Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 157: Preparations

Chapter 157: Preparations


"Harry Potter" and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-

Chapter 157: Preparations 

"Do you require some sort of oath?" Sebastian inquired.

"Your vows of silence will suffice," Harry replied. He knew that the contract would prevent them from speaking. Asking for a magical oath at this point would be insulting. And having this man as an ally could prove very useful.

"You have my word, Mister Potter," Sebastian assured.

"You have my word, Harry," added his wife, Selene.

"I won't say anything!" Daphne exclaimed.

"Then we'd better get started," Harry said, glancing down at the floor of the room. It was made of small pieces of high-quality wood, forming a complex pattern. 

"Wood is no good... I need stone at least," he mumbled as he approached the closest wall under the watchful eyes of the family.

He tapped his wand against one of the many stones forming the walls of the room. The stone came loose from the wall and floated in the air.

Harry directed the stone to the center of the bedroom. "Engorgio."

The stone grew ten times in size.

Harry tapped the giant stone again and, without uttering a word, it started to change shape by itself.

"Is that a chantless transfiguration?" Sebastian asked, wide-eyed. This was not something he expected a young student to be able to perform.

There were two main ways to use transfiguration. One was to chant an already-known spell. This would help circulate the magic and mold the object into the desired shape and material while the caster focused on the wand movements and a clear mental image.

The second was 'chantless transfiguration.' The caster had no help here and must do everything by themselves at the same time. They had to mold the material with their magic like a master potter working a piece of clay to create something beautiful.

Harry's family had always been talented in this type of transfiguration for some reason, and Harry himself was one of the best among them.

Daphne glanced at her parents and noticed how impressed they were by this little demonstration. 

'If only they had seen what he did... how would they react?' she wondered, as she had never told her parents what happened that day with the basilisk.

Harry finished forming the stone into a big platform with a diameter of around two meters (6.5 feet) and rested it carefully on the floor. On top of the platform were engravings depicting a very detailed magical circle with a pentagram inside and several runes on the outside.

The three observers got a good look at the platform when Harry walked to one side.

"Those runes look a bit strange," Daphne commented as she saw them. She had reverently started learning about runes and planned to apply for the class in her third year.

The runes Harry had carved looked familiar but also different from the ones she had studied.

"These are the original Norse runes," her mother explained to her. Selene had studied runes after graduating from Hogwarts for several years. If she hadn't gotten married so young, she would have become a teacher of runes at some point. 

"Our current rune system used these ones as a basis for its creation."

"So, these runes are outdated then?" Daphne asked. She did not understand why Harry was using them instead of newer ones.

"They are old but not outdated," Harry told her. 

"These runes can convey the 'calling' in a much more concise way than modern runes can. It sends a clearer idea to them…"

"Calling?" Daphne asked.

"Of course. Just opening a door will not be enough… The Nether is immense, more than you can imagine… It could take years before a demon showed up, and it would likely be the wrong kind. We need a very specific demon."

"It dawned upon Sebastian the reality of the situation. 

"You are planning on letting a real demon into my house?!" he exclaimed.

"Yes… what did you think I was going to do?" asked Harry.

Sebastian did not know what to answer to that. He hadn't thought about what Harry was actually going to do, but he could not admit that.

"Is it safe? Isn't the demon going to attack us?" Selene asked with worry.

"You are not going to bring a dementor here, right?" Daphne looked concerned.

Harry raised an eyebrow. 

"Why would I bring a dementor? I'm trying to save your sister. As far as the demon attacking us… there is little chance of that happening. They usually honor their deals, unless something happens... in a way, they are more trustworthy than humans. And besides, the one I'm calling is one of the weak ones. I won't let it hurt anyone. Now, let me work in peace...I need to focus."

He turned around to look at Dobby. "Put the box on the floor and open it."

The elf did as told while Harry removed his robes, leaving himself wearing only a dark shirt and some black pants. Then, he removed those too, revealing a light-colored shirt that he normally wears to sleep.

"Why are you-" Daphne stopped her question when she saw Harry pull a big ceremonial knife from the metallic box.

"Dobby… remember what we talked about before?" Harry took out a round potion now. The liquid inside was extremely bright, almost as if it could be used as a source of light.

"Yes, Master…" Dobby took the shining potion in his hands.

Lastly, Harry took one last flask out of the box. This one was dark in color and had many white runes carved on its surface.

He then walked to the center of the room and stood in front of the stone platform he had just created. "We are ready to start now."

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