Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 161: Aftermath

Chapter 161: Aftermath

Nick slept like a log for the entire night and most of the morning only waking up at around lunch time. 'Ugh , need to remind myself not to have any plans after absorbing the other horcrux's. I feel like I weigh an extra hundred pounds.' he complained immediately. Thanks to having had time to "digest" his gains a little he no longer had veins popping out or red skin but he felt uncomfortably heavy and bloated still. Sluggishly Nick got up from the bed and went into the dorm bathroom for a shower as he had slept in his clothes over night and he was covered in dried sweat.-

The hot water rolling over his body did wonders for the aches in it while washing away the filth on him. After his shower he used a quick spell to clean his clothes and then got dressed before leaving the dorm. It came as no surprise to Nick that the news of Harry , Ron and Hermione braving the forbidden corridor and get almost entirely hospitalized for it filled the castle. Hermione was uninjured but both of the boys had various injuries on them such as cut's and bruises and even broken bones in the case of Ron.-

Mcgonagall may have made the giant chess set nonlethal for the children of the school but she didn't nerf it enough not to break bones. Ron had already been patched up and kicked out of the hospital wing by Madam Pomfrey but Harry had a wounded mind from Voldemort's last desperate attack on him in phantom form and was thus still unconscious. He would be fine though according to the less than patient medical professional. Nick was relieved at this outcome as he was truthfully worried that his presence would mess up this event.-

Nick had long noticed that the world itself seemed to be trying to keep the canon events on track which made him think that there might actually be some truth to that prophecy after all. There was honestly no other explanation as to why things seemed to play out eerily similar to the book despite Nick pretty actively interfering in events. The biggest change he had noticed was that Harry was free of his horrid aunt's family and Grindelwalds actions. There was honestly very little beyond that that truly affected the story of the books all that much.-

One would think that the inclusion of Daphne and Tracy into the group would count but no in the final clash it once again came down to the golden trio. Nick was pretty sure that it would end up this way for most of the story , or it would have if Nick didn't plan to heavily detrain the future events. An example of this was how he planned to free Sirius legally over the summer while also apprenticing under a wizard over the summer as well. 'That reminds me that I still need to put in an application for that as well so I can get a list of options.' Nick thought calmly.-

After visiting Harry in the hospital wing briefly without permission from Madam Pomfrey he made his way to Mcgonagall's office. Knocking on the door he waited for an invitation to enter which came moments later. "You may enter." Mcgonagall's tired voice said from behind the door so Nick pulled the door open. Mcgonagall saw who it was and sighed "I take it you are not here to make my job harder like your friends correct?" she asked slightly rudely. Nick chuckled not bothered at all "My hands are quite clean of that whole affair you know." he said honestly.-

"This time it seems , but don't think I am blind to the large instances of your presence being missing however." she said with a warning tone. Nick shrugged "I am not here about all of that however but rather to discuss my housing arrangements for the summer. I would like to formerly apply for the apprenticeship program." he said with a small grin. Mcgonagall sighed and rubbed her forehead "I should have guessed you would choose that option as you don't seem the sort to sit idle for any real length of time."-

"I will approach you within the week with a list of applicants for the position of your teacher. If that is all please see yourself out and do take care to keep out of trouble would you?" she said almost pleading at the end. Nick merely grinned and walked out of the office closing the door behind him and made his way to the workshop nearby. Once there he transfigured himself a comfy chair and pulled a book on veritology from Greed to relax with the door open so any visitors could enter if they wished.


my patrons can read at least twelve chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa /pa treon_loskro

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