Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 83: The new professor

Chapter 83: The new professor


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-

Chapter 83: The new professor

"Looks like there is some sort of event going on today," Lily commented when they arrived at Flourish and Blotts. A long line of women reached the entrance door.

"Of course!. Today's is the day Gilderoy Lockhart is coming here to sign his books!" Molly looked very excited.

Lily made a realization face.

"Is this why you insisted on coming today?"

"Well ehmm…yes. I'm a huge fan, you see. I'm sure you'll like him you. Wait until you see him." Molly admitted.

"I never heard of him, is he a famous writer?" Lily's novels were mostly from muggle authors so she wasn't too familiar with famous wizard writers. 

"Oh, he is magnificent!. And from a rumor I heard, he going to be teaching at Hogwarts this year." Molly said.

"Really?. A famous wizard is going to be a teacher." She turned to look at her son.

"Isn't that great, Harry?"

He had to make full use of his occlumency to avoid making a strange face.

'Does this universe have to punish me by having this man as a teacher again?' he wondered if that could be the case.

As they were about to enter, Ron who was going ahead, almost stumbled with someone else.

"Ohh, sorry." He quickly said before realizing who he was apologizing to.

"Ugg…more redheads." Draco Malfoy made a face of disgust before looking at the rest of the family.

"Of course, it had to be the Weasleys. Came here to buy your second-hand books?" He sneered.

"Draco, be polite." A blonde woman wearing an elegant black dress walked from behind him and started at the Weaslwys.

"Sorry about this…he is a bit stressed."

"Don't talk to me like that! And don't apologize to those blood traitors!" Draco yelled.

"Get lost, Draco. No one cares about you." Ron shouted.

"Come on, there is no need to argue here." Lily tried to calm things down between the children.

Draco looked at her with a deep frown.

"Who's this, another Weasley?, no…" 

He then saw Harry next to her.

"You are Potter Mud-" 

His mother hurried to cover his mouth.

"That's enough, we are leaving!. " Narcissa Malfoy grabbed him by the arm and dragged him away while Draco struggled and yelled at her.

Harry looked at Draco back as he was getting away. His spare wand appeared in his left hand and was about to use it to teach the little brat a little lesson when someone pushed him from behind.

"Ahh!, I'm so sorry!" he heard a very familiar voice say.

Harry turned around and found himself face to face with a young boy with messy black hair, glasses, green eyes, and a scar on his forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt.

"What?!...who?..." Harry was at a loss for words. As much as the boy who looked like a freshly made clone of his past self.

Before either of them could start asking questions, the other boy was grabbed by one of his companions and hurried along.

"Wait!" Harry shouted and tried to follow them. He had to shove some bystanders out of the way, but before he took more than five steps, the other boy seemed to have vanished into thin air among the crowd.

He hurried to arrive at the place where they disappeared and looked around. The street was filled with people, it was going to be impossible to find anyone if he was even there to begin with. 

'Did I imagine that?...but it felt so real. That was definitely me.'

He had no clue what this meant. How could there be another version of himself here? It made no sense.

"Harry!" He felt someone tugging at his robes…it was his mother.

"What happened? why did you run out like that?" She asked.

"I…I thought I saw someone I knew. " He told her.

"Who? Someone from school?" His mother asked. She never heard him talking about any school friends.

"I was wrong…never mind." He didn't want her to think he was crazy. Even in the magical world, having visions of past selves cannot be a good sign.

"Well, let's go then. Everyone is waiting for us." his mother took hold of his hand and hurried him along.

When they entered the bookshop, they realized just how filled it was with people wanting to see this famous wizard.

They had prepared a podium surrounded by books and one table in the middle.

The Weasleys are easy to spot among the audience.

"He hasn't arrived yet, we got lucky!" Molly seemed to be in a jolly mod.

"Why don't we go find your books in the meantime?" Arthur told his children, knowing that his wife was not going to move from there.

"Let's go get your books too. I also have Lyras's list here" suggested Lily.

They went through the full list until they finally arrived at the new D.A.D.A books. The list was very unusual as it contained several books for each year instead of the usual one. And there was something else that his mother noticed.

"This is odd…" Lily said as she examined the new defense books for him and his sister.

"What's odd?"

Harry decided to ask. But he had an idea what she was talking about.

"These books were written by this Gilderoy Lockhart himself…the new professor is making the parents but his own books for teaching materials. That's so unethical." 

'If only that was the most unethical thing that man has ever done…' He wished.

"These don't even look like school books, is more like a –" 

"He is here!" People started to yell. Women were screeching and calling his name.

"Lockhart!, we love you!"

"Gilderoy, look this way!"

"It looks like your new teacher is here… let's go meet him." Lily did not look pleased at all while she said that.

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