Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 187: His side

Chapter 187: His side


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling. I own nothing but the original characters I create.



- Author notes-

Chapter 187: His side

Harry left the castle's foundation and went through the giant painting into the hall.

He was done checking his project. The current batch of magicite was much bigger than the previous one because he was planning on making a few extra pieces of protective jewels for his family and closest friends, as well as some other project he had in mind.

"Can't wait to see the final product. Hopefully, this next one lasts me longer…"

His last jewel array didn't even last an entire year. After months of work...it was a shame.

Harry had only turned the first corner when two house-elves appeared in front of him.


“Mister Potter, students are in trouble, sir!”

He heard another noise behind him.

“Master Potter Harry sir!” Dobby butchered his name once again.

“My sister?” Harry asked the elf. There were only three girls this elf was guarding and his sister was the most likely to get in trouble.

“All of them, sir!” Dobby looked extremely nervous.

'All of them?...what could have possibly happened now?' He thought.

“Okay, take me there then.” He did not want to waste any precious time so he extended his hand and allowed the elf to bring him away.

As soon as he appeared, he could already hear a heated argument.

Harry assessed the situation and quickly grabbed Dobby before moving behind a column, away from their eyes.

“Master?” Dobby didn't understand what they were waiting for. He thought they had come here to rescue them.

“Don't intervene. I want to see how they handle this.” Harry ordered the elf.

With a quick glance, he recognized the two boys. They were part of the Slytherin team and were also present at the Parkinson's party.

‘Montage and… Derrick, I believe. That guy didn't learn his lesson, it seems.’

“Stay away from them!... I know how to fight. I’m warning you!” He heard Lyra shouting.

‘Oh, for Merlin's sake… you should have shot them ten times already. Why did you even stop to talk?’ Harry wanted to smack her head.

By the time Lyra used her stunner, Derrick was more than ready to counter her.

Lyra didn't react in time and lost the fight in just one spell.

‘Didn't even use the ring I gave her…’

He could not feel too disappointed though, as he was already expecting this result.

After Lyra went down, Ginny made her move.

‘Was she waiting for her turn to attack? It was two against one… what a wasted opportunity.’

And Ginny went down as easily as his sister.

'I can see that they are in dire need of some real training... Ill have to make some room in my schedule to teach them a few things.'

Luna was the most interesting one...she didn't even aim the disarming charm at the wand. She went directly for the arm and almost broke it.

‘If she likes ripping arms so much, perhaps I should teach her a more efficient method…’ Harry considered.

Luna lost, and Astoria didn't even put up a fight.

Harry wasn't sure if that girl had the chance to learn a single spell yet. She had only been able to use her magic very recently after all.

“Now… it's time to get some payback.” He heard Derrick threatening his sister.

“Master…” Dobby looked worried but couldn't disobey his order.

“Do nothing. And don't give me that look, Dobby. I’m not going to let that waste of oxygen touch my sister. Have some faith in me for Merlin's sake…” Harry told Dobby.

He was impressed by how Lyra stood defiant in the face of a stronger opponent until the end.

He decided that it was time to intervene before those boys used something harmful. First, he disabled Montage and then silenced Derrick, who was about to use an Unforgivable on Lyra.

‘That one is going to cost you extra.’ Harry frowned.

He was about to show himself and chase them away when he heard Percy yelling.

Derrick and Montage took off running in the direction he was in, so he took Dobby and apparated away before they saw him.

He reappeared back in the corridor he was in before being called by the elves.

“What a mess…”

He conjured a piece of parchment and some ink.

“Before you go back to your normal duties, I have something else for you to do,” he told Dobby.

“Master Harry is not going to punish those evildoers who attacked the Miss?” The elf asked in disbelief.

Harry moved the ink to write a short message on the parchment before he turned to look at Dobby.

“Punish them…?” His eyes had turned colder.

The elf felt the temperature in the hallway drop all of a sudden.

“You mean the boys who attacked my friends, insulted my mother, and tried to use a Cruciatus curse on my sister?”

Dobby took a step back and looked into Harry's eyes.

“M-Master?...” This was the first time Dobby had ever seen his Master this angry.

“Yes, Dobby. I am going to make them pay, and their families too. But first…”

He handed the piece of parchment to the elf.

“I want you to give this to Daphne once she is alone. Then, you can go back to your duties. Make sure those girls are okay.”

“Yes, Master!” Dobby took the parchment and disappeared to carry out his duty.

Harry opened his robe and took a small metallic stick from his inner pocket.

The stick then grew in size until it became a long metallic staff, around 120cm (47 inches), with three green gems on its head.

“Can't use my wand for this. So… tonight, I will be testing you… I think the Slytherin house is going to remember this night for a long time.”

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