Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 324: Veelas

Chapter 324: Veelas

"So it is. If I'd have known you were fueling a body like that I'd have given you more meat!" the bar keeper said with a laugh. "You two here for the pageant I take it?" the man asked while polishing a mug with a cloth. "How'd you guess?" Nick asked in surprise since as far as he knew neither of them had mentioned it before now. "Dumbledore's been sent an invitation to participate for years now on account of the phoenix that keeps him company. Madam Maxim has had her eye on getting a dress inspired by it for quite some time now. Can't blame her , it's a majestic creature without a doubt." the man explained with a smile.-

"I figured he finally decided to indulge her on account of a juicy bit of information I heard from one of my ministry regulars in the games department." he added but Dumbledore stopped him from saying more. "There's no guarantee that will even go through so no need to get his hopes up." the headmaster said sternly so the bar keeper dropped the topic. Nick already had an idea of what was being talked about and wasn't surprised to hear it.-

Despite how it seemed in the book there was no way in hell that a massive international event like the Triwizard tournament was set up in the space of a few months that happened between the third and fourth year. Rather than think that Voldemort who didn't have any followers other than Peter and Barty Crouch jr at the time could set up such a thing it was more probable he simply used it to his benefit. Even now Nick could understand why Dumbledore would be trying to hold such an event what with Grindelwald causing chaos and Voldemort returning.-

With all the bad stuff going on what better a way to boost morale than to show the three western academies of magic competing in a friendly(definitely not)manner? Still Nick didn't say anything to show that he actually knew what was being talked about and merely waited for the old man to finish his own breakfast. After that they left the hostel and went back to the ministry to take the floo to Beauxbatons since apparition directly there was forbidden. They weren't the only ones either as a few dozen people with cages of various sizes were also waiting for the chance to floo over.-

Nick found it fairly clear that most of these people were only here just because they felt like it with some of the creatures he saw in the cages. Horned toads , man eating slugs , and a boggart that seemed to be having an identity crisis with the amount of forms it was shifting between. None of these had any beauty to them at all unless you had something wrong with your mind. The real competitors though had their cages covered with cloth or stored in spatial equipment.-

There was also quite a few people that were merely designers or spectators that included a certain influential French pureblood family. The women of that family were gawking at Nick quite openly much to the confusion of the men. Nick smirked and tipped his head slightly in acknowledgement before ignoring them as he was studying the magical items on each person nearby. He may not be able to see the runes directly but he could still figure out what the items did and as a result attempt to mimic them later. It might not be plagiarism exactly but he was definitely toeing that line.-

The only reason he was even doing this was so he could pass the information on to Hermione and Daphne as a christmas present. Still despite his choosing to ignore the Delacour family it didn't mean they did the same or rather could do the same. His mere presence seemed to suppress them to an uncomfortable degree like what a peasant might feel when presented before a powerful king. The worse part is that they had no idea why this was and that made it hard for them to do anything besides stare at Nick.-

"Do either of you know what is going on with them?" one of the older men in a suit asked worriedly. "Are they veela?" Nick asked slightly irritated at being interrupted from his magic memorizing. The man looked shocked "They are part veela , how'd you know?" he asked seriously. "I have a passive bloodline trait that makes me hold dominion over all avian creatures and as veelas are part of that category I imagine it's much like standing in the presence of your races ruler. Before you ask there is nothing I can do about it so they will simply need to adapt to my presence." Nick explained honestly before going back to what he was doing. He didn't even feel like pointing out that as an all female race there was no such thing as "part veela" you either were or were not a veela there is no in between.

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