Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 223: A bad start

Chapter 223: A bad start

"Is he alright?" Daphne asked seeing how Dusk kept looking at the bald spot where his tail feather had been sadly. Nick rubbed the birds chest comfortingly as he replied "He isn't in any danger or anything but he had lost a very important part of himself so until he gets it back by undergoing rebirth it is going to really bother him." Nick said honestly. "How long will that take?" Tracy asked also concerned. "Technically he could do so at any time however doing so before his body finishes reaching maturity is bad for him." Nick explained.-

"So how long until he reaches maturity then?" Harry asked. "About a month or so since it only takes a few months for an immortal bird to return to their prime after their rebirth." Nick said while distracting Dusk with some rabbit meat he got from Hagrid. The half giant had heard about what had happened and wanted to cheer dusk up a bit as the big man couldn't stand the thought of a magical beast suffering like that for no good reason. It was rather funny seeing this first meeting between Dusk and Hagrid as the bird clearly didn't know what to make of him.-

Sighing deeply Nick complained "This year isn't off to a great start at all." and his friends couldn't help but nod in agreement as this was a poor first day back at the castle. The rest of the day went by with little more fuss but it had already been ruined by the earlier events. Meanwhile latter that night Celebrimbor showed up in Nick's dream with a scolding look. "I am ashamed that you would even consider such horrendous thing. Vile though that Peeves's actions may be I doubt it deserves to be erased from existence." he said sternly.-

Nick sighed "Maybe not but I can't just leave the bastard alone after this I need to do something to get back at him!" Nick argued angrily. No matter what punishment the staff give the poltergeist it simply won't change anything as Peeves very nature was to sow chaos. Nick wanted him gone one way or another and erasing the creature was the easiest option. "Hmmm , Perhaps you could create a construct to imprison the creature permanently?" Celebrimbor offered and Nick thought about it. "I'd need to know more about what a poltergeist actually is before I could attempt it but it should be possible." he admitted.-

Nick woke up after that and got dressed and ready for his first class of the day after breakfast , herbology. This basically meant gloves , protective rings and an subtle transfiguration on his robes to turn them into hard carbon instead of cotton on his back and arms leaving him protected. without messing with the robes movement. This caused his robes to be shiny but no one said anything when they went to breakfast. Dusk was very unhappy after taking his dose of medicine for the day as it was apparently very bitter.-

Still the bird cheered up a little during breakfast when he basically appropriated a whole tray of sausages for himself. This didn't stop anyone else from getting food though as apparently the house elves had been informed to make slight more than usual to accommodate the bird. Nick and his friends ate while the mail arrived and Nick was surprised to see that he received a package but when he saw the senders name he brightened up and put it in Greed without opening it. "What was that?" Ron asked curiously.-

"Just something I put an order in for over the summer." Nick said casually and the red head merely shrugged and accepted that answer since it made sense with Nicks actions. If he already knew what the item was there was no need for him to open it in front of everyone to see. Nick meanwhile gave the grey owl that delivered it a few pieces of bacon a good scratch and sent it on it's way. What he wasn't telling Ron however was that the package was from Sirius and the tag attached simply read {The goblet} telling Nick all he needed to know if his magical senses hadn't already told him.-

Nick wasn't the only one to receive mail however as Ron received a bright red envelope that made him have a dreadful look and many others who knew what it was also actively shied away from it. Nick had never seen a howler before and examined it with his magical senses and was stupefied at how stupidly complex the enchantment on the thing was for a scolding tool. There was no less than five different effects to the enchantment , written to speech , sound amplification , autonomous floatation and self destruction.


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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