I would only be polite if I came to visit."

"Did you bring me anything?" 

"E-Excuse me?" Daphne seemed confused.

"It is customary for the visitor to bring a small token to the sick person in the hospital." Harry wasn't sure if that was true but he always enjoyed messing with this girl for some reason.

"Surely, an educated heir of a most noble house already knows this. That's why I asked what did you bring me."

" Of course, I knew that!, hold on…" She desperately looked for something inside her robes.

"Here you go!" She placed a small box in his hands.

"Oh, a chocolate frog!. My favorite." He grinned.

Daphne was about to say something when she heard Madam Pomfrey approach.

The healer glanced at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Mister Potter, here are your things. These robes are very damaged though. I trust that you brought a spare set, yes?"

"I did, thank you, Madam Pomfrey," Harry told her.

"Well then, you can go now. And make sure to eat properly during the next few days at least."

"Madam, do you mind if I talk with my friend here for a few minutes before leaving?" Harry requested.

"Mmm…very well, but don't take long. This is not a social gathering room." The healer gave him and Daphne a stern glance before she left.

"You wanted to ask me something before." Harry patted the bed next to him.

"You can sit if you want."

Daphne glimpsed at the bed for a good second or two

"No thank!... that's not….I just wanted to say…"

"Is okay Daphne, calm down." Harry placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Take control of your emotions with your occlumency….relax."

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Okay…im better now…"

"Good, then we can talk. How are you doing?" Harry asked.

"I should be the one asking that!," Daphne exclaimed.

"I'm…I don't know to be honest. I still have nightmares about that monster chasing us…"

"I see…"

Harry wondered if his sister and Ginny were also having nightmares. He did not consider it before but perhaps it would be better to erase their memories of that day. It was still recent enough to do it.

"I can remove those bad memories if you want."

"You mean to obviate me?...the Headmaster gave us the same offer. He said that we were too young to deal with those things…."

"Why did you reject him?" Harry asked.

"Because I would also forget about what you did! I don't want that!" Daphne raised her voice.

"Well, if you stick with me, you will eventually get used I suppose," Harry told her, not thinking too much about the meaning of her words.

"You mean you are used to fighting monsters like that one?!" Daphne stared at him with her intense blue eyes.

"More than you are, at least." Harry gave her a mysterious smile but did not add anything else. 

"Ugg….fine. Oh…by the way, the Headmaster told us to stay quiet about what happened." Daphne said.

"Yes, Lyra already informed me about that. She seemed upset about it….what about you?" 

"It seems unfair to you…but you don't seem the type who likes to show off his capabilities in public…" She stated.

"Should I be a bit more like Professor Lockhart then?. Maybe I should write a book about how I killed a few big snakes and be featured in the next Witch Weekly." Harry gave her a teasing smile.

Daphne made a disgusted face.

"Please no!"

He chuckled.

"If it makes you feel any better, I got a couple of decent rewards for my service to the school.

"Really?, you had the Headmaster pay you?...how did you not end up in Slytherin?" 

"It was my second choice." 

"Don't let anyone in my house hear you say that…" Daphne muttered.

"Now if you don't mind, I should get changed so I can leave this place." Said Harry while he started to remove his hospital robes.

Daphne hurried to turn around.

"W-what are you doing?!...I'll be outside."

Harry waited for a moment until she was close to the door and took his burned robes. 

He opened the secret pocket and checked its contents. The box containing the basilisk eyes and the remains of his artifacts were still there.


He didn't think Dumbledore would go as far as to check his robes while he was sleeping, but didn't hurt to check.

He finished dressing, took his book, and left the infirmary. 

Daphne was waiting right outside.

"I thought you may have left…what if someone sees us walking together?" Harry asked.

"I'll say that you were stalking me." Daphne gave him a fake grin before her expression went back to her usual one.

"You know…I was thinking about something."

Harry stopped next to her and waited.

"This whole thing about obliviating us…" Daphne glanced at him.

"What about it?, did you change your mind?"

"Harry, have you obviated me before? Because I have some holes in my memories from last year..." Daphne looked at him with suspicion.

"No." He walked away.

"W-Wait!." She ran after him.

"Harry, I'm serious, have you ever obliviated me? "

"No" He walked faster.

"Hold, look at me! Harry!" 

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