Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 177: Making arrangements(2)

Chapter 177: Making arrangements(2)

"Do you have a plan?" Ted asked Nick seriously. "First we need to get ahold of Peter Pettigrew , second we need to go to the head of the DMLE Amelia Bones with the rat and present our case. Finally I need to personally talk Fudge out of trying any funny business in order to try and preserve the ministries reputation. If we act without doing so then he may cause Peter to vanish mysteriously while in custody or even go so far as to have the dementors share a kiss with Sirius under the guise of them going out of control." Nick said with a dark expression.-

"That's horrible!" Nymphadora exclaimed in horror. Nick sighed "There's no such thing as a pure hearted politician , If it benefits them even a little there is very little such people wouldn't do. Ask your mother if you don't believe me , she comes from a family famous for that exact same thing." he said honestly and Nymphadora looked at her mother who only nodded with an ashamed look. "How do you plan to catch Pettigrew if he has been hiding for so long in plain sight?" Andromeda asked seriously.-

Nick grinned "That it where I come handy , you see I just so happen to be able to forge a ring that will force the rat into his human form so long as it is on his person. I can use the excuse of visiting my friends to spring this trap however as an extra precaution I need you to get in contact with Alastor Moody so he can be present as well to ensure nothing untoward happens." he explained and after serious thought they all agreed to this plan of action. Nick told them that he was staying with Olivander and to contact him if they needed anything before leaving their house.-

It was still fairly early in the day so Nick decided to get the Animagus trap ring done now so that it is ready when he needed it. As a result he went back to Olivander's and asked to borrow the workshop temporarily to forge the ring. The old man was fine with that but asked Nick to clean up any mess he made after he was done. Once in the Workshop Nick locked the door and pulled his anvil and tools from Greed alongside a premade ring of iron.-

Nick had been keeping premade iron rings recently since they were the base of his ring of protection business. Setting the ring on the anvil Nick began to channel his spiritual energy causing a gold and white glow to radiate from him before concentrating on his hand. The energy was firm and steady which showed how good at channeling his energy Nick was becoming but he was still a long way from not glowing at all when he forged. Raising his hammer he spoke "LER!"(man) and struck the ring making a glowing word appear next to it. " ALA!"(deny) he said and struck once again causing yet another word to appear in the air.-

"NASTO!"(beast) he struck once again causing the third word to appear and he felt that it needed one more word to complete. After a brief second of contemplation he found the perfect word to sum it all up and struck "RAEDA!"(to catch in a net or entrap). The ring hummed in an almost hypnotic way as he poured his knowledge and intention into the ring with each word until he was done and the ring was finished.-


Grade: RARE

Abilities: Autosizing , Anti-animagi , bound , weakening

Description: A ring forged with the intent to capture an Animagus while forcing them to stay in their human forms.

System appraisal: A purposeful ring that was created by an up and coming ring smith.]

He did not name the ring because he did not think it needed one and so the appraisal was listed like this. It didn't bother him at all and the system also didn't care about it as he still got thirty two points for creating it. That done Nick marveled how he wasn't totally drained by the forging attempt this time and knew it was because of his more abundant energy pool and stronger soul. 'It seems that digesting soul shards also improves my forging stamina , noted' he thought seriously while storing his stuff again and unlocking the door to the workshop.-

He was slightly surprised to see Olivander standing nearby with a curious expression on his face but the old man didn't actually ask any questions. Nick could tell that this was the old man's way of respecting his secrets as a fellow craftsman and went to his room with a wordless nod of acknowledgement. In the room Nick was greeted by the sight of Helena pampering Steve with back scratches and food. A fun fact about nifflers was that since they used the pouch on their stomachs to store their loot until it can be deposited in their hoards they don't like it when people touch their bellies.


my patrons can read at least twelve chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.

pa /pa treon_loskro

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