Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 92: Mischievous creatures

Chapter 92: Mischievous creatures

Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.
I own nothing but the original characters I make.

-Author notes-

Chapter 92: Mischievous creatures

"Welcome to my wondrous class, it is I, Gilderoy Lockhart!" Lockhart announced from the top of a balcony that overlooked the entire classroom.

Harry was convinced that Lockhart had personally requested for that to be installed in his class, so he could always greet his students as some sort of royal ruler.

And that goes the same for that ridiculously flamboyant chandelier.

Today was the third class they had with the man and was unfortunately a double class…first thing on Monday morning.

Whoever designed that schedule was a sadist.

"Oh!, what a handsome man we have here!." Lockhart told his own painting while descending the balcony staircase.

"My, thank you!. You are not too bad yourself." the painting answered.

"Are we going to do more of those quizzes about you?, professor. " one of the students asked.

"Oh Merlin, please no…"

Harry heard Parvati muttering from the seat behind him.

"What's wrong with the quizzes?, I liked them." Hermione looked confused.

"Ah, the quizzes. No, today I have something special prepared."
Lockhart looked completely oblivious to relieve faces of his students.
"But don't you worry, there will be many more quizzes about my books and my personal life before the end of the year!"

He ignored the sounds of complaints and walked to the middle of the class, where they could see something covered with a tarp.

"Now, I want you all to divert your eyes away from my beautiful smile and focus on this…"
He removed the piece of cloth, revealing a cage filled with small blue creatures with wings.

"Ew…what are those things!"
"They are so ugly!"
"Wait, I know these!, they are cornish pixies. They are not dangerous at all." Seamus explained.

Lockhart grinned.
"Very well, Mister…something. These are freshly caught cornish pixies indeed. Here are five points for Gryffindor. As for not being dangerous…why don't we test it?"

"Please, tell me he is not going to-" Hermione did not have time to finish her sentence before their professor opened the cage and unleashed the chaotic creatures upon his unprepared students.
Even Lockhart realized that things went a bit too far when a group of them took hold of 'The Boy Who Lived' and started to lift him in the air.

"No!, don't put him on my chandelier!, is going to break it. Wait, I can fix this…"
The professor aimed his wand at the mass of blue creatures.
"Peski piksi Pestern-"
He was not allowed to finish his chant because one of the pixies stole his wand and threw it out of the window.
"Well… that's not good." The professor looked very worried now.

Neville continued to scream at the mischievous creatures leaving him hanging there.

"I think I have a spell for this…" Hermione stood up and lifted her wand in the air.

Harry would have been fine with letting her take care of the situation, but then he noticed Lockhart worming away towards his balcony. No doubt he was planning on escaping by himself and leaving his students to their own fate.

He would not allow that.

After making sure that no one was looking in his direction, he held his wand at his side, pointing upwards.

"Inmobilus!" Hermione cast her immobilization charm.

"Hypnos," Harry spoke his own in an almost inaudible whisper.

As Hermione magic reached the pixies and locked them in place, so did Harry's one, which put them all to sleep.

However, his spell had one extra target.

"Hermione, that was incredible!" Exclaimed Lavender.

"Yes, and you got them all!" Added Parvati.

"Professor Lockhart?" Some of the students approached the inmovil professor.

"Oh, Merlin!, I think he is dead!" Someone shouted.

"It was Granger!, she killed him!" some of the girls from Slytherin pointed their fingers at her.

"I saw her use some strange spell!" Another one pointed at her.

"What?, no!. My spell was only meant to immobilize." Hermione defended herself.

"Well, look at those ugly things, they are dead, aren't they?" a Slytherin girl poked one of the pixies with her wand.

"He is not dead, you lot better not be thinking about going into healing magic if you can't even tell that…" Harry walked to Lockhart and kicked him.

The girls were about to start yelling at him when the professor moved and groaned.
"Five more minutes, Mommy…"

"See? he is sleeping. " Harry walked away.
"This class is over, just put those things inside the cage before they wake up." He pointed at the pixes.

"Who put you in charge, Potter?" Malfoy growled.

"No one... feel free to stay here and wait for him to wake up," Harry answered.

"Tsk, let's go." Draco started to walk away but his two goons seemed to hesitate for a moment.

"I said let's go!" Draco yelled at them and they finally followed.

Harry noticed Daphne stare on him but decided to ignore it. They were not supposed to interact outside of their meetings.

He walked to Hermione, who looked very shaken.

"I didn't mean to do this. It was just supposed to immobilize then…."

"It's okay Hermione, it was still awesome!" Lavender tried to cheer her up.

"Hermione." He called her and she looked up. 
"You didn't hurt anyone. Lockhart is fine and so are the pixies. Stop worrying so much. "

Hermione nodded.
"I supposed…but I wonder why it had that effect…"

"Guys!" Someone called from above.

They all look up.

"I would like to get down now, please!" Neville begged.

"Yeah, can someone help the 'Boy Who Lived' get down from the chandelier?" Pansy said in a mocking tone and several Slytherin started to laugh at her jest.

"You shut you up!" Ron shouted.
"Don't worry, Nev!. We are going to get you down from there in a moment."

"Mm, maybe we should go call a professor. "Suggested Parvati.

"Is okay Neville, I got this. " Seamus pointed his wand up.

Neville's face went pale.
"No!, anyone but him! , please!"

Seamus waved his wand around.
"Winguardium leviosa!"


After taking Neville, and some poor boy who happened to be at the wrong place when the chandelier exploded, to the infirmary, Harry made his way to the next level of hell…potion class.

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