Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 257: Parseltongue ring

Chapter 257: Parseltongue ring

The interview ended shortly afterwards as Rita wanted nothing more than to stay far away from Nick at that point. Nick of course played the role of host flawlessly and saw them out of the workshop and down the hall politely. Once they were gone he immediately took down the magical restriction ward in the workshop. Contrary to how it may seem he was very much affected by the thing as it shut his magical senses inside his body leaving him uncomfortably blind to his surroundings. He then locked the door to the workshop and cranked on the furnace as he had an idea how to open the chamber himself since he had destroyed the horcrux.-

So his idea was to create a ring that forced his magical ability to allow him to speak parseltongue on purpose. Sure it would only be useful when he need to speak that particular language but that was fine since he could just sell the ring to the system after he was done with it. Switching the flame to dragon flame after it warmed up Nick grabbed a small ingot of silver and tossed it into the furnace.-

Once workable he took it out of the fire and placed it on the anvil before taking out his hammer and a round tip punch to open a hole in the middle. He was gentle when he struck the end of the punch so as to not mess up the metal as he slowly created a divot in the center of the metal bar. Flipping it he repeated this process on the opposite side in the same location. He had to stop in order to reheat the metal but after that he got the hole through the middle.-

Placing the bar on its side he then slowly started to open the hole wider without stressing the metal. He did this by gently rounding the inside edge of the hole on both sides. Once the hole was wide enough he placed a ring mandrel in it before rounding the outside of the bar into a band shape. He needed to reheat it a couple times during this process but he made it in the end with the ring being a thick silver band with rough edges and no design. From there however he carefully took a thin file to the band to carve out the shape of a coiled serpent into the band.-

This included individual scales the head and the body taper with the coils looking to rest beside the next. He even included the belly scales and underside as he did so which created a rough outline for him to follow. Since this filing had to be done cold and very precisely it took him two hours to get a semi lifelike silver snake ring finished. It was very large for a ring but Nick knew it would change size with his autosizing feature. All that was left was to polish it and enchant it for it to be done.-

Nick stored away the semi finished ring before heading to the great hall for lunch since it was close to that time. The meal went by uneventfully and so he went back to working on the ring with the polishing and finally the enchantment. This time he used four words while hammering the enchantment into it , Loke(snake) , Lambe(tongue) , Quet(speak) and Tur(power). These words alongside his intent and the knowledge he used as the base of the enchantment created the following ring.-

[RING NAME: Quet Loke

Grade: RARE

Abilities: Autosizing , parseltongue speech

Description: A ring that forces it's wearer to speak in the language of snakes.

System appraisal: An strange ring created by an up and coming ring smith.]

Nick took off one of his protective rings and slipped on this ring which shrunk down considerably to fit on his finger snuggly. Then he spoke "Testing of the rings ability" immediately he felt the subtle change in his magical ability that told him he had succeeded in making a ring that allowed him to easily open the chamber of secrets. Taking the ring off and storing it into Greed since he didn't feel like speaking only snake tongue all the time he called it a day for work.-

He still had another hour or two before dinner time so he headed to the room of requirements to set up the ritual of reflexes. It was honestly not going to take very long at all to complete since there was no real requirements besides the ingredients. He still needed to create the ritual circle but otherwise he was totally prepared already. The ritual circle had the runes written in a specific pattern within it and once set up Nick took out the acromantula heart and started the ritual.

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