Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 128: The Duel

Chapter 128: The Duel


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 128: The Duel

"Potter!, wait right there!" the blonde boy was filled with righteous fury.

"Yes?" Harry responded calmly.

"Stay away from her!" He shouted.

"Who are you? Shouldn't you at least introduce yourself before demanding things from others?" Harry of course knew who this was, but they had never been introduced properly.

"You know me! I am Draco Malfoy!" The blonde looked very offended at not being recognized immediately.

"Right…we are in the same year….and what did you want again?" He asked with a tone of disinterest that seemed to elevate his anger.

"Stay away from my fiance!"

'How did I end up in the middle of some teenage drama?....' Harry wondered.

"Your fiance…I assume it was one of the three girls that just approached me, yes?." He was doing it on purpose now.

"Yes, Pansy Parkison!. Stay away from her if you know what's better for you. She is mine!" Draco screamed.

Harry felt the eyes of many students who had remained behind to watch the spectacle.

" Okay, calm down. From what I understand, your engagement to Parkinson was concluded, am I wrong?" Harry asked.

"So what?, Lord Parkinson made a mistake. She was already contracted to marry me. He cannot change that now. She is mine!" Draco shouted.

"The fact that you keep repeating that, says otherwise, but…I have no interest in interfering in…whatever this is. So leave me out of it." Harry requested politely.

"She gave you an expensive gift and invited you to her party, you expect me to believe that there is nothing there?!. You are obviously trying to woo her and climb the political ladder with a marriage between your houses!" Draco approached.

"That is very specific…it seems like you are projecting, Mister Malfoy."

"That's it!, I challenge you to duel!, for her.!" Draco pulled out his wand.

"Excuse me?...." Harry raised an eyebrow.

"I must have misheard you."

"A duel, Potter. You and I. When I win, you will swear to stay away from my Pansy. What do you say??!"

"No…." Harry said with an impasive gaze.

"You can't say no. What are you? a coward?." Draco was not expecting his denial.

"I have no interest in you or th-"

"He is no coward!" Ron came running to his side after getting tired of watching.

"Harry is going to kick your ass!, and I will be his second." the redhead boy said with conviction.

"Ron, stay out of-"

"Ron is right, well support you, Harry!" Seamus interrupted him.

"We'll help you prepare if you need…." Neville was trying to help.

"Hmph!, that's better. The duel will take place tomorrow after classes, in the dueling club. You better not run away from this, Potter, or I'll make sure everyone knows your family is filled with cowards!" Draco walked away with a satisfied smug.

"Sigh…why did you have to do that…." Harry wanted to strangle Ron at this moment.

"Is going to be okay, Harry. Malfoy is all talk." Ron said.

"Yeah, I bet he doesn't know more than three spells," Seamus added.

"But be careful in case he summons that snake…" Neville looked somewhat fearful after recalling that.


"Harry, is it true?" Hermione approached him before dinner.

"Are you going to duel Malfoy?".

"Are you really going to duel that prick so you can date Parkinson?" Lavender asked.

"Is that what you heard?" Harry asked.

"There are a lot of rumors circulating the halls right now. " Said Lavender.

"Yes, and most of them were started by you." Parvati gave an accusatory glance.

"I can't help it!, I'm a romantic. Two men fighting for a woman…is too much!" Lavender made a dramatic pose.

"Is not two men and they are not fighting for Parkinson!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Right?...." She looked at Harry.

Harry wanted to roll his eyes.

He felt the attention of the entire school on him during dinner.

And the next day, was more of the same. Everyone in class keeps stealing glances at him and whispering.

Draco was giving his typical smug smile.

For a moment, Harry felt that he was back in his original second year. Once more under the judgmental eyes of a castle filled with teenagers.

And he did not like it one bit.

'I'd rather fight that basilisk again…'

When classes were over, everyone was looking at him.

"You think he is going to fight Malfoy?"

"He may run away."

"I wouldn't want to fight Malfoy either!, he has a dangerous look!"

He heard the mutterings of his classmates as he made his way out.

Once outside, he found the 'not-so-golden' trio.

"Ready, Harry?" Seamus asked.

"Of course he is ready!, ready to punch that smug smile out of Malfoy's face!" Ron said with excitement.

"Is going to be okay, Harry." Neville tried to sound reassuring.

"Let's get this over with…." Harry said.

He wished for things to go back to normal as soon as possible.

The group entered the dueling club.

The massive classroom was filled to the brim. Not even the first class had this many students in there.

Harry noticed that this time, they had made a more elaborate circular platform in the middle of the class.

On top of it were Professor Lockhart and Professor Flitwick standing in the middle and Draco Malfoy waiting patiently on one side.

"There he is!, the awaited oponent has arrived!" Lockhart shouted while making a dramatic posse.

"We can begin this duel for love!"

"Let's go!" Ron said with enthusiasm while he followed Harry to the arena.

He climbed onto the platform and looked around.

Harry spotted his sister along with Ginny and Luna standing close to the platform.

Hermione, Lavender, and Parvati, we're also close by.

And on the other side, he saw three Slytherin girls looking with interest.

"Are you ready to start, Mister Potter?" Asked Professor Flintwick.

"Yes yes, let's get this….wait a minute, I don't have a wand." Harry just realized.

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