Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 179: What do you think about Fate

Chapter 179: What do you think about Fate


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-

Chapter 179: What do you think about Fate

"I am well aware this is a broom closet, Daphne."

The girl was about to say something when he spoke again.

"And I also know what these are typically used for…well, other than storing brooms that no one uses. But we are not under any obligation to snog, you know? We can just talk."

"I wasn't thinking about THAT!"

She totally was.

"It's still very inappropriate!"

"My apologies if the room I chose is not to your liking, Princess, but if we waste time going back to the room we were in before, we may run out of time to be outside."

"I know but…argg!, fine!" She grunted and crossed her arms but did not complain again.

"Let me start then," said Harry. "How much does Astoria know about what happened that day?"

Daphne's face changed to her usual serious one.

"She knows it was you who removed the curse but she is unaware of …the method you used."

"And she did not question how I knew a way to remove a curse no one else could?"

"Not at all," Daphne answered as if it was obvious.

"There is something I don't understand…" She started.

"And that is?"

"I thought her black hair was caused by the curse, like her muted emotions, but now that it has been removed…I thought it was going to change."

"No, that won't change. That's because a small part of the curse remains and will always remain with her...that part cannot be removed, as it is part of her very own being."

"What do you mean? Is she going to get sick again?" Daphne said, her voice filled with concern.

"I understand your worries but there is no need. What the demon did was basically eliminate the harmful part of the curse, leaving only behind the part that triggers her physical changes since that part could not be removed nor reversed. You can be at ease. Her life is not at risk, and her emotions will improve over time."

"But if part of the curse is still in her…what about… you know, the future?..."

"Her children?" Harry asked, and Daphne nodded.

"As I said, the remnants of the curse in her are not harmful. The only thing she can pass on to her descendants would be her black hair."

"That's such a relief…." Daphne sighed. A huge weight has been lifted from her shoulders. "Thank you, Harry… my family will never be able to repay you for everything you have done for us. But if there is anything that you need…"

"I'll let you know."

"Ah, there was something else I wanted to tell you. It's about the Slytherin house. The older students have been acting a bit strange since yesterday. And Pansy has been a lot quieter than usual…"

"Strange?....do you know what that is?" Harry asked.

"No, but I can try to find out," Daphne said.

"Be careful, remember…Parkinson -"

"I am aware, but I have known Pansy since I was five. I …I know what to do."

At the end of the summer, Harry had decided to inform the Greengrass Family about Parkinson's connection to the previous Dark Lord and his current acting as a fake one.

He was worried about Daphne being too close to some of the most dangerous wizard families, so he wanted to warn her at least.

"I know you can handle yourself. Just don't take any unnecessary risks. And let me know if you find anything important."

"I will," Daphne said with confidence.

"Well, if that is all, we better get out of here before some prefect finds us here…wouldn't that be embarrassing?"

Daphne made a panicked face. "Hurry, open the door!"


"Mister Potter."

As he was about to leave the area close to the dungeons, a painting of an old wizard riding a hippogriff called for him.

"It's not curfew yet…" Harry grumbled.

"Of course, you are not in trouble, Mister Potter. I merely wanted to relay a message from the Headmaster. He wishes to see you in his office."

"Right now?" Harry asked with a hint of incredulity.

"Yes, right now…the password is Mint Berries."

"Is this day never going to end?...." The first day of classes was usually tiresome, but it was getting excessive.

"Very well….let's get this over with."

Harry pulled his wand and Apparated away.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of the statue leading to the Headmaster's office.

"Password…" The stone bird asked.

"You have an ugly face," Harry answered.

"That's incorrect-" The voice stopped as the gargoyle moved around, revealing a set of stairs.

Harry chuckled.

It didn't matter what he told the construct. As long as his intention was to enter the office, this one was bound to make way for him. His level of authority was equal to the Headmaster's, and as far as Hogwarts was concerned, this was also his office.

"I do wonder if that thing has the capability to be offended." He muttered as he went up.

The office was very dimly lit as he entered, with just a few candles doing their best.

"Mister Potter…you came," Dumbledore called with a tired voice.

"You know you are making me break your own school rules by coming here at this hour, right?" Harry looked around the office for a bit before he sat down.

He noticed a large volume of opened books on a small table in the corner.

"You never cared about curfew anyway. The paintings may not be able to tell me where you are, but they can tell me where you are not…" Dumbledore said.

"Fair enough… you seem to have been busy. Working on something?"

Dumbledore glanced at him. "I have been looking for answers…tell me, Harry, what do you know about fate?"

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