Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 229: Livid Lockhart

Chapter 229: Livid Lockhart

(Lockhart POV)

He hadn't been having a very good day at all so far as besides the little chat he had with Harry everything seemed to be going wrong. None of the other professors seemed to appreciate his clear magnificence and even went out of their way to try and ignore him. It was outrageous! Then there was the boy Nicholas Ravenclaw , a minor celebrity in his own right. Yet the boy not only didn't look up to him as he should he actually made a fool of him in front of his adoring students not once but three times in short order.-

The first was when he so graciously chose to take that immortal bird off of his hands as the clearly most skilled animal handler in the school but had been attacked by the stupid beast. The boy then had the nerve to loudly chide him , Gilderoy Lockhart , on the mistakes he made as if he could ever be surpassed in knowledge by a second year student. It was preposterous to say the least but he was magnanimous and let them all know that he was merely testing the boy.-

Then came the second time in which he had his clearly adoring students take a test to see how many truly understood the brilliance of his works only to find out that the boy had snubbed the test as a pointless thing. How could it be pointless when it was written by him , Gilderoy Lockhart!? He was a big deal and an expert on the subject of defense against the dark arts and should be revered for his knowledge and yet the boy deemed him unimportant and even had the nerve to tell him what his job was!-

Not even taking points from his house seemed to bother the boy as he mockingly said it wouldn't happen again and yet not more then five minutes later the boy humiliated him again! This time was the most egregious offense so far as not only did the boy ruin his lesson by using a pathetically weak shield charm that he , Gilderoy Lockhart , could have easily dismantled to stop the pixies from reaching his classmates. But the boy even had the nerve to send is poor adoring fans into the terrible clutches of the pixies after they sought to aid him , even though he didn't need it.-

If only the true alpha of the band of pixies hadn't stolen his wand when he was about to apprehend them all again! He would have set the boy right in no time at all and yet here he was having needed to go to the infirmary after his precious hair had been brutally defiled by the pixies the boy set upon him. Even worse his perfect complexion had been marred by the pixies using a candle leaving a scar upon his face of all travesties. He shuddered to think of what further injustices he would be suffering if professor Flitwick hadn't just so happened to be passing by the classroom and noticed the commotion.-

He had the pixies on the ropes he was sure but alas his efforts were ruined by the charms of his fellow professor. 'I will be sure to correct that ungrateful childs attitude come the next class I have with him!' Lockhart thought smugly but nearly burst a vein the next day when he learned that the boy coincidentally had detention during the exact hours of his class for the foreseeable future. He tried to convince the one giving the detention which was professor Flitwick in this case to transfer the boys punishment for whatever he did to himself but he , Gilderoy Lockhart , failed.-

'Missing my class should be punishment enough I suppose.' He thought before moving his thoughts onto more important matters such as how to get rid of this atrocious scar upon his divine visage. He had begged Madam Pomfrey for a cure but the dreadful woman merely stated that her job was to ensure the proper health and survival of those sent to her and that the scar threatened neither and as such was beyond her job. The sheer nerve to say that a scar upon his face wasn't a threat to his survival!-

Left no choice at all He approached the sinister personage of professor Snape to see about procuring an elixir of scar removal which a skilled potioneer surely had on them at all times. He would have had his own brewed potion but alas he hadn't the time to dedicate his substantial potion brewing talents to make one in recent times , he was very important and busy after all. The terrible man had the nerve to scoff at his request and even smirk at his misfortune however!


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pa /pa treon_loskro

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