Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 173: The Missing Family

Chapter 173: The Missing Family


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.



- Author notes-

Chapter 173: The Missing Family

The Potter family was having dinner one night when James had some news for them.

"I will be gone for the next week. I have an investigation to perform in France," James announced.

"You are going to Paris?!" Lyra became instantly interested in the conversation.

"Is this about that case of missing people you were working on?" Harry asked.

"Yes, it's still that same case," James replied.

"Those missing persons must be very important, then," Harry pointed out. The Ministry would never try this hard if the victims were from an average wizarding family.

"They are, yes," James confirmed.

"Who are they? Someone we know?" Lyra inquired.

Harry observed his mother's expression, and by the faces she was making...she knew.

"I cannot talk about an investigation in progress," James said.

"But you told Mom," Harry countered.

"I…I did not," James muttered.

"Oh, come on! You can trust us, we won't tell anyone!" Lyra exclaimed.

"You are terrible at keeping secrets! You always end up saying something," James reminded her.

"If an important pureblood family has disappeared, the Ministry won't be able to keep it a secret for too long anyway. People always talk," Harry remarked.

"He is right, James. When the boy fails to show up at school, they will know that something has happened," Lily added.

"The boy?" Lyra asked.

James sighed in defeat. "Fine…but better keep your mouths shut about this. If people find out, let it be by someone else…it's the Malfoys. They have been missing since the end of June."

"Draco is missing?" Harry was not expecting that.

James nodded. "And his mother too."

"Any suspects?" Harry inquired.

"We already questioned the most obvious ones….but we have nothing to link them with the disappearance."

'The usual ones….he is likely referring to Lord Parkinson, the current Dark Lord, and his closest associates. But if they are not involved in their disappearance…there is another individual that could be responsible for this. That would be Voldemort.' Harry thought about it for a moment.

By the look his father was giving him, he had reached the same conclusion.

"And what are you going to do in France?" Lyra wanted to know.

"The Malfoys have two properties in France. We may be able to find something if we search them."

"Be careful, you don't know what you could find," Harry warned him. If Voldemort was actually involved in this, things could become dangerous.

"I'm always careful, son," James grinned with confidence. "And I will have Mad-Eye Moody with me, as well as a few other competent Aurors. We will be fine."


Harry didn't leave the house much during the next week.

For the next practice, Daphne had brought with her the full list of materials he requested from her father.

There was still a month left before Holly's birthday, and he had a promise to keep. He had to craft a golem for her.

Harry taught Luna, Ginny, and Daphne how to use the silencing charm, while Daphne began to practice the 'Incarcerous' conjuration.

This was considered a very advanced spell, but Daphne showed an impressive amount of talent.

Once she masters her arsenal and learns to chain spells one after another…she will be a force to reckon with.

"Ginny, do you have a minute?" Harry approached the redhead.

"Yes? I mean, yes! Of course." Ginny did her best to hide her nervousness. She didn't have many chances to speak with him alone. "What is it?"

"There has been something I have been meaning to tell you for a while but haven't found the chance."

"R-really?" She stammered her words and looked down to hide her embarrassment.

"Yes… um… how do I say this? How do you feel abou-?"

"Yes!" She hurried to say.

"Ginny? I haven't asked you the question yet…" Harry looked confused.

"Ah! Sorry!"

"It's okay. So, what I wanted to ask you… how do you feel about becoming a seeker for the Quidditch team?"

"Ye-...wait… seeker?" Now it was Ginny's turn to be confused.

"I haven't told anyone yet. But I'm planning on quitting the team," Harry explained.

"What?! Why? You are the best seeker the team ever had," she asked.

"There is no way to say this without sounding arrogant…but playing at Hogwarts is… boring for me. There is no challenge. And I'm sure my teammates resent me for winning the games too quickly and not giving them the chance to play that much."

"Mmm… you did finish all the games very quickly, that's true…." Ginny assented. "But, you want me to take your place? I don't think that…"

"Yes, I have only seen you fly a couple of times, but I can already tell that you have a lot of talent," Harry said.

Ginny was taken aback by the sudden praise. "I-I… don't know…"

"I am aware that you and Lyra wanted to play as chasers. But there won't be an opening in that position for at least two more years. And playing as a seeker would allow you to improve your flying skills."

Ginny nodded. She could not argue with what he was saying, and she knew it was a great opportunity, but she didn't feel prepared to take on such a role right now.

"We still have a bit over a month before classes start. I could teach you a few things."

Ginny's interest peaked at hearing this. "You want to give some personal training?"

"Yes," Harry nodded.

"Just you and me?" Ginny asked.

"Well… of course."

"I'll do it!" Ginny shouted.

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