Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 151: A Small Convergence

Chapter 151: A Small Convergence


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 151: A Small Convergence

There are a few recorded cases of people claiming to have temporarily slipped into a parallel timeline only to return moments later. But there was no hard evidence that these things did happen.

Some believe there are specific places where the walls between two realities become thinner, allowing people to accidentally pass through.

Harry held his wand and performed a series of detection spells he had learned from the book.

"Mmm…I see. It is as I thought after all." He confirmed at least one of his theories.

The intense magic of the Chamber had made the space extremely chaotic and unstable.

That would make it possible for the basilisks living here to appear in from different timelines.

"That explains why so many supposedly unique magical creatures ended up in the same place. Meaning that my theory about the 'Kodoku' ritual was not that far off.

Countless basilisks became trapped inside this Chamber and started to devour each other. The powerful ancient magic in this place must have acted as a Kodoku jar.

"An unintended ritual… that's how that massive monster came to be. This was not someone's plot but just some cosmic accident."

"But why here though? Why did hundreds or even thousands of those basilisks all end up being locked in this particular reality and not somewhere else?"

"Could it be because of me?" He didn't want to sound arrogant, but he had experienced a lot of bizarre things lately.

He saw an alternate version of himself back at Diagon Alley and an alternate Hermione on the train. Not to mention the fact that he was here in the first place was already very strange…

"What if I am the cause of all of these anomalies?"

The last chapter of the book was written by one of the inventors of the 'time dust' contained inside the Time Turners, and he was one of the first time travelers in recorded history.

During his later years of life, he wrote a very complex theory called "The Convergence Event". In it, the author reflected on the dangers of time travel itself and how one day, his invention was going to bring about the end of all existence.

"Maybe I should consult with someone else about this. Perhaps the Headmaster could offer some useful insight on the… what?!"

All of a sudden, his vision became blurry. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

When he opened them again, he was shocked to find the Chamber of Secrets completely changed. The damage was all gone, and all the snake statues were back in place, along with the water at the sides of the corridor. Even the statue of Salazar Slytherin at the end looked completely pristine.

"Ginny, please, wake up!"

Two figures came into view at the end of the stone path… a young boy was kneeling next to an unconscious girl.

"Oh, not this…" Harry became mesmerized by the familiar scene.

"Right… this also happened at the end of May, didn't it?"

He wasn't sure if this was the same day, but it looked like he was the one who had broken into a different timeline.

'If that is the case, then… he should be about to appear.' Harry glanced to the left of where his alternate version was.

"She won't wake." A handsome young man made his entrance, walking with confidence toward the two kids.

"Tom… Tom Riddle?" Little Harry asked. "What do you mean she won't wake?... she is not–"

"She is still alive." Tom interrupted him and got closer. "But only just…"

It seemed like no one had noticed the second Harry standing in the middle of the corridor.

"Are you a ghost?" Little Harry asked.

"I am a memory," Tom answered. "A memory preserved in a diary for fifty years."

Little Harry checked on Ginny again. "She is cold as ice… please don't be dead!"

While he was distracted, Tom took the opportunity to steal the boy's wand.

"You have to help me, Tom...there is a basilisk down here!" Little Harry said with urgency.

Tom had a satisfied grin, confident that his victory was assured. "It won't come...unless it's called."

Little Harry then noticed his wand had been stolen.

'Took him a while…' Harry rolled his eyes. 'Was I ever that naive?... maybe I was.'

"Give me my wand, Tom," Little Harry requested softly, still not realizing what was happening.

"You won't be needing it," Tom prevented Harry from grabbing his wand.

"Listen, Tom, we have to go! We have to save her!" Little Harry exclaimed.

"I can't do that, Harry… you see, as Ginny grows weaker, I grow stronger," Tom told him.

Little Harry was so confused

"Yes, Harry… it was Ginny Weasley who op–"

"Oh, shut up, Tom!" Harry's patience had reached its limits, and he decided to do something other than stand there and watch as his lookalike made a fool of himself.

"And you!" He pointed at Little Harry. "How long is it going to take for you to realize that he is the bad guy? Because it's getting bloody embarrassing…"

Both Tom and Little Harry turned to look at him.

"What is this?!" Tom's eyes went back and forth between the two Harrys.

"Who are you?!" Little Harry became startled.

"Someone who shouldn't be here… but here I am for some reason so let's make something useful at least."

Harry gave his wand a flick, and Ginny's body started to levitate. "Exaresco." He then used the drying charm to remove all the water from her clothes.

"Much better."

Little Harry stared at him in awe. "How did you do that? Why do you look like me?!"

"Well, you see… I am you," He then turned to Tom. 

"Hello Voldemort, or do you actually prefer to be called Tom now? Because that would be awkward…"

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