Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 240: Cruel lesson

Chapter 240: Cruel lesson

They chatted about the merfolk as they walked to the great hall with smiles on their faces the entire way. More than a few people gave him strange looks as they walked past but Nick didn't think anything of it at first. That changed however when his elvish hearing picked up on the conversation of one of those groups. "Did you hear about how good on a broom he is apparently?" "Yeah Oliver Wood said he was going to try and get him on the Gryffindor team" "No way!". Nick scoffed at this however as there was no way in hell he was going to play quidditch.-

Nick heard several conversations like that as he and Luna made their way to he great hall but chose to ignore them. This changed when he heard something else however "CORYDON!" a female voice spoke and his magical senses picked up a spell flying towards them. Fluently pulling out his wand and pointing behind them Nick spoke calmly "PROTEGO!" creating a thick shield that blocked the prank spell. Other than that however Nick acted as though nothing happened and kept walking. He recognized the voice as one belonging to Sue Lee of Ravenclaw house though.-

It was fairly clear to him that she was one of Luna's bullies in that house since the spell was targeting Luna but he simply couldn't be bothered to deal with the girl. There was a few shocked gasps when he blocked the spell without even looking and Luna also seemed surprised but played it off well enough. Sue Lee on the other hand was fuming mad after being humiliated so easily that Nick didn't even deem her worth looking at. "DENSAUGEO!" she spoke maliciously and the teeth growing hex shot out of her wand at Nick.

Nick gave her a chance to walk away after the open prank on Luna but since she chose to stomp on his generosity he was going to teach her a lesson. Turning around he caught the hex with the tip of his wand and flicked it to the side before casting a string of harmless but cruel illusion spells at the girl. "FALSUS AURUM! PERVERSA MUNDI! CHORUS CICADAE! INVORTO!" He spoke rapidly and without stop for all four spells sending a line of back to back different colored lights at the girl. They all struck her and a look of horror and nausea showed up on her face before she threw up and the ground.-

This created a chain reaction that made things much worse for her as she completely emptied her stomach while also being terrified to move or act at all. Nick calmly turned back around and continued walking as Sue Lees friends tried to help her but only made her scream in pain when they touched her. Luna frowned when she saw this but wisely chose to keep her opinion to herself as Sue Lee brought this upon herself by attacking Nick.-

Luna split off from Nick when they got to the great hall with her sitting at her houses table while Nick went over to the Gryffindor table to sit next to Harry who was staring at him with a strange expression. "Why didn't you ever say you were so good on a broom?" he asked both offended and curious at the same time. Nick shrugged "I never thought it was important. It's not like I plan to play quidditch ever so it doesn't affect anyone else but me." he said honestly. "Why in Merlin's name wouldn't you play quidditch if you are so good at flying!?" Ron exclaimed in disbelief as if offended by the very concept.-

"Simple really , too many restrictions. When I fly I want to be able to do whatever I please whenever I please. The sport might be fun for most people like you or Harry here but for me it would be little more than an irritation to play so I simply won't." Nick explained casually leaving the whole Gryffindor table silent as they couldn't really find any flaws with what he said. Oliver Wood however looked almost heartbroken to hear this as it meant there was pretty much no chance of him getting Nick to play.-

Shortly after that Sue Lee's friends burst into the great hall in a panic and hurriedly spoke to Flitwick at the professors table. The small man spared Nick a glance before he left the hall but didn't say anything. Almost everyone else in the hall though was looking at Nick warily as the girls weren't quiet at all when explaining the situation to Flitwick. Snape on the other hand a a ghost of a smile on his face since he had heard that this had happened because Sue Lee had attacked Nick.

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