Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 164: Going on a trip

Chapter 164: Going on a trip


Harry Potter and all its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-

Chapter 164: Going on a trip

"It seems like you kids could use a break," Lily said as she entered the garden, carrying a tray of sweets.

Their house elf, Mipsy, followed behind her with some tea.

They placed the trays on the biggest stone table near the entrance.

"Thanks, Mom!" Lyra hurried over and sat down. "I'm so hungry!"

"That's good, but don't fill yourself with sweets…" Lily observed as the rest of them arrived and sat down.

"Oh, you made my favorite. Thank you, Mipsy." Said Harry.

"You are most welcome, Master," the elf replied.

"How is the practice going?" Lily asked.

"Is going great!, right Ginny?" Lyra exclaimed.

"Ginny? Are you okay?" Lily noticed the girl wasn't answering and grew worried.

"Huh?... I mean yes! It's great." Ginny glanced at Harry for a second before looking down again.

Lily raised an eyebrow. "Mmmm… is that so?"

"Wow! Ginny has a lot of Wrackspurts around her head now," Luna said while staring at the redheaded girl.

"Leave my Wrackspurts alone, Luna!" Ginny exclaimed.

"But they are distracting me!" Luna complained.

"What?..." Lily wasn't sure she wanted to know, but she asked anyway.

"It's one of Luna's creatures that only she can see," Lyra explained.

"Aha…" Lily didn't know what to say to that. She was not familiar with the Lovegood family. She only knew they lived close to the Weasleys and that Lord Lovegood was a bit eccentric.

She decided to avoid the topic and looked at Daphne.

The blonde girl was sipping her tea with the manners expected from a pure-blood princess, but Lily noticed she had not touched any of the sweets.

"Are you not hungry, Daphne? If there's anything specific you like, Mipsy can prepare it for you."

"It's not that, Lady Potter… I'm just… I'm on a bit of a diet." Daphne looked a bit embarrassed to admit it.

"Diet?... but you are already so thin." Lily noticed the girl stealing glances at her son. "I see…" She looked at Harry with suspicion.

Harry noticed this and returned the stare. "What?" he asked.

"Aren't you a popular one?" Lily teased.

Harry had been focusing on his dessert and had no idea what his mother was talking about. So he turned to his left and asked Luna.

"What did I miss?"

"A lot of Wrackspurts, I think," Luna answered while digging into her cake.

'Why did I ask her of all people?' he wondered.

"And what has Harry been teaching you?" Lily asked them.

"The disarming charm," Lyra answered.

"Expelliarmus? That's a very useful one." Lily looked at Harry. "Good choice, son."

"At least now we know one defensive spell," Lyra huffed.

"Yes… your first-year teacher was truly disappointing," Lily said.

"But worry not. I made sure to solve that problem already."

"You mean the day you went to talk with the Headmaster?" Lyra asked. "How did you solve it?"

"What did you tell him?" asked Harry.

"I just mentioned that I didn't like his way of choosing professors…"

Harry had the feeling that his mother did more than just 'mention it'.

"And?... what then?" Lyra pushed her mother to continue.

"I can't say more, but the problem is solved. You can trust your mother," Lily assured them.

"Why can't you say more?" Lyra asked.

"Are we getting a good professor next year?" Ginny asked.

"It's a surprise! That's all I will say." Lily ended the conversation there.

"Fine!" Lyra huffed.

"We should get back to our practice now. I think I am close to mastering the disarming charm."

"You still can't hit the target though," Luna reminded her.

"Neither can Ginny!" Lyra exclaimed.

"But Harry helped her with that, right?" Luna glanced at Ginny with her innocent eyes.

"Uh…" Ginny covered her face.

"You have to help me with my aim first." Daphne grabbed Harry's hand and started to drag him away.

"Your aim?" Harry asked her.

"You were doing quite well before. You just need to put less power on your spell."

"No, it was definitely off!" Daphne insisted.

Lyra was surprised to see her act in such a way.

"What's with Daphne today? She never behaves like that…"

Lily chuckled. "Oh… your brother is very popular."


"So, do you remember everything I said?" James asked his son.

"Of course, Dad. We'll only be there for a few days" Harry told him.

"Why are you giving him the instructions? I am the adult here," Lily huffed.

"Well… I suppose you are right," James said, not wanting to upset his wife. He handed her the portkey in the form of a large coin.

This was a special type of portkey, an international one that allowed them to go through Magical Britain barriers and enter a different country.

Harry had initially planned on making his trip to Spain by himself but then discovered that minors were not allowed to travel alone, except for very specific circumstances.

So in the end, it was decided that Lily would accompany him since James was currently busy, working on a case involving some missing persons that he couldn't talk about.

"I always wanted to visit another country!" Lily looked excited about the trip, even if they weren't exactly vacations.

"Your father never takes me anywhere!"

"Oi!" James complained.

"Haha!... I'm joking, James." Lily knew well that the reason for not going out too much was because of the danger of encountering some Death eaters.

Despite what the Ministry usually says in the newspapers, Britain has become a very dangerous place after Voldemort's first appearance, and even after going missing, there has been a lot of activity from Death Eaters and other dark wizards.

"Now… I want you to be very careful. I haven't heard about any Death Eater movements over there, but France had two raids last year," said James.

"We will not be going into France," said Harry.

"I know, but the Spanish magical community you are visiting is a very old one, which means… there is probably a lot of shady stuff going on there," James warned them.

"I want to see them try anything!" Lily huffed.

"Our son has taught me some very interesting spells recently."

James sighed. "I don't wanna know…"

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