Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 43: Useful tools

Chapter 43: Useful tools


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 43: Useful tools

The next week was not a fun one for Harry. He was first scolded by Hermione for disappearing all of then sudden and then got a week of detention with Mister Filch.

If that was not enough, Daphne has been contacting him and demanding to take some action against the professor.

It took a lot of effort to convince her to wait. He had to get some solid evidence to warn the Aurors.

Showing their cards too soon would only serve to put Neville in more danger.

The poor boy was traumatized enough after what he went through with the acromantulas.

He was taken away by his grandmother the day after and he still has not come back to school.

But it wasn't all bad. At least on Friday, he had received some good news. The items he had requested from Borgin and Burkes are finally ready to be collected.


He was sitting comfortably on a sofa inside the room of requirements. In front of him, sprayed over a wooden table was a series of objects.

Ingots of different metals, shiny stones, rune carving tools of high quality along with some other crafting tools, and finally, two wand holsters and a wand.

"I spent most of my money but I think it was worth it. "

Especially when all of that money came from selling things he found inside this room.

He started by picking up the wand. He wasn't sure of the wood, it looked like oak. His only requirement for this wand was that it had to be impossible to trace and it needed to have a Phoenix feather core. It always had been his most compatible one.

He felt the wand bond to himself immediately. As long as the wand had no owner, he would have no issues bonding with it.

"It feels a bit weaker than my other wand…but."

He gave it a flick and conjured a blade in front of him. With a swift push, he sent it flying at a tremendous speed until it ended up stabbing one of many shelves of the room. The blade became embedded up to the hilt before disappearing.

Harry nodded, looking satisfied.

"This will be useful in case I have to fight using less…legal spells."

In his honest opinion, the Ministry was too strict with its long list of illegal magic. And if he was going to be fighting dark wizards, he was not willing to hold back.

He put on one of the holdsters on his left hand and stored the other one.

He activated a runic cluster on the holster that would prevent it from being seen and placed his spare wand inside.

It was better to keep them hidden. A wand holster was not something a student would normally carry. He would only put on the other one when going outside.

"Now… let's see." 

He picked up one of the precious stones. It was completely clear, like a piece of glass, and had some marine on the surface.

This was one of the many arkstones he bought.

These stones had a single purpose. They were able to store large amounts of magic to be used at a later moment.

Their primary application was to power up wards.

Normally, wards will consume just a little bit of magic to operate so they can function with just the ambient magic in the air. But if the property becomes under attack, that's when the heavy defenses are activated, and the consumption of magic with increase drastically.

Without one of these stones to keep powering the wards, these would collapse in a matter of seconds after the attack started, making them pointless.

They had been used in every ward since the creation of the magical Ministry, five centuries back.

The one under Hogwarts was well over a millennia-old and is at least one hundred times larger than any other one on record, making its existence very much a mystery for Harry.

But not many people knew about that one, it was a piece of knowledge that one Headmaster left for the next.

"If more people knew, they would be going crazy to get it…" Harry said.

The ones on the table were much smaller than the minimum required for ward use, even for a small house, so people didn't have much use for them.

They could be used to power a magical artifact on rare occasions, but Harry had another use for them. 

Something that wizards of this era had not come up with yet. 

"People can get a lot more creative when their race is being massacred into extinction I suppose…" there was a lot of bitterness in his voice. 

He examined the little stone. It was around the size of his fingernail. But even a stone this small was able to hold more magic inside than your average adult wizard.

The idea is to embed these small arkstones onto jewelry pieces that you can carry around with you. When you feel you are getting close to being magically exhausted or when you are about to unleash some 'grand' magic, then, you activate the stone and transfer the magic to yourself, like having an extra battery.

The runic work for these artifacts was also very simple. 

Harry had the idea after a particular exhausting battle and then all it took was to spend a few hours with Hermione to come up with the necessary runic cluster to activate the transference.

The only setback was going to be the metal alloy necessary for the jewelry.

Goblin steel was the best magically conductive metal that people knew at this point in time. But Harry knew how to make one even better.

He already had all the necessary ingredients but the process took a long time. 

Harry glanced over the pile of ingots he acquired.

"To process all of that, it will take at least three months…but" 

 The time wasn't the only problem but he also had to think of the location where to set up his workshop.

The room of requirements is only safe for as long as he is inside. But once he leaves, anyone could stumble upon it by accident so is not the most reliable to leave something that you don't want anyone to find for several months.

"Mmm…I may have a better place in mind." 

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