Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 185: New Troubles

Chapter 185: New Troubles


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.



- Author notes-

Chapter 185: New Troubles

“Expelliarmus!” A flash of light shot out from Ginny's wand and impacted the target dummy's hand, making the stick it was holding fly away.

“Very good demonstration, Miss Weasley.”

Ginny felt embarrassed when she felt the eyes of the entire class on her and rushed back to her seat.

“Professor Potter.” A student raised his hand.

“Yes? Do you have a question?” Lily gestured for the student to speak.

“I thought the Disarming Charm was supposed to be taught in our fourth year. Why are we studying it now?”

Lily nodded. “That's true, but it is a very important spell to learn early, so I decided to teach it now. It is also a crucial part of your Defense O.W.L.S. Having two extra years to master it will do you good.”

“Yes, shut up, Tommy! We want to learn it.” A girl from Gryffindor shouted at him.

“It looks like bravery is not present in all Gryffindors.”

“I know, what kind of coward doesn't want to learn a new spell?” Some of the Slytherin students started to mock him.

“I… I just wanted to point that out…” The student was starting to regret bringing that up.

“Hey, Gin!” A blonde girl next to Ginny tapped her shoulder.

“When did you learn to do that?”

“Ah… well…” Ginny wasn't sure what to say. She now wished Professor Potter hadn't called her for a demonstration.

“My brother taught us during our last summer,” Lyra commented from Ginny's left side.

“Lyra!” Ginny gave her a 'shut up' gesture. They were not supposed to talk about that. Performing magic outside Hogwarts was against the rules, after all.

Lyra finally realized this and looked troubled now. “Did I say that?... No… what I meant is… we read it in a book. Yep… that's what happened.”

The blonde girl chuckled. She knew that Lyra was terrible at keeping secrets.

“It's okay, I won't tell anyone.” She leaned onto Ginny's table so she could whisper. “So… your brother Harry gave you some private lessons?... how lucky.”

“Of course! My brother is a genius.” Lyra bragged.

“He is also very cute… too bad we can't go to Hogsmeade until next year. I would drag him away with me otherwise.”

“Anna! You can't!” Ginny raised her voice a bit too much.

“Why do you care, Gin? I thought you were going after Longbottom.” The blonde girl gasped. “Don't tell me… you changed teams?”

“What?! That's… that's none of your business, Anna.” Ginny was getting annoyed.

The girl threw Ginny a suspicious glance before moving her eyes to Lyra.

“You know… speaking of your brother. I heard this morning that he quit the Quidditch team. Is that true?”

“You heard that already…” Lyra was surprised. That only happened the day before, and she only knew about it because she accompanied Ginny for her Seeker test.

“I don't think they want people to know until the next game at the end of the week.”

“That is going to be difficult. I heard it from Lavender.” Anna made a complicated expression.

“The entire school will know by the end of the day then…” Ginny commented.

“But why? He had to be the best Seeker we ever had.” Anna asked.

“He had his reasons.” Ginny hurried up to say before Lyra opened her mouth and said something she shouldn't.

“And do you know who the replacement is going to be?” She asked.

Lyra's eyes moved to Ginny, but before anyone could say anything else, something hit Ginny's desk, where the three girls were leaning over to talk.

A series of bright sparks shot out, making a lot of noise and startling the girls.

“Were you three listening to anything I was saying?” A very annoyed Lily Potter was staring at them.

“I'm sorry, Professor Potter.” Ginny and Anna said together.

“Sorry, Mom!” Lyra added.

Lily's frown deepened. “It is Professor Potter, or just Professor when we are in class. How many times do I have to remind you of that, Lyra?”

“Sorry… Professor.”

“That would be five points from Gryffindor for talking in class and not paying attention,” Lily said with a stern tone.

“But Mo- Professor!” Lyra wanted to complain. “This is not fa-” Ginny covered her friend's mouth before she could make things worse.

“Do I need to add a detention?” Lily asked.

The three girls shook their heads very quickly.

“Good… I am going to call you one by one, and you will try the Disarming Charm on the dummy.” Lily glanced at the girls.

“Since you were not listening to my explanation, I am going to assume you already know all about it. Let's start with you, Lyra. Come to the front and show the class how it's done.”

“Urgg…” Lyra groaned.


“We really made your mother mad today…” Ginny commented as she and Lyra walked through the halls once classes were over.

“I can barely recognize her when she is in ‘Professor Mode’... she is such a sweet mom at home.”

“Well, at least she is sweet at home. Consider yourself lucky. I don't want to imagine having my mother as a teacher.” Ginny got goosebumps at the mere thought.

They went through another set of stairs and finally arrived at the last floor of the castle.

“Puff… why did they have to put the Ravenclaw tower so high up…” Lyra felt exhausted already.

“Maybe next time we can just meet at the Hall.” Ginny added.

They had promised to meet with Astoria and Luna to hang out after classes.

“Mmm?...are those?...” Lyra squinted her eyes when she spotted a group of people ahead.

Two girls with Ravenclaw uniforms were cornered by two older boys with green robes.

Ginny gasped. “Those are Luna and Astoria!”

“They are in trouble! Hurry, Ginny!” Lyra took off running.

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