Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 197: Ho-Ho

Chapter 197: Ho-Ho

"While there is no problem with her , you two are entirely unknown and trespassing to boot so explain yourselves or prepare to be eaten." Seram said aggressively. Nick raised his hand to show the signet ring on it "I am Nicholas I Ravenclaw here to reclaim my ancestral home and this is my teacher who is here to help in this regard." he said calmly but with authority. The manticore glanced at Helena and only relaxed when she nodded to confirm what he said. "Very well then as the heir and lord of this estate it is your duty to fulfill your ancestors duty of satiating my hunger."-

"You have one week exactly before I will assume you are offering your life to do so." Seram said calmly as if talking about the weather and not eating someone. Nick chuckled at how blunt the manticore was and took out a couple of loaves of lembas bread. "Try this." he said tossing them towards the creature casually. Seram snapped the two loaves up with a confused expression since she was sure that there was no way such small things contained the energy needed to sustain her for very long. , she was wrong.-

Almost immediately the chronic hunger that gripped at the edge of her mind and body faded away and a sense of fullness came over her. "What is this strange food and how does it work?" Seram asked intrigued by the clearly magical food as she felt her strength recovering. A starving manticore had very little power compared to a full one but they had efficient bodies that could recover from most non lethal conditions given enough food and time including malnutrition. "Lembas bread , A magical bread that has all the nutrition and energy a normal human would need for a month per loaf and you just ate enough to last a person two months." he said with a grin.-

Seram laughed "What a funny creation , sounds like something Helga would have created." she said amused that such a convenient thing existed. "All the credit for this stuff in this world goes to me actually." Nick said not technically lying since he had asked for the recipe from Celebrimbor who is only here because of the system that was part of him. "Oh? Well if you keep up the supply of that stuff you and I will get along just fine I think." Seram said cheerfully.-

"Now that that's settled I assume you don't mind if we continue clearing the way to the house right?" Nick asked seriously. "Why would I care? It's your island I just guard the place." the manticore said with a shrug of it's feline shoulders. "A bit of warning though , the old bird may try to attack you all once it's notices you here." Seram said offhandedly. "That grouchy bastard is still here!? I would have thought he'd leave by now." Helena said incredulously. "Uhm , what are you talking about exactly?" Nick asked curiously.-

"My mother once visited Japan at one point in time and in exchange for enchanting something for the imperial family she was gifted a chick of their immortal bird species , a ho-ho(pronounced who-who). Normally the things don't make it into adulthood much like thunderbirds and phoenix's but this one did and as such is technically immortal. A thousand years ago the thing had a terrible attitude and was a real nuisance. I had always assumed the bastard had left by now but I guess he grew attached to this place it seems." Helena explained honestly.-

"I always wanted to see if ho-ho feathers were supreme wand ingredients like phoenix and thunderbird feathers since they are all part of the same family. Unfortunately the feathers are a closely guarded asset of the imperial family so I never could get my hands on them." Olivander said clearly excited by the idea of seeing such a creature. "It will certainly be an interesting encounter." Nick agreed while wondering how such a creature would act in his presence. He hadn't met enough members of the immortal bird family to have a good idea since he had only met Fawkes that was respectful.-

With Seram leading the way no other magical beast dared to get close to the group as they cleared the path to the manor. This changed when they get within eyesight of the building that just like Helena said looked untouched by time if a bit overgrown. "TZZEEERRR!" a bird cry much like that of an eagle or hawk sounded out before a large shadow fell over the group. Nick looked up without flinching at all to see a very large bird with black and red feathers and an appearance between a eagle and peacock swooping down claws first.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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