Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 58: Seven Arkstones Array

Chapter 58: Seven Arkstones Array


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 58: Seven Arkstones Array

"It's perfect!" Harry smiled at the formless metallic and multicolor substance floating in front of him.

He had been a bit worried about losing his batch of magicite alloy since he hadn't been able to check on it for an entire month, but after a thorough inspection, he concluded that everything was in a perfect state.

"This may be the best one I have ever created. The ambient conditions of this chamber seem to be ideal."

He clutched his wand and started to transfigure and reshape the metal. There was no time to waste, once it was out of the cauldron, the magicite alloy would start to cool down and solidify very rapidly, and once it was done cooling, the metal would become nearly indestructible by any means.

Harry got to work, he started by dividing the mass of molten metal into seven parts. Four were transformed into rings, two into earrings and the last one took the shape of a pendant.

"Now, on to the next step."

The seven small arkstones he had prepared in advance, flew off the table and embedded themselves into the jewelry pieces he had just created while the metal was still soft.

The previously multicolor metal was now turning into a dark shade of blue.

"I need to hurry!."

There was little time left and he still had to complete the most important step. Engraving the seven runic arrays onto the metal before it completely cools down.

Without the runes, these would be nothing more than some pretty pieces of jewelry. And very expensive ones at that.

He picked up the runic engraving tools he had previously set on the nearby table and started to carve the runes on the surface of the metal.

He had practiced writing this particular set of runes, hundreds of times during this year in preparation for his moment. So now he was able to perform the task with swiftness and precision.

Less than two minutes later, he had completed the runic engraving in all seven pieces.

As the metal finished its cooling process, its color changed to a beautiful silver with a light blue tint on its surface. 

Harry placed the seven pieces on the table and carefully examined them one by one, looking for any flaws or mistakes in his work. After all, a single poorly engraved rune could cause a catastrophic failure when trying to use the artifact.

Harry smiled in satisfaction after finding no flaws in his work.

He then began to place them on. Two rings on each hand, one on the pinky finger and one on the thumb, to keep them as separate as possible and avoid contact between two charged arkstones. 

For the pendant, he had prepared a resistant piece of magical string that he used to tie it out around his neck. The last two pieces were earrings so he was forced to pierce his ears to secure them in place. He chose to put them at the top part so it was easier to conceal with his messy hair.

The placement for each piece of jewelry was not carelessly chosen by him. Years later after its initial invention, the magic storing jewels received several upgrades.

Over a decade after the start of the last war, a talented squib boy came up with the idea of combining a set of jewels to create a runic array where each piece will complement and enhance each other.

The number seven is a magically important one, and certain numbers have power in them when it comes to magic at least. And thus…the 'Seven arkstones array' artifact came to be.

"Let's give it a test run…"

Despite its small size, each of the arkstones is able to hold the equivalent amount of magic of an adult wizard.

By activating one after the next, he could perform seven times the amount of magic that a normal adult wizard would be capable of.

However, the true potential of the artifact could only be seen when all seven were activated at the same time.

These stones had been absorbing the ambient magic of the chamber for an entire month and were filled to the brim.

Following Harry's will, all seven became active and started to shine with a strong blue light.

"Let me see how unbreakable these columns actually are!"


"Professor McGonagall told me that Professor Dumbledore will not be able to teach defense today," Hermione remarked during breakfast.

"So, we have free time today?" Lavender perked up after hearing the news.

"Sems rare for the Headmaster to leave without much of warning like this. Something serious must have happened." Said Parvati.

"That's what you always say. And is never something serious!" Huffed Lavander.

"Excuse me?, when did I do that?" Parvati looked offended.

"Well, what about last month when Fay's cat went missing and you came up with the idea that the poor kitten was eaten by an acromantula that remained hidden in the castle," Lavender explained.

"That could have been true!" Parvati exclaimed.

"I told you already!, there is no way the Professors would have missed something like that!" Hermione hated when people talked bad about her professors or suggested they were incompetent at their jobs.

The bushy-haired girl turned her head to look at Harry who was currently reading a newspaper at the table.

"Say Harry, do you know if something important happened?"


He handed her the paper.

"Read the front page."

The girl did just that.

"Lord Lucius Malfoy, murdered!...wait, Malfoy?"

"What?!" Shouted Parvati. "Let me see that!"

"Malfoy…like Draco Malfoy from Slytherin?" Hermione had only seen him a few times when he came to pick up fights with Neville.

"That's his father…I just noticed that he is missing from the Slytherin table." Lavender said.

"This is a huge deal!. According to my father, Lord Malfoy was one of the most influential wizards in the country." Parvati said while looking at the paper cover.

Harry went on to finish his breakfast, not really caring much for their conversation.

'One down…' He told to himself.

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