Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 151: Failure

Chapter 151: Failure

Before Nick had a chance to appraise the ring Helena rapidly grabbed it and put it on showing that at the very least she could touch the thing. Unfortunately it quickly became clear that the ring was a failure as white and gold energy tendrils extended from the ring into Helena's arm causing her to scream in pain. Nick immediately exerted his authority over the ring and had it grow and fall off her hand before falling onto the ground with a "clink" sound. The white and gold energy within her arm didn't vanish immediately but after a few moments began to fragment and dissipate within her arm returning it to normal.-

[RING NAME: Nazgul

Grade: RARE

Abilities: Autosizing , spiritual conversion , bound , parasite

Description: A dark ring capable of converting a soul into it's makers spiritual energy ready to be absorbed to strengthen themselves.

System appraisal: A terrible ring that only a twisted person could knowingly conceive created by an up and coming ring smith.]

'That is SOOO much worse than what I originally thought it was.' Nick thought in horror while looking at the appraisal. Originally he had assumed that the ring was forcefully enslaving Helena which was unacceptable but instead it was converting her soul into energy that would grow his own power. The ring was basically digesting her for him to consume afterwards. 'While this is clearly a failure it does solve one particular problem I had. Until now I couldn't extract the horcrux soul shard from the diadem without exposing it to my own soul. But now I can use this ring to digest it instead.' He thought seriously.-

"I can understand your eagerness to gain a corporeal form but please wait for me to check the ring first next time." he said to Helena sternly. She nodded and shivered with a fearful look at the ring still on the ground. "It felt like I was slowly being broken down and fading away." she said clearly traumatized from the incident. Nick nodded and explained what the ring did which made the look on her face even more horror filled. He than gave her the good news that the ring may be able to rid Ravenclaws diadem of the soul shard without damaging it.-

"He deserves it so while I want nothing more than for you to destroy that foul thing on the ground It still serves a purpose." she said clearly having more hatred for Voldemort than the ring that almost ate her. Nick didn't really blame her as the ring was an inanimate object that only did what it's enchantments told it while Voldemort had manipulated and used her to accomplish many foul deeds with the knowledge she gave him. Chief amongst that list was turning her mothers diadem into a receptacle for a soul shard tainted with the foulest of magics.-

"That'll have to wait until next year however as I can't afford for the man to come after me right now , I'm not strong enough." Nick said slightly frustrated at his own lack of power. Helena merely nodded in agreement when she heard this as Nick had already told her about Voldemort's possession of Quirrell. He had also told her about the trap that the school was setting up against him which was honestly the only thing stopping her from trying to expose Voldemort.-

"Now I have to figure out what went wrong with the enchantment." Nick said while finally picking the ring and storing it away in Greed. 'The intent and knowledge were perfect so what was the thing that caused this?' he fell deep into thought and started disecting the forging attempt piece by piece until he found a problem. 'The word gul means wraith and has dark connotations so it's possible that the combination of words I chose with the cold flame twisted the enchantment into this form. If so then perhaps I should replace the word wraith , gul , with spirit , fea , which holds positive connotations.' he thought seriously.-

Having already designed the next attempt Nick called it a day and headed to the great hall for dinner. Once there he saw the professors chatting away happily and the students in the hall were little different. Looking at Hagrid Nick felt a little confused as despite having his christmas present for close to three weeks the half giant didn't seem to notice it's effects. This wasn't to say that they weren't there or were not useful to him but rather that Hagrid was not sharp enough mentally to figure out that the reason he found it easier to communicate with animals was due to the ring.-

It was rather ironic really that the man who was around these creatures quite frequently was oblivious to his sudden increase in ability in regards to them. This reminded Nick that Mcgonagall secretly approached him with a commission for a set of playmaker rings for the Gryffindor quidditch team to give them an extra edge. That was a total of seven rings all made to connect to each other to allow the team to collectively strategize.


my patrons can read at least twelve chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa /pa treon_loskro

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