Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 177: The New Year

Chapter 177: The New Year


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 177: The New Year

The students rushed into the Great Hall with excitement and joy.

Harry walked to his usual seat next to Hermione. Lavender and Parvati were already in the middle of a discussion about the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"You think it's going to be another handsome man?" Lavender asked.

"Another? I thought you didn't like Lockhart," Parvati questioned her friend.

"Not as a teacher, but I won't deny he was good-looking, and our first-year one, Professor Nayar, was also nice," Lavender added.

"I suppose... but I do wonder what happened to Professor Nayar, though. We never heard any news about him after he left at the end of the year," Parvati said, turning to her other friend. "What do you think, Hermione?"

"I think that as long as we have a competent teacher, I will be happy," Hermione answered.

"What a mature answer," said Parvati. "But you did have a crush on Lockhart."

"Yes, our Mione is growing up. You think she is going to have a boyfriend this year?" Lavender teased her.

"Hmm... maybe. I bet she'll receive a few invitations to Hogsmeade at least," Parvati said with a grin on her face.

"Hey, don't talk like I'm not here, I hate that. And instead of worrying about me getting a boyfriend, why not find one for yourselves?" Hermione huffed.

"I'm sure I will find one soon enough," Parvati said, with a smug expression.

"Actually, I have already been asked," Lavender commented, taking the other girls by surprise.

"How? We just got here!" Hermione asked.

"Yes, and we were together on the train. I'm sure you didn't talk with any boys," Lavender added.

"It was this summer. I have been exchanging some letters with a fourth-year boy from Ravenclaw," Lavender confessed.

"How come we only found out about this now? You can never keep your mouth shut," Hermione was confused.

"That's right! You can never keep quiet about anything!" Parvati exclaimed.

"Well... I don't gossip about myself, hehe," Lavender chuckled.

"Ah, how lucky. You guys can go to Hogsmeade this year... Ginny and I still have to wait for another year." Lyra commented.

"Was there anyone in particular you wanted to go with?" Lavender asked.

"Don't answer that! She will tell everyone!" Hermione warned.

"Is not like that!" Lyra hurried to say. "I just mean I wanted to go with my friends. I mean, spending all year in the castle gets boring."

"Can't argue with that," Parvati nodded.

"What about you, Ginny?" Lavender gave her a knowing grin. "Anyone you wanted to go with?"

"Eh?..." The redhead became visibly embarrassed and stole a glance at Harry. "I... I don't know."

"Look, the sorting is about to begin," Harry pointed out, hoping to end this conversation.

"Where is Astoria? Ah, there she is!" Lyra waved toward the group of first-years.

"Astoria, good luck!"

"A friend of yours? That first year," Hermione asked.

"Yes, but she is going to be in the second year actually," Lyra said.

"How so? Is she some sort of genius?" Lavender asked.

"She is the same age as Ginny and me, but... she was too sick to attend school last year," Lyra explained.

"Oh, that's terrible. I'm sorry to hear it," said Hermione.

"But she is fine now, and she still received private tutoring at home, so the Headmaster agreed to let her start in the second year," Lyra added.

"That's great. Now let's hope she gets sorted into Gryffindor," Parvati said.

"That would be unlikely. Her sister is in Slytherin. I think most of her family is in that house, actually," Lyra recalled.

"Her sister?" Hermione asked.

"Astoria Greengrass!" Professor McGonagall called her name out loud.

"Wait... Greengrass?!" Lavender exclaimed.

"She is the sister of Daphne Greengrass? The Ice Queen?" Parvati asked.

The black-haired girl sat down, and the Professor placed the Sorting Hat on her head.

Just a few seconds later, it had reached its decision. "Ravenclaw!"

"Oh? She didn't go to Slytherin," Lyra was the first one to be surprised.

"Looks like Luna is going to have some company this year," Ginny knew that Luna did not get along with the other Ravenclaw girls her age, so she hoped that she would become friends with Astoria at least.

"Those two together... I wonder if they will get along. They are both strange in their own ways," Lyra commented.

At the Slytherin table, Daphne was watching with interest as her sister was sorted.

"Oh, that's too bad, she didn't get sorted here," Tracey said.

"My mother went to that house. I'm sure she will be fine there," Daphne said calmly, keeping her emotions in check.

When Ravenclaw was announced, she felt a mix of sadness and relief.

She would have liked to have her sister in her house, but on the other hand, it was probably best to stay clear from here.

It had become obvious to her almost immediately after sitting down that the mood in the Slytherin house felt very tense this year. Something was definitely different.

Daphne was yet to find out for sure, but it may have something to do with what Harry had told her at the end of the summer.

Her eyes moved to Pansy Parkinson for a moment. The girl had been unusually quiet since she entered the train. 'Something must have happened near the end of the summer,' she concluded. They both talked in July, and she appeared to be her usual self.

"Welcome, welcome to another year at Hogwarts," the Headmaster climbed onto the podium and announced loudly once the sorting was over. "Now I would like to say a few words before we are all too busy with our excellent feast."

The crowd of students waited patiently. After all, the food was not going to appear until he was done with what he wanted to say.

Harry glanced over the Professors' table and noticed three empty seats. 'What's that about?'

"First, I would like to announce that our Care of Magical Creatures teacher has decided to retire after many years of service... he wanted to keep his remaining limbs intact."

"Wait... what did he say?" Hermione asked.

"Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our beloved Groundskeeper, Rubeus Hagrid."

Everyone clapped as the half-giant approached the Professors' table and took his seat.

'I guess some things never change,' Harry thought. He was happy for his old friend and hoped that this would go better for him than the previous time since there was no Draco to mess with his class.

"Second, I am saddened to announce that this year, we will have no Divination class."

The murmurs in the hall started to get loud, and the Headmaster had to quiet them.

"Now now... nothing has happened to Professor Trelawney, you can all rest at ease. She is fine and in good health. We had some other issues that I cannot comment on at the moment, but in any case, this year, Hogwarts will have one less elective class."

"No Divination? Oh no, I was looking forward to that class," Hermione lamented.

'You would have hated it..' Harry thought.

"Lastly, I would like to introduce a new addition to our staff," Dumbledore smiled and gave a signal to someone who was waiting outside their view.

The person then walked in.

"What?!" Lyra stood up all of a sudden.

"I knew it…" Harry muttered.

"Lyra! That's..." Ginny exclaimed.

The redhead woman walked next to Dumbledore and waited.

"I'm pleased to welcome Professor Lily Potter, who kindly consented to fill the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher… good luck, Professor."

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