Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 164: Unforeseen options

Chapter 164: Unforeseen options

Much like he had been told Mcgonagall had indeed given him a list of applicants for the apprenticeship program. Contrary to what most would guess this list wasn't a made to order thing where people could apply to mentor a specific student after learning who they were. In truth at the start of every year the ministry briefly accepts the applications of people who wanted to mentor a student over the summer for whatever reason. Most of the applicants were people who needed an extra set of hands over the summer or were searching for someone to inherit their business as they lacked any family to fill the role.-

The list Nick received showed this perfectly as it listed the persons name as well as their reason for applying to mentor a student. He quickly noticed four names on the list however that were different than the others as next to the name there was a mark in the shape of a star. After asking Mcgonagall about what this meant he learned that it was a mark of exception to show that those people had specifically asked for him by name to be mentored by them.-

These people were , Garrick Olivander , Remus Lupin , Cornelius Fudge and most surprisingly of all Albus Percival Wulforth Brian Dumbledore. Helena was laughed loudly when she saw this list as it was so full of political maneuvering that it could not be any more obvious. Remus Lupin was definitely on this list on behalf of Dumbledore to spy on Nick over the summer and while he would probably teach Nick seriously as well it didn't change the fact he would be spying on Nick. Dumbledore himself being on the list came as a great surprise but Nick was sure that it definitely wouldn't end very well if he took that option.-

Fudge was probably only on the list thanks to him literally being the minister of magic and thus capable of altering the list at any time. Honestly speaking the only option on this list of "special" people who was genuinely interested in interacting with Nick without secretive motives was Olivander. Nick didn't discount the normal names on the list though and thoroughly looked them over and even found a couple of interesting names on it. For example there was Theodore Tonks , Alastor Moody and Gringotts bank itself.-

The last one especially caught Nick off guard as he hadn't expected that the bank would seek to include wizards into itself in such a manner. 'I suppose it makes sense that they would want to poach talented orphans from a young age though.' he thought with a shrug. 'Ugh why did there actually have to be more than one good option?' He complained mentally. Honestly speaking Olivander , Moody and Tonks all presented Nick with unique benefits for learning under them. In Olivander's case the man was the most well known and respected wand maker in the entire world to the point that other communities actual had people come over to England to specifically buy a wand from him.-

Learning from Moody on the other hand would basically allow Nick to understand dueling , survival , dark arts and whatever else the most respected auror to ever live had to teach. Sure Moody might be a bit unhinged but not a single person would deny that after everything he has seen and done he deserves his own eccentricities. Tonks on the other hand had two benefits to learning under for Nick specifically. First was that it would help Nick make sense of the strange legal aspect of the wizarding world as the man was a good wizarding lawyer.-

The final benefit however was that it would make having Sirius released from Azkaban drastically easier thanks to the man being married to Sirius's cousin Andromeda Tonks nee Black. Nick may have planned to approach the lawyer to begin with for this case as well which also certainly helped. Unfortunately for Nick he could only choose a single mentor for the summer so he needed to really put thought into his choice. Thankfully the final month of the school year was less about learning and more about the teacher preparing them to go through summer without getting rusty.-

Nick spent most of this month hanging out with his friends while fulfilling the last minute orders he had. Malfoy was insufferable for a few days after Nick turned over the shiny gold and silver playmaker ring with the emerald to him. But according to Daphne one of the graduating upperclassmen in Slytherin had taken the boy aside and gave him a stern lecture on not bragging overly much as it shown badly on their house which made Malfoy tone it down a bit.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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