Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 91 - 91

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Hermione quickly closed the book and, following the instructions, placed it on a special pedestal and activated the security rune chain with a successive press. One would think that the Hogwarts authorities would prevent students from learning by such measures. But actually, this is for our safety - books here can cause considerable harm in and of themselves. After taking off her gloves and placing them on the shelf by the entrance, next to the instructional book, Hermione adjusted her robe and slung her bag strap over her shoulder.

"Let's go."

They left the library quickly, remembering to say goodbye to a somewhat surprised Madam Pince. She must have thought that we would be in the abode of knowledge for a long time, but no.

When we got to our classroom, I again threw the bag on the desk, and Hermione neatly put the bag next to mine.

"So, what happened?" the girl waved her wand and, with a couple of spells, cleaned up practically the entire class.

"There's a theory for developing sensitivity."

I briefly told my thoughts about the wand, comparing it to the environment's resistance, the flow of magic, and other things.

"Your words make sense," Hermione nodded and handed me her wand with the handle forward. "Here, try it."

With some anxiety and doubt, I took this magical instrument in my hand - what if it fits too well? But no. When Hermione's wand, grapevine, and dragon heart vein, if I remember correctly, was in my hands, I didn't feel the slightest tinge of that warmth and comfort that I had when I chose my wand. It was just a wand, and only the clear awareness and understanding that I was holding a concentrator of magic kept me from losing confidence.

With a quick wave of my wand, I said:




"Looks like the wand isn't right for you, Max."

"That's fine."

Concentrating on myself and what I felt, I made the simplest, but no less perfect, gesture, forming a mental message and a strong-willed image at the same time.


For a brief moment, I thought I felt something. Some kind of changeable discomfort, even the source of which could not be localized. However, Lumos flared up, albeit a little dimmer than it should.

"It worked!" Hermione clapped her hands cheerfully.

"And even more than that. Nox," the light turned off. "I thought I felt something. Here, try it."

I held out my wand to Hermione. Accepting it, the girl looked at me expectantly.

"Just focus on how you feel and do the spell perfectly and according to the instructions. Much more perfect than even our first experiments in magic."

"Okay. I understand."

Not waiting for Hermione's result, which was sure to be soon, I began practicing with her wand. Lumos, Lumos, Lumos... And so constantly, without a break, with great, easily perceptible tension of the brain. Of course, I did not expect instant progress, but the efficiency was negligible.

I tried another way. I concentrated on the sensation of warmth in my chest, or rather, I made that warmth appear. I imagined how this warmth rushes to my hand, and in this state, I did Lumos. I was able to feel exactly how the magic, reluctantly as if it was making its way through the thorns, flowed into the wand. Moreover, I could feel this heat outside my body, as if the space around me was also a part of me. Except that the sensation itself was negligible, but it was there!

"Okay, stop," I put my wand down on the desk and looked at Hermione. She was able to conjure Lumos, but I could read the hard work of thought on her face.

"What is it?"

"There's another suggestion. Do you remember your underage magic?"

"Of course I do. I didn't even know what to think then. When my parents found out, they scared me with secret laboratories and so on, so that I would keep everything secret and try to control it."

"Did you ever get that strange feeling of slight warmth in your chest?"

"Warmth in my chest?"

Hermione wondered, beginning to tap her chin with her wand as she usually did, standing in a relaxed posture with one hand at her side.

"Yeah, I guess there was something like that."

"Great. Try to remember the sensation in detail, provoke the sensation again, and channel it into your wand as you begin to perform the spell. For me, this kind of approach evoked a clearer sense of magic in space, especially mine, forming the spell. Vague, but at least it appeared."


I sat down at my desk and waited, and Hermione stood there relaxed with her eyes closed. It didn't last long, about a minute, and then it felt like the air around the girl twitched slightly. Just a little bit. Without opening her eyes, Hermione extended her wand hand and performed a perfect Lumos, illuminating the room with a soft blue light that even slightly outshone the daylight from the windows.

"Done..." she whispered, smiling lightly. "Nox. I got it."

"Great. Let's work. Concentrate on that feeling until we can break it down into absolutely every nuance."

And we began practice. We tired quickly but kept our hands up and practiced until almost dark.

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