Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 280: Loot(2)

Chapter 280: Loot(2)

Nick himself wouldn't have known about it had it not been for him seeing it in the system shop at a staggering eight million points per drop. Looking at the vial of the stuff in his hand Nick estimated there to be at least ten drops worth of the stuff in it. "This alone makes the trip worth it for me but the rest of this stuff is just an added bonus." Nick said with a smile while the portrait was scowling angrily. "You probably don't even know what that is so your attempt at antagonizing me is pointless." the portrait scoffed.-

"God's blood , and to be fair I normally wouldn't know what it is but I am a bit special in that regard. The things I can accomplish with this stuff gives me goosebumps just thinking about it." Nick said honestly. He wasn't joking either since a single drop of this stuff was enough to create enchantments so complicated it may as well have been a runic reconstruction of every gene in a species DNA. Though the enchanter would need to have the appropriate level of skill to accomplish such a thing to begin with.-

"Tsk! It's not like I can stop you anyway so fine take everything and I hope you choke on your greed!" the portrait said angrily. Nick chuckled but chose to ignore the portrait and focus on removing the curses attached to some of these items. The portrait grew more and more somber as it saw this since it became clear to it that none of it's likenesses trapped items were going to work. One needed to keep in mind that while not as skilled in the art of enchantment as Rowena Ravenclaw , Salazar Slytherin was still extremely skilled at it.-

Hiding curses from detection was a simple matter for him and yet Nick was countering and removing the powerful dark curses easily. "Are you a seer? How can you remove these curses with so little effort?" the portrait couldn't help but ask as it simply couldn't figure it out. Most seers had some sort of mental peculiarity that made them strange in conversation yet Nick had none of that. Nick merely smirked while removing yet another curse and storing away the item it was attached to. For people like Salazar mysteries were maddening things so Nicks actions were driving the portrait nuts as it wracked it's mind for an answer.-

It couldn't come up with a single answer that made sense however and as a result could only grit it's teeth in frustration. Soon enough Nick had packed away the various artifacts and materials and was moving on to the books as well. He could only shake his head at the many layers of curses on each of them that he had the strip off one by one. He could understand cautious but this was getting ridiculous as there was way more than necessary in place on all this treasure.-

Amongst the books there was one that caught his attention however that was a journal bound in leather. Flipping it open Nick was surprised to see that it was nothing less than a step by step guide to the perfected method of horcruxes. Salazar was definitely correct in saying that it was dreadful even by his standards as unlike the original horcrux method that merely used murder and a ritual to create a horcrux this version burned the souls as fuel to slowly transfer ones own soul fully into an object while leaving a connection to the body.-

Yeah "souls" as in more than one at a time , Nick was disgusted by this information as to burn souls in this way was to erase them from existence fully. It was heinous beyond measure and only someone mad or totally without conscience would be willing to perform it. "There is nothing worth knowing within these pages." Nick said and used his ability to cover the book in his hand in violent flame reducing it to ashes. "I can't blame you for that decision but that is so wasteful , do you know how rare soul magic is?" the portrait said slightly regretful at the journals destruction.-

Nick snorted and channeled his spiritual energy into his hand making it glow for a brief instant before he stopped. The portrait had bulging eyes and a gaping mouth after seeing that. "I know more about souls than you ever did so don't talk to me about how rare it is." Nick replied scathingly. "Necromancy? No your spiritual energy was to pure for that , it is something else." The portrait started talking to itself in an attempt to figure out what Nick did. After storing away the last book Nick turned back to the portrait with a vicious smile.

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