Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 205: Death of Peter Pettigrew

Chapter 205: Death of Peter Pettigrew

"Name it and I'll have it handed over straight away , it's the least I can do." Sirius said without any hesitation and Nick knew that the man truly meant it. "My sources tell me that your house elf has a cursed locket in it's possession while your cousin Bellatrix has a goblet in her vault with the same curse. I want them so that I may cleanse them of that foul curse." Nick said honestly and bluntly. Doing so will prevent Dumbledore from freaking out too much when he finds out about it via Sirius's own testimony. The best part was that he could even present the items to the old man as proof that he did indeed cleanse them.-

'I'll get the diary at the start of the year which will mean I have cleaned four of the current five Horcruxes once I get the ring. All that would be left after that would be Harry which will take some extra work on my part.' Nick thought seriously. Sirius frowned in confusion when he heard this though "I will ask about the locket once I get home but the goblet will take awhile is that okay?" he asked worried that waiting would making Nick unhappy.-

Nick shook his head and smiled "So long as I get to cleanse them I do not mind waiting awhile , in fact you are more than welcome to have them back once I am done." Nick said sincerely. Sirius was surprised to hear this "So it's only the curse on these items you are after? It must be a terrible curse then , why don't I have Dumbledore remove the curse instead?" Sirius offered but Nick shook his head. "This curse is very special and so can't be removed without destroying the item it was on normally but I have a way to do so that is unique to me." he said honestly.-

Sirius nodded in understanding "Some sort of family magic I take it?" he asked for confirmation and Nick nodded "Something like that yeah." he said honestly. "Alright give a couple of days and I should be able to get the locket to you but as for the goblet it may take some time." Sirius said happy to be able to pay Nick back even if only a little for his help. After that they simply made casual conversation over their respective meals.-

Friday came around and Nick was invited to witness Peter receiving the dementor's kiss alongside the entire Weasley family , Harry , Sirius and of course Dumbledore. He arrived at the ministry in order to wait for either an escort or the other invitees. The only person to arrive early as well as Sirius who wanted nothing more than for the execution to get done and over with. Nick was slightly curious if fate would shift to have Peter escape somehow or if the rat will truly die today. All the previous changes to canon could be considered fairly minor all things considered but Peters role in Voldemort's resurrection was by no means trivial.-

In fact it could be argued that the man played the role of lynchpin for that whole series of events that was vital to it's success. Sirius also handed over the locket held within a special box enchanted to seal it's influence while they waited. An hour later and Arthur Weasley , his wife and Harry all arrived at the ministry followed shortly by Dumbledore himself. After having their wands temporarily taken as a cautionary measure by the aurors the group was port keyed to Azkaban's execution grounds.-

A large floating creature with black tattered robes covering it floated in the center of the area releasing a chill and feeling of despair by it's mere presence. Nick studied the creature and it in turn seemed to study him before both chose to ignore the other. Whatever connection to death dementors had wasn't as strong as that of thestrals and so the creature merely found Nick slightly attention grabbing rather than connected to him in some way. Nick himself had a similar feeling and thus waited patiently for Peter to arrive with the aurors like everyone else here today.-

It didn't take long at all as Fudge arrived with a journalist from the daily prophet and a team of auror protecting him before making this big show of greeting everyone. Soon after a haggard looking Peter Pettigrew was dragged out onto the execution field kicking and screaming in fear as he begged for his life with tears and snot all over his face. Fudge gave the command and the dementor eagerly pounced at Peter and with a sickening sucking sound Nick watched as the mans soul was forcefully removed from his body and devoured by the rotten toothed circular mouth of the dementor and Peter Pettigrew's body fell limp , he was dead.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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