Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 199: Ravenclaw manor(2)

Chapter 199: Ravenclaw manor(2)

The first door lead to a room chalk full of thousand year old enchantment equipment and unfinished pieces left lying on the workbench. "Mothers enchanting room." Helena said startling Nick slightly as he hadn't heard her sneak up on him thanks to her being in her ghostly form. "She used to get so upset when I'd go in here without permission as a child." she said with a smile smile. "She must not have returned here before the illness took her or she never would have left these here." she said floating over to the unfinished pieces on the workbench.-

"What even was this illness since I find it hard to believe that none of the founder could save her from it?" Nick asked curiously. According to aunt Helga it was something called mana depravation that she got after reaching a new level of magic thanks to one of her experiments." Helena said calmly and Nick froze in place as he had seen that name show up recently on another very powerful thing. The golden apple tree had that very same condition and Nick couldn't help but start to form a theory about how Helena got it as well.-

Somehow Rowena Ravenclaw must have learned how to reach the level beyond the one the founders were at and her ascended body simply couldn't draw enough magic energy or mana from the surroundings eventually causing her death. This would also explain why nothing being above a certain level of strength is still alive today like the gods as there simply isn't enough mana to support their existences. This reminded Nick of what the opening passage of the book written by Chronos said about the planet recovering. 'He must have been referring to the mana concentrations in the world , but I can't tell if he meant actually soon or in like two hundred years since he probably knows about my immortality.' Nick thought frustrated.-

Dropping these thought for now Nick turned his attention back to the matter at hand , exploring. Leaving the enchanting room Nick went further down the hallway to the second door and opened it. It was a bedroom with fancy decorations and a large bed and all the things would expect to find in the room. "This was mothers room though it hardly ever saw much use aside from when she needed to change clothes."-

"Normally she would simply banish away the need for sleep with a spell or potion. Fell free to take it for yourself as the master control for the wards are against the wall over there." Helena said while pointing to a spot on the wall. "I'll have everything placed in another room since I have no want to use a second hand bedroom." Nick said and Helena nodded in agreement. The final room of this hallway was one that got Nick quite excited when he saw it , the library. Rows of old tomes all organized by topic and difficulty for easy perusal.-

"Of course your face would light up at the family library , if you aren't in class you are either reading , socializing or forging. You are almost as much of a workaholic as my mother was." Helena teased and Nick looked away awkwardly since he knew she was right. Closing the door Nick walked over to the other side of the upstairs area and was surprised to find that one of the rooms was a massive indoor bath kept constantly clean and hot by the magic woven into the stones that made it up leaving the room full of steam.-

The next room was a basically the room of requirement from Hogwarts except it was always available without the weird summoning thing involving pacing. The final room was however disturbing to find as it was a torture chamber with all the implements one would expect such a place to have even if there was no trace of blood within the room. "I also found this room repulsive and tended to avoid it as well." Helena said after seeing the face he made after finding the room. With the inside of the house fully explored Nick headed down to the entry way and out the door at the back of the building.-

"Ah yes , the gardens. This was where we kept all of our living plants and magical creatures during the time the estate was in use." Helena said as Nick found himself in a huge glass enclosure that was obviously the work of space expansion enchantments. Most of the area was barren and lifeless however as the magical plants and animals that could had already escaped and taken over the island while the rest likely starved to death within here. He knew this because of the crumbling bones that littered a few places as he walked through the huge room.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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