Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 131: Malfoy did what?

Chapter 131: Malfoy did what?

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.

Dialogue'Thoughts' -Author's notes-

Chapter 131: Malfoy did what?

"That was too much!" Hermione complained.

"That was just right!" Seamus argued with her.

The group was sitting on the inner garden benches, having a discussion after the duel had concluded.

"I still can't believe that Malfoy pissed himself like that…" Lavender commented with amusement. "Usually, I have to invent rumors like those."

"That was not funny, Lav…" Hermione looked upset at her friend.

"That was hilarious!" Ron, on the other hand, found the situation really amusing.

"I don't mind that, but cutting his finger was a bit…" Neville made a complicated expression.

"That was an honest accident," said Harry. "Had he been holding the wand correctly, his finger would have been fine."

"I'm sure Madam Pomfrey fixed that in a minute. Wouldn't worry too much about it," Parvati added.

"Still... that's probably why Professor Flitwick banned you from the club," Lyra looked at her brother.

"And gave you two months of detention," Ginny reminded him.

"I have never seen Professor Flitwick that angry," Hermione commented.

"Well, as long as he keeps his word and doesn't talk to me again, I'll consider it a small price to pay," said Harry.

"You don't have to start your detention tomorrow, right?" Seamus asked.

"No, the Professor told me I have to start after the break. Why?"

"Please tell me you didn't forget. There's a big Quidditch game tomorrow!" Ron exclaimed.

"You know... one you have to play," Seamus added.

"Right..." Harry muttered.

"He totally forgot…" Lyra said.

"I didn't." Said Harry.

He did forget about that. 

"I'll be there."

"Try not to end it too fast. Ginny and I are going to watch you," Lyra said with excitement.

"I'll do what I can," Harry said.

"That's what we're afraid of…" Ginny mustered.


"And that's the end of the game! Harry Potter captured the Snitch," Jordan announced. "Gryffindor wins against Ravenclaw, 150 to… 0… how long was it?" the announcer asked the girl next to him. "Ninety seconds?! Bloody hell, that was fast!"

"Jordan, language!" McGonagall scolded him before returning her eyes to the field. "…this may be a problem."

On the Gryffindor stands:

"So, was that a record?" Seamus asked.

"No, according to 'Quidditch through the Ages: Hogwarts Edition,' the fastest game ever played was six seconds, back in 1956. A player caught the Snitch as it was making its initial flight up," Hermione answered.

"Still… this was the fastest game I have ever seen!" Ron said with excitement.

"I feel a bit sorry for the other players… they didn't get to do anything," Neville commented.

"Yes, especially the ones on Ravenclaw. Look at the face of their Seeker!" Lavender pointed.

"That's Cho Chang… yes, she looks about ready to murder Harry," Parvati added.

"I'm glad Mom and Dad didn't come for this…" Lyra said. "I'll just send them a letter and tell them that Harry won."

"Doesn't Harry send them letters?" Ginny asked.

"Harry only sends letters to Holly now…" Lyra huffed.

Ginny raised an eyebrow. "Are you jealous?"


Harry opened the entrance to the foundations and went down the long set of stairs.

He then walked through the chamber until he reached his little workshop.

There was a lit cauldron with some silvery liquid inside.

He peered over and observed its contents.

"That seems about ready."

This was a small batch of magicite that he had started a while ago with the remaining scraps he had.

He opened a drawer and pulled out a handkerchief containing four small arkstones.

This was all he had left from his initial purchase.

It was not enough to replace his lost artifacts, but he had a different purpose for these.

"These will make for a nice present."

It was almost the start of the Christmas break, and he had to make something for his sisters.

Besides, there were not enough materials to replace his artifacts.

"And I want to find some better quality materials for my next ones. Since I have to make them again, may as well make a better version of them."

He held Lyra's wand firmly in his hand. He had to borrow it again since he is still waiting for his replacement.

According to Dumbledore, Fawkes was almost ready to produce a feather for him.

"Let's get to work!"

He gave the wand a flick, and the silvery liquid started to levitate out of the cauldron.

There was a very small amount of the alloy, but it was enough to produce two rings and one pendant.

Harry proceeded to embed the arkstones and engrave the runes.

This time, he used a different runic array. These ones were not meant to be used as a magic storage but to power a single spell engraved on the metal.

It was a simpler work compared to the previous one, and he only had to make three pieces, but he still put his full focus on the task.

Once he was done, he placed the jewelry pieces on the table and examined them with care, making sure he didn't make any mistakes.

Other than the two rings and the pendant, he was left with one spare arkstone.

He had another use for that one.

"Okay, this is not bad. I think they are going to like it," Harry smiled.

He placed the jewels in the individual boxes he had prepared and closed them.

His eyes moved to the other side of the table.

An old book was resting next to the corner of the table.

The words "Time and Space" were written on its cover.

This was the book he requested from Dumbledore.

He had been planning on reading it before but did not have the time yet.

"Maybe I should take a look now… this may have some answers I have been waiting for after all."

He opened the cover and started reading.

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