Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 174: Hidden conversation

Chapter 174: Hidden conversation

Nick received his food twenty minutes later and had spent the time waiting reading {A Veritological compendium}. The topic of the book was about the types of wood or cores usable in the craft as well as the personal findings of the author in regards to them. The author in this particular case was none other than Olivander himself and as such his personal findings were quite precious. Despite this however the information was short and digestible making it easy to memorize. Nick knew that this was likely done on purpose since this book was clearly a teaching aid.-

After paying the five sickles for the food and leaving with a promise to return the old man once again walked back through the doorframe at the back of the store. If Nick was here he would have been horrified by what he saw in the back of the store. There were three rooms here with one being a well maintained kitchen the other a storage room for ingredients and the final one being the one that would make his blood run cold. This room was a fairly cozy bedroom with a single man sitting in a chair seemingly waiting for something.-

This man was looked identical to the old man who had just walked in down to even the clothes. The reason Nick would have been horrified at this scene was that the old man who had walked into the room suddenly had his feature shift and change as he grew taller and much younger as well. Soon the old man turned into a lithe man with white hair and two different colored eyes , one Gellert Grindelwald with a small smile. The old man in the chair saw this and smiled himself "I take it the customer interested you , monsieur Grindelwald?" he said with a heavy French accent.-

"Indeed! Despite being a seer I had never seen that this would be how I would meet him!" Grindelwald said honestly. "If it is not too presumptuous of me might I enquire who it was to surprise you so greatly?" the old man in the chair asked. Grindelwald merely shook his head gently "Not at all old friend , it was a young man that I became aware of not long ago by the name of Nicholas Ravenclaw." the dark lord said honestly causing the old mans eyes to widen as he heard those words.-

"Truly? You tried to convince him to join our cause , qui?" the old man asked slipping into French at the end. Grindelwald shook his head and chuckled "There was no need since he is already at the core of our movement , even if he doesn't realize it yet." the dark lord said confusing the old man. "Enough about the boy. What is the status of the previous mission I sent the others on?" Grindelwald asked changing the subject. "Mcgellen and the others have placed the sixth ritual circle covertly and are waiting for the roaming aurors to leave before placing any more." the old man said seriously.-

Meanwhile Nick was walking back to the wand shop with a full belly and no idea at all that he had been mere feet away from Grindelwald as his magical senses couldn't pick up the man at all. As far as they were concerned the old man he was talking to was merely an above average wizard in terms of magical energy. The reason for this had to do with the fact that Grindelwald unlike Dumbledore was hiding at the moment and as a result wore special enchanted hagstones that suppressed his magic to "normal" levels.-

As a result of hagstones innate magical restriction abilities Nick couldn't sense these things as his magical senses were in fact magical in nature. This meant that unless he knew Grindelwalds magical signature he wouldn't be able to tell that it was him at all. Once back at the shop Nick went straight to his room in order to pick up where he left off in the book. He also made sure to copy down the information as he went with a basic copying charm on his quill that copied what he read.-

He bought a few blank books specifically for this purpose since he had no plans of robbing the books from Olivander. Nick learned the properties of each type of wood along with their appearance , the best way to identify magical trees compared to non magical ones and even which woods are least favored by wandmakers and why. He stayed up until 9:00 p.m. reading and memorizing this information before he finally called it finished after rereading it no less than three times. The copy he made was stored away the same as the original and he went to sleep happy with his new knowledge.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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