Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 147: Time Passes

Chapter 147: Time Passes


"Harry Potter" and all its characters belong to J.K Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.



- Author's notes -

Chapter 147: Time Passes

Once the boy was escorted out, the party returned to normal, and Harry sat down next to Daphne.

"That was very reckless, Potter, to confront a senior like that," Bulstrode said. "…I like it, you have balls." She then gave him a nod of approval.

Harry ignored her last comment. "Who was that guy?" He knew he was a Quidditch player but did not know much more.

"Peregrine Derrick, a sixth-year beater from the Quidditch team," Daphne told him.

"Is he always like that?"

Daphne sighed. "He can be bothersome, but he never irritated me this much before."

"That's because he is afraid of getting in trouble… I guess he took too many fire whiskeys today," Bulstrode said. 

"I heard that he always goes for the youngest girls, like first and second years. But he knows better than offending an important family like yours."

'I'm going to have to keep an eye on that one…' Harry thought. 'Lyra, Ginny, and Luna are still first years… if that guy dares to even look at them in a weird way… I may have to bury him in the Chamber of Secrets.'

"Harry, you are making a scary face again," Daphne whispered to him.

"Nonsense, I don't have a scary face," Harry retorted.

"You totally do! You were making one right now," Daphne said back while leaning closer to him without realizing it.

"Look, if anyone is going to be making scary faces, it should be the Ice Queen of Slytherin."

Her face gained a tinge of red. "No one actually calls me that."

"And they shouldn't, you are far too emotional for that title," Harry told her.

"That's your fault!" She started to raise her voice.

"You two are very close, huh? It seems like Pansy has competition." Bulstrode had been watching them interact with a face of amusement.

Daphne was about to complain when more people returned to the table, forcing her to remain quiet.

"I did not touch anything!" Nott huffed before sitting down.

"You put your hands on my butt as we danced, don't try to deny it!" an enraged Tracey pointed her finger at him.

"Maybe he just wanted to check if there was something there. After all, it's hard to tell with those loose robes," Zabini chuckled.

"Don't listen to him, it was an accident!" Nott exclaimed.

"Oh, Blaise, I saw your mother talking very passionately with Lord Williams. I think you are getting a new dad soon," Bulstrode said jokingly.

"What?! Not that old fool!" Blaise stood up and ran out.

Pansy came back to the table looking exhausted after spending the last two hours dancing.

The party came to a close without any other notable events.

The older boys kept throwing nasty glances at Harry, but none of them tried anything after Derrick was kicked out of the party.

Lord Parkinson came accompanied by his wife to say goodbye before he left. He sounded polite and respectful the entire time, and Harry could not detect an ounce of hostility toward him. Just goes to show how good he was at lying.


The family remained together for the rest of the holiday, receiving only a brief visit from Ginny.

Harry enjoyed every second he spent like this. And he was willing to face anything or anyone to keep them safe from harm.

Upon returning to school, Daphne contacted him to inform that her father had accepted his request but it would take time to find everything on his list and that it would be very expensive.

Harry told her that money was not an issue, after all, he had several millions of Galleons stored in a secret location. Courtesy of Lucius Malfoy, who was paranoid enough to keep most of his fortune at home.

He was not in a hurry either. Most of those materials, he won't need them before starting his third year. And only a few were required for the next summer

He has requested a large number of things for several different projects, like creating a golem for Holly, restoring his broken artifacts, or completing the materials needed for his planned rituals.


Time in Hogwarts passed quickly once he went back to his usual routines.

The older Slytherin boys did not make any trouble for him. It's not what he expected, but it seems they were being patient about this.

Later on, he found out that Lord Parkinson made a formal announcement informing the other Lords that his daughter's engagement would not be decided until next year, putting all proposals on hold.

Daphne kept him informed about other things too. Like how Malfoy had become completely isolated inside the Slytherin house.

No one would talk to him unless it was to offer some mockery.

His family's financial situation had gotten worse. There were rumors saying that Lady Malfoy had sold the ancestral home along with all their villas except for one, where they were living now.

Draco looked miserable now, but Harry could not feel bad for him. That boy always had a dark heart and enjoyed the suffering of those he considered to be beneath him.

For his part, Harry made good use of this peaceful time to train in the Room of Requirements and to work on translating the Time book he acquired from Dumbledore.

He continued to win every Quidditch game in the same manner as before, and the Gryffindor team was on its way to winning the Quidditch Cup.

His method of playing did not make him very popular among the majority of the spectators who came to enjoy a nice game of Quidditch only for it to end after a few seconds.

The other players were even more unhappy and had requested for the Professors to take action.

Harry had the feeling that next year, there were going to be a few new rules.

Then, in May… something happened that made Harry's blood boil and will start a great change in the Slytherin house.

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