Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 67: Meet the Weasleys

Chapter 67: Meet the Weasleys


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 67: Meet the Weasleys

A big woman with short red hair came out of the fireplace.

"When is James going to change that name?. Marauder's nest makes it sound like I'm visiting his bachelor dwelling…"

Harry was filled with nostalgia when he saw the woman he once considered a mother figure. She was just like he remembered her.

Lily chuckled at Molly's comment.

"I have already told him that way too many times. He refuses to change it because Remus finds it amusing."

Another burst of flames and a very young girl with long vibrant red hair appeared into the room.

Molly went to give Lily a hug.

"Is good to see you again, Lily."

"Hey!, what about me?!" Holly, who was still in her mother's arms, complained for being ignored.

"Of course you too! Holly. And you know what?...there is a delicious chocolate cake waiting for you if you come to visit me this summer."

"Yes!, we are going," Holly told her mother in the most commanding voice she could muster.

"Oh, Molly. You don't have to bake cakes every time we visit you." Lily knew that the Weasleys didn't have a house elf and most of the chores fell on Molly's shoulders.

"Please...is not bother at all. I have already baked five of them since my boys came back from school. And it's only been two weeks!"

"Hello Miss Weasley, hello Ginny!" Lyra went to greet them.

Molly gave her an affectionate hug.

"Hello dear."

"Hi Lyra!" Ginny grinned happily at seeing her friend again.

Molly released his sister and looked at Astoria, who had yet to make a noise since her mother left.

"You must be Astoria." Molly had only met the eldest daughter so far because Astoria rarely leaves the house.

The raven-haired girl nodded.

"Well, I am Molly Weasley. Nice to meet you, Astoria."

Harry noticed something unusual. Molly never tried to hug Astoria. Anyone who knew the Weasley matriarch could tell how strange that was.

He could only conclude that, whatever was wrong with Astoria, Molly knew about it and was being respectful.

"You have yet to properly meet my son, Harry." Lily pointed at him.

"Ah yes, Harry. I have been waiting to meet you. You never came to visit with your mother and sister." Molly smiled at him.

He noticed Ginny looking at him for a moment before moving her face away.

Harry wanted to sigh in defeat. The person he wanted to meet again the most, was very unlikely to talk to him now.

His sister told him what happened back then. It was almost two years ago. Lyra and Ginny had only been friends for a few months when she was invited to the Potter Manor.

Lily had recently bought the newest 'Boy Who Lived' books to read to Holly, who was three years old at the time. 

So when Lyra discovered that Ginny was a huge fan of those books, she urged the girl to visit the library and read the newest ones. Ginny became very enthusiastic at hearing this and agreed.

They went inside and failed to notice the boy reading quietly in one of the sofas.

Lyra started to show her all the books they had and Ginny was delighted looking at everything. She started to speak about 'The Boy Who Lived' books she had read at home and then asked Lyra if she thought that Neville Longbottom would be that incredible in real life.

According to Lora's recount of the events, it was at this moment that she heard someone approach. When she turned around and saw it was her brother, she became immediately worried. Harry looked even more angry than usual at this point.

He immediately started to look at Ginny, who didn't understand what was going on, as she hadn't even been introduced to him yet and had only briefly heard that she had a brother.

Harry went on a rant about how stupid Ginny was to believe everything she read in those books.

When Lyra stood up to him and was about to yell at him to leave them alone, Harry pushed her very hard and she fell backward.

As Lyra fell, she ended up pushing Ginny, who was trying to stand up. Ginny tripped and hit her head against the corner of one of the shelves and got a cut on the side of her face, right next to her right eye.

Harry went away while screaming something at them and Lyra hurried to call their mother, who took them both to Saints Mungo in a hustle.

In the end, neither of them told anyone what truly happened. They only told Lily that Ginny fell down while running through the library. But Lyra was relatively sure that at least their mother knew the truth.

Harry was also convinced that Ginny never told her family what happened at all. Had the Weasley twins known that he had hurt their beloved sister…he would have been mercilessly pranked for the entire year at the very least. And Ron would never talk to him. Even if he pretends that he doesn't care about Ginny. Harry knew very well how protective he could get.

He doesn't understand why neither of them told the truth. Maybe there was a small party of Lyra that wanted to protect her brother from trouble, no matter how much he deserved it.

But for Ginny, he had no idea. Maybe she didn't want to risk her friendship with Lyra.

Getting his thoughts back in order, Harry looked at Molly and Ginny.

"Greetings, Miss Weasley, and Ginny. Nice to meet you." 

"How polite!. He looks just like his father." Commented Molly.

"Yes, but he has my eyes." Added Lily.

"My son Ron told me you also got sorted into Gryffindor. Did you enjoy your first year?" Molly asked.

'Well. I fought some acromantulas and killed two men, one of them being my teacher…so it was a very average Hogwarts year for me, I suppose.'

"It was alright." Harry offered.

Molly chuckled.

"The first year can be stressful. It will get more fun from here on."

'Let's hope not too fun...'

"Yes, I'm sure it will." He wouldn't mind a quiet year for once though.

"Ginny, go ahead and say hello to Harry at least." Urged Molly.

"H-Hi…" She said very awkwardly before looking away.

"Don't mind her, she can be very shy with boys." Molly apologizes to him before addressing his mother again.

"I'm very sorry Lily, but I can't stay for long. If I leave those beasts that I have for sons alone at home for too long…who knows what will happen when I come back." Molly said with a hint of dread.

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