Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 154: The End of Second Year

Chapter 154: The End of Second Year


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-

Chapter 154: The End of Second Year

June 30

The entire school was gathered in the Great Hall for the last feast of the year.

Dumbledore walked to the podium to make his announcements and for a moment, he exchanged a glance with Harry.

They had recently had a conversation that left the old man very worried.

Harry decided that he had to share his findings with someone else since he didn't know enough about space and temporal anomalies to fix this by himself.

Dumbledore was able to understand the issue quite well since he was very familiar with the Time Book that he lent to him.

Unfortunately, he didn't know what to do either since this was not his field of expertise.

However, he did promise Harry to get into contact with someone who could know something.

Nicolas Flamel was still alive in this timeline and was the wisest man that Dumbledore knew, so he may have something useful to say.

At this point, Harry didn't have any better ideas, so he could only wait for an answer on that regard.

"One more year has come to an end…" Dumbledore started his speech. "This has been quite an interesting year. We had a bit of a shaky start, but we recovered from it."

The students chuckled, completely ignorant of how close they were to being crushed by a snake almost as big as their school.

Only a few knew about that.

Professors McGonagall and Snape were not smiling at all.

But the only ones who had the complete story were the Headmaster, Harry, and the three young girls who decided to follow him that afternoon.

After that, came the house cup announcement, and to no one's surprise, it was given to Slytherin.

Dumbledore could not give Harry any points for his service of protecting the school since no one was supposed to know about that or his involvement in it.

And to be fair, Harry himself could not care any less about who gets to display that cup in their common room for the next year.

Then it was time for the Quidditch cup, and this one, of course, went to Gryffindor.

They only lost one game in the entire year, the one that Harry missed, and then proceeded to win every game in less than sixty seconds.

Oliver Wood went to pick up the Champions Cup, and you could tell that he had mixed feelings about it since other than Harry, the team had barely done anything.

This had earned Harry a mixture of praise and resent during the year and made him question if he even wanted to play the next.


The second year had finally come to an end, and it was time to return home. Harry had to admit that despite his previous experiences, this one was particularly exhausting.

"Harry!" Holly jumped at him as soon as he came out of the train. She had grown big enough so he didn't have to kneel as much to hug her. His little sister would soon be seven years old.

Just four more years and she will be attending Hogwarts.

"I'm back, Holly," Harry greeted her.

"I'm here too, you know?!" Lyra huffed.

She was upset by the fact that Holly would always greet her brother first and then forget about her.

"Hi!" Holly waved at Lyra without letting Harry go.

"You little…" Lyra sighed before turning her attention to her brother. "Harry, help me with this thing! It's too heavy," Lyra exclaimed while dragging her suitcase.

"I'll help you with that," their mother waved her wand and applied a weightless charm to the case.

"Thanks, Mom! I missed you so much!" Lyra went to greet Lily.

"Lily!" Molly Weasley approached them while the rest of the family followed behind.

"Molly, it's been so long," Lily went to speak with her while their children did the same.

"Hey!" Ginny waved at Lyra.

Lyra greeted her, and she glanced at Holly. "Hello, Holly!" She got closer to the little girl who was still clutching onto Harry's robes.

"Hi," Holly waved with her free hand.

"Can I have a hug?" Ginny knelt next to her and opened her arms.

"No, I'm busy!" Holly hid behind Harry.

"Holly, don't be rude! Just let go of Harry already," Lyra scolded her. 

"No!" Holly stuck her tongue out.

"She is getting worse…" Lyra sighed.

"It's fine," Ginny brushed it off. "She really loves her big brother, huh?"

"Well, you were just the same with Bill…" Percy commented.

"I was not!" Ginny then seemed to recall something. 

"Right! Bill is coming home for three weeks this summer, you have to come visit, Lyra. He is going to teach me a cool spell he made."

"Sure!" Lyra grinned. "But remember that…" Lyra whispered something into her ear.

"I know!, I'll be there," Ginny chuckled. 

"Do you think I can bring Luna?"

"I'll have to ask him, but I'm sure it will be fine," Lyra answered.

Ron was getting impatient, so he decided to say something too. 

"Well, I also have plans for the summer." He huffed. 

"I'm going to spend a week with my friend Neville, you know… the Boy Who Lived." He made sure his sister heard him clearly.

Ginny turned around and looked at him directly. "Have fun, Ron."

"Heh?..." Ron was surprised by the lack of reaction. Normally, she would have pestered him with questions or demanded to come too.

"Ronny… it's not nice to brag like that," Fred said.

"Yes, it makes you sound like one of those pompous rich kids," added George.

"And it doesn't suit you at all…" Fred chuckled.

"I'm not bragging!" Ron complained.

"Yes, that was very uncouth, Ron. As the younger brother of a soon-to-be Head Boy, you should learn to be more humble, like me, for example," Percy bragged.

"Yes, you tell him… Mister soon-to-be Head Boy," Fred added.

"What's going on here? Can't you kids keep it down for five minutes?!" Molly shouted.

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