Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 195: Ravenclaw Island(2)

Chapter 195: Ravenclaw Island(2)

He also felt the stones energy flowing deep under it and out of his senses range as he stood still waiting to see what would happen. Soon cliff face began to morph and shift into a set of rocky stairs leading into the sea below. The group began to descend these stairs and only stopped at the edge of the water. Once again there was an indent in the stone wall of the cliff and with a roll of his eyes and a groan Nick pressed the ring into the socket and let it suck out his energy.-

By the time it was done he was basically totally out of magical energy and had a headache from the expenditure as well. "If it helps that should be the last time you need to do that on this trip." Helena said apologetically. "I certainly hope so or things are going to get awkward very fast." Nick joked while ignoring his headache. Soon the water began to bubble like it was boiling but a seaweed and barnacle covered carriage rolled out of the water and sat atop it waiting for them to enter it.-

"It's official , your mother was paranoid as hell." Nick said after seeing the layers of verification required to get to the island. Helena giggled but did not deny this as she stepped into the carriage with Olivander following after her with Nick and Dotty going last. Once the door to the carriage was closed the whole thing began to dive bellow the sea without it's passengers needing to worry about getting wet at all. 'I'll need to clean this carriage eventually because I am sure I am missing quite the sight out the windows.' Nick thought as he tried to see outside but the windows were covered in barnacles and seaweed.-

After a hour long ride the carriage finally began it's ascent towards the surface indicating that they were getting close to the island. "The preservation charms your mother cast affected the entire island or just the building?" Nick asked having a bad feeling about what they are about to find. "Just the building , why" Helena asked curiously. "You might want to leave the carriage first to make sure we aren't attacked by the overgrown islands inhabitants." Nick said and Helena's eyes widened as she realized that without someone to keep it in check for the last thousand years the plants and animals on the island have definitely taken control of the place.-

Nodding her head seriously Helena prepared herself to turn ghostly in order to scout out the situation on the island. Soon sunlight began to shine through the uncovered parts of the windows and she phased through the wall of the carriage with her head before pulling it back in. "The island is overgrown but nothing dangerous is near the carriage dock." she reported with a relieved look. Nick waited for the carriage to come to a stop before opening the door carefully.-

Immediately he was greeted by a barely standing stone structure that was probably the dock that had creeping vines and gillyweed covering it. He wasn't good at handling magical plants but both of these kinds were harmless so he stepped out of the carriage carefully while making sure not to slip of the slick surface under his feet. "Mr. Olivander could you use a fire charm to burn away a dry spot for us?" Nick asked the old man since he didn't want to reveal his lack of trace over such a small matter. "IGNIO!" Olivander spoke and a gout of flames flew from his wand and began to dry up and burn away the overgrown plants on the ground.-

Once a wide area was uncovered for them to step on safely Nick moved over to that area and Olivander redirected his flames to the spot under the carriage to dry it up as well. Canceling his spell Olivander finally stepped out of the doorway of the carriage and unto the island proper. "Dotty could you clean the carriage off all of this stuff while we work on restoring the path?" Nick asked the elf who bowed and agreed instantly before going to work.-

"Alright so first things first is that we need to slowly work our way along whatever path remains to the house with Helena leading the way while you clear off the path as we go." Nick said to Olivander and the old wizard nodded seriously. Many people had forgotten but Garrick Olivander had adventured all over the world in pursuit of veritology knowledge so he was well versed in the process for things like this and Nick's plan was very solid. If they move carefully and clear the path back to the carriage as they go then if they need to retreat becomes much easier.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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