Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 54: Intruder

Chapter 54: Intruder


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 54: Intruder

Another month passed in peace, and the end of his first year at Hogwarts was coming to an end.

The scrutiny that Dumbledore had placed him under, was seemingly done. He had not noticed any more paintings spying on him and ghosts were not following him anymore.

Whatever suspicion the Headmaster had about Harry's actions was satisfied, or maybe the old man realized he was not going to find what he was looking for.

Harry had spent the entire month without his usual trips to the Room of Requirement.

The only thing he was able to train was his occlumency shield, while also helping Hermione, Tracey, and Daphne with theirs.

He had considered going straight to the Headmaster's office and telling him everything. About himself, his timeline, everything he knew about Voldemort and how that maniac had ruined the entire world.

Things would be so much easier if he could count with the support of his old mentor and he did not need to hide his actions from him.

But he had many worries and doubts that kept stopping him every time the idea popped into his mind.

To begin with, he didn't know if, deep down, this was the same man he knew. Different events could lead to people with different personalities or beliefs.

And even if he was the same person he was familiar with…how would his Dumbledore react to the information he had? There was no way to know for sure.

One thing he was certain of, Dumbledore would never agree with his methods and the things he has planned on doing.

Harry had long moved away from being his innocent pupil who only resorted to stunners and disarming charms.

Those methods had proven ineffective against the Voldemort and Death eaters he met in the past.

The Headmaster wanted to make his enemies see the error in their ways and give them a chance to change their minds and be better people.

It was a nice thought, but it could only be applied to sane people.

Trying to teach reason and morals to a group of immoral madmen should be considered madness in itself.

It might be a bit early to cast judgment upon all Death Eaters of this world.

But he could judge at least one of them. Lucius Malfoy had already gone too far.

Hiring an assassin to kill an innocent child was beyond vile, and Harry was not willing to let that one slide.

During this month, he had not heard a single thing about the progress of the investigation involving Professor Nayar.

But one thing was assured, Lucius Malfoy has not and will not suffer any consequences for his actions if is left to the law.

'I'm sure father would also disagree with this too…but there is no other way.'


Harry continued to sneak around the dungeon corridors until he reached the entrance to the Slytherin dorms.

The three boys he had been following since they left the Great Hall were about to open the entrance.

"Always pure" As soon as the words left Draco's lips, the two snake statues moved aside, revealing an entrance.

The trio of boys went inside without noticing the invisible intruder following right behind them.

Harry observed his surroundings from under his invisibility cloak.

The Slytherin common room was a lot darker and gloomier than the Gryffindor tower. The lack of light could be explained by being below ground and lacking windows that could let moonlight inside. But with the great variety of magical lighting sources, this was unquestionably a design choice.

He could spot a few groups inside the room. A young couple were getting busy in one of the corner sofas. Someone was reading a book in front of a fireplace. 

And a group of three older boys were occupying the couches at the center.

Draco entered the room and stared at the couple in the corner, a bit taken aback by their lack of shame.

"Oh?, is Mister Malfoy already interested in snogging?"

The one who spoke and the other two boys started to laugh.

"Shut up, Flint!" Draco spat with anger.

Despite the age difference, Draco did not have to show any special respect to his seniors in the house. After all, his father was one of the most politically powerful people in the country and he was his only heir. Even the oldest students treat Draco with care.

Marcus Flint, the fifth-year Quidditch Captain was a tall but skinny boy. He smiled at Draco.

"Don't be like that, Draco. I was just joking a bit."

"Yeah!, we know you have a fiance. If you want to try, all you have to do is ask her." One of the other seniors said.

"Just make sure you don't leave her alone with Derrick, that guy likes them very young." Flint gave Draco an honest warning.

Draco frowned at the reminder of his engagement. This was something his father decided without his input, not that he had any reason to complain about the agreement, at least not a valid one.

"I don't care for her!, she is just an annoying girl."

"Heh…give it a couple of years and Parkinson will look less annoying, I can guarantee you that." The last boy, a fourth year called Adrian Pucey spoke.

Draco got fed up with the topic of the conversation so the left the common room at a brisk pace with Crabble and Goyle following right behind.

The trio passed through a few corridors before stopping at a series of doors. 

Unlike the rest of the houses, Slytherin students had the privilege of individual bedrooms, so after speaking a brief goodnight to his two goons, he opened the door of his bedroom and went inside.

He, of course, failed to notice that tonight…he had an unwanted guest with him.

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