Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 184: A rat in hand

Chapter 184: A rat in hand

Friday finally came freeing Nick from his lessons for the next three days but he couldn't just laze about during this time as he had received a reply from Ron's father telling him that Moody would be coming to get him early on saturday to take care of business. The deep strokes of the quill on the parchment spoke volumes on the pent up anger that the writer had and Nick knew it was only the mans self control stopping him from attacking Pettigrew already. 'Soon enough we'll trap the bastard.' Nick thought seriously impatiently.-

Meanwhile the rat in question was oblivious to the trap that was slowly starting to close around him as Ron fed him scraps of eggs and bacon from his plate. Arthur had been watching the rat for several days now and the more he saw the angrier he became as he felt like a fool for not noticing the problems with the rat sooner. A decade , an entire decades worth of time has passed and the rat has barely aged at all despite having a lifespan half that long. 'One more day , just one more day and this scumbag with get what he deserves hold it together Arthur.' the head of the house reminds himself.-

Alastor Moody was gearing up for the next day as well by putting a spare wand in his enchanted leather coat with far too many pockets. He had all manner of protective and offensive charms in this coat to the point the thing was a hazard to even get near for anyone else. He had his hagstone cuffs that he developed for wandless magic users despite their rarity , a pair of curse resistant gloves , three bezoars , and various other just in case items hidden on him as he sharpened his mind on the task awaiting him as he needed to act like he wasn't aware of the rats nature when he arrived with Nick.-

Remus lupin was also preparing as he had cleaned up from his vagabond lifestyle after getting Dumbledore's letter and had been shaking the rust off his magical skills. Living day to day in the shoes of a werewolf in the underbelly of the wizarding world had taught Remus how to act very well and control his emotion but even still he was boiling inside when he learned the truth of that night so long ago.-

Despite their admittedly small part in this whole plan to free Sirius the Tonks family was also pulling their weight. For example Ted had gone to Azkaban using his clearance as a lawyer to speak with Sirius personally and had verified everything Nick had said. The haggard looking Black looked like he had fresh life injected into him once Ted spoke of the fool proof plan to catch the rat who should have taken his place in the cell this whole time. He had almost insisted on breaking out to take care of Pettigrew himself but Ted convinced him to think of Harry which was enough to placate the man for now.-

Andromeda on the other hand had been pulling strings on the light side faction to put pressure on Lucius Malfoy to stop the slime ball from trying anything funny. The man was scrabbling to combat the attacks from several different angles which forced him to turn a blind eye to the ministry at the moment. A certain house elf had been the object of the mans aggression however as he vented his anger out on the poor thing by having it punish itself harshly.-

Nick however spent the day within his mindscape in combat with Celebrimbor to prepare in case it comes to that. The old elf in question had been filled in on the entire situation and shared Nick's thirst to punish such a miserable excuse for a person like Pettigrew. For a elf such as him who valued honor , integrity and pride above all else Peter Pettigrew spat on all those things angering the elf lord merely by existing. As result he went extra hard on nick this time to prepare him for anything despite knowing the rat likely suffered the same close quarters combat flaw of nearly all wizards in this world.-

Finally saturday came and Nick was fully geared and ready to take care of Pettigrew in any way necessary. Olivander saw Nick's look of determination and merely wished him well when Moody arrived at the shop at seven exactly. He was so focused that he didn't even notice the discomfort of the apparition. "Put on a smile boy can't risk spooking the rat now that we are so close to getting him." Moody said gruffly and Nick cracked down on his emotions with his occlumency before putting on a casual expression like usual that was flawless enough that even Moody was convinced.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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