Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 34: Factions

Chapter 34: Factions

Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.
I own nothing but the original characters I make.
Chapter 34: Factions

James and Harry went to his studio after dinner was over, leaving behind a very curious Holly.

His father took a seat on a comfortable-looking leather chair behind a large desk and indicated for Harry to sit down on the opposite side. His expression looked serious but Harry noticed a hint of amusement hidden in there.

"Do you know why I called you here?" James asked.

"There is only one reason that I can think of…"

"Oh, you do? and do to tell me, what is this reason?" A sneaky smile appeared on his father's face.

"You must have received a letter from Lord Greengrass about a potential alliance between our families." Answered Harry.

James grinned.
"Yes, he told me that you and his eldest daughter talked about this matter in Hogwarts…you don't waste time, do you, son?" 

Harry raised an eyebrow, not liking what his father was implying.
"I merely suggested for Lord Greengrass to contact you for a meeting if they wanted to discuss something like a formal alliance. After all, neither Daphne nor I have that kind of authority. Was it the wrong thing to do?" 

"No, it wasn't necessarily wrong. But I think that you should understand a bit more about the political factions of magical Britain. For the last centuries, there has been a strong division among the pureblood families." James said.

"Even before Grindelwald?." He never had the chance to learn much about the political environment of the country before everything went array so there were many things he didn't know.

"Yes, Dark Lords like Grindelwald or Voldemort just took advantage of a problem that already existed and used it for their own purposes. The two current factions are most commonly known as the 'Progressives', led by Albus Dumbledore, and the 'Traditionalists', led by Lucius Malfoy…at least officially."

Harry took note of that last part. The second faction was definitely led by Voldemort, but since he is still considered a criminal, Lucius is the official face of the group.

"These two factions have been bickering with each other about many different topics they disagree on, but the most common thing is laws that affect muggles and muggle-borns. One side wants to make our world more accessible while the other one wants to keep anyone who is not a pureblood wizard or witch, out of our culture."

"But there are some families who prefer not to choose a side and remain neutral." Harry added.

James nodded in approval.
"Very well, yes. Families like the Greengrass among others. They decided to avoid permanently joining any sides so they could pick and choose whatever was more convenient to them or what policy benefited them the most. As you can imagine, this kind of attitude did not make them very popular by either side. But if the family is powerful and influential enough, they can get away with it."

"Daphne told me her family is now suffering a lot of pressure from the more…traditional families." Said Harry.

"Yes, and it seems like Lord Greengrass has made his choice on who he wants to ally with." Admitted James.

'This must be the reason he finally let Lyra go to their house. He must have gotten some reassurance from Lord Greengrass.' Harry considered.

"So, do you know what is going to suggest in order to secure this alliance?" His father asked.

Harry nodded. Daphne had made it very clear.

"And what do you think about that?" James asked.

"I don't think Mom would be pleased if I got married before finishing my first year of school." Harry delivered with a deadpan expression.

James started to laugh.
"I bet she would not be amused at all, no. But this would only be an engagement, no one gets married this early in life. You can think of it as a long-term promise. The marriage itself would only take place after you are both adults. " 

"She told me that these types of deals are common among pureblood families." Said Harry.

"Among some of them, the Potters have not done something like a forced marriage contract since the times of my grandfather. My parents married because they fell in love during their Hogwarts years and I did the same with your mother. So even if Lord Greengrass suggests something like this, I would never agree to it and neither will your mother."

"Lord Greengrass would not be pleased. He may refuse an alliance with us and go join with another family." Harry considered.

"There are other ways to secure an alliance and I am sure the Lord is aware of that. Of course, a marriage gives the strongest bond between two families. I already have an idea of what to suggest to him, so don't worry. If you like this girl, you can court her in a few years." James gave Harry a playful wink.

Harry made a surprised expression.'Like her?' is that what he thought was going on?'.

Leaving aside the fact that she was just a child. Harry didn't have a chance yet to consider matters like love. He has only been in love one time during his previous life. After he lost his wife, Ginny…he never had time for things like that again. Always fighting…always trying to find ways to kill his enemies in more efficient ways or trying to just survive one more day.
He hasn't even taken the time to think about the moral dilemma that would be to date anyone in this alternate reality. Even if he ignores the age difference when it comes to mental maturity, this entire world still feels somewhat surreal to him, and being together with someone here would feel like he is replacing someone he knew for a copy of that person.
The mental image of an adult Ginny appeared at the front of his mind and Harry shook the thought away.

 It is easier to form genuine connections with people he never knew in his past, like his parents or sisters, since everything is new to him. But for those like Hermione, Ron, or Ginny…it will take more time until they stop feeling like copies of people they once knew.

James was looking at his son who seemed to be in deep introspection and he concluded that his son was nervous about the Greengrass girl.
"Son, don't you worry!" He gave Harry a thumbs up. "Potters always get the girl they want in the end."

Harry tilted his head to the side in confusion.

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