Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 220: Confrontation

Chapter 220: Confrontation

Mcgonagall also passed out the reintroduction schedule for the second years which included Nick and his friends. After that the schedule would go back to the way it was for the previous year minus a slight adjustment in the times. For the first week though it was headache inducing cramming on the menu. An example of this was monday in which they had herbology followed by potions and the finally dada. Nick was especially not looking forward to herbology since they were going to be working with actually dangerous plants this year and he didn't exactly get along with most magical plant life.-

Thankfully the first class was going to involve repotting mandrakes and so he didn't risk getting attacked by anything save the venomous tentacula that was apparently teething. For those not versed in magical plants(I don't blame you) venomous tentacula were a special vining type plant that had legitimate fangs growing from it's vines that it used to poison and kill prey to turn into nutrients. As if that wasn't bad enough the things had one of the nastiest poisons to be hit with that many who were too far from help have died to.-

Obviously Hogwarts had an antidote handy on the off chance someone gets "bitten" by the plant in the exact same greenhouse the plant was kept. Despite knowing how poorly Lockhart's class was going to go with that whole pixie event from the book Nick was much more worried about the plants. Unlike how it seemed in the book Cornish pixie's were actually fairly easy to deal with so long as you knew any shield charm as well as stunning charm of which Nick had both. 'Got to deal with the boys before I go planning for the future though.' he thought shaking his head to clear away distracting thoughts like those he normally gets.-

At the moment he was sitting on his bed in his sleepwear waiting for Harry and Ron to walk into the dorm room. Both of them had smiles on their faces as they entered the room but froze when they saw two pairs of golden eyes staring them down. Both boys lost all sense of joy from being congratulated by most of their house when they saw this as they had been dreading this moment for most of the summer.-

There was no running nor could they choose to ignore Nick since he was going to be with them for most of everyday save the weekends. "I see you have snapped your wand , hand it over so I can see if I might be able to salvage it." Nick said calmly while holding out his hand. Ron looked hesitant but still did so and Nick got to diagnosing the problems with it. "The core is torn and the housing is fubar(fucked up beyond all recognition) at this point with even the runes being damaged. "You may kill yourself with even the simplest spell should you continue using this wand." he said calmly while handing the thing back to Ron who paled.-

"You are in luck however as I have a few wands that I created that may serve as a suitable replacement." Nick added and began to take out two dozen boxes of wands from Greed. Olivander hadn't minded selling the finished wands Nick made to him at cost since he hadn't put any effort into the things. As a result Nick had a small collection of exactly one wand with every core and wood combination available. While the length of the wands would be all wrong beggars couldn't be choosers in Ron's case.-

"Now that that's been taken care of I believe it's about time we put this problem between us to bed. I did the best I could with the situation and wish I hadn't needed to keep it from all of you. I apologize for deceiving you both in that manner but that burden belongs on my shoulders alone." Nick said seriously. Both Harry and Ron looked conflicted as though trapped between a forgiving him and cursing at him for his actions. The problem however was that they had had time to really think about the situation and had come to the bitter realization that they were in fact untrustworthy in regards to that information.-

Both of them knew that they simply didn't have it in them to grin and bear it in the face of Peters actions and would have likely ruined everything in the process. That was honestly the part they were most bitter about. Not what Nick did but rather that he had needed to do it without them to succeed. They were tired but this truly needed to be settled before they could move forward with their friendship.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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