Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 327: Sour meeting

Chapter 327: Sour meeting

This time the allure was much weaker than in the ministry which made sense considering unlike then it is coming from a single person. Nick scowled as he turned to look at the source of the allure in the form of a blonde girl that was staring at him in confusion and anger. "Remove your magic." he commanded having had enough of dealing with this allure. The girl stumbled as she instinctively did as he commanded suffering from the backlash of it. Veelas were able to suppress their allure to a degree but never fully retract it normally so it was foreign and painful for her when she did.-

"Fleur , are you alright?" Madam Maxime asked concerned after seeing this happen. Fleur grit her teeth and glared at Nick "What are you doing to me?" she hissed angrily. Nick scoffed "I hold dominion over all avian creatures and you are veela. You exist under me in terms of hierarchy so you feel suppressed naturally." he said calmly. "That's impossible! I am no servant girl!" she said defiantly. Nick shook his head at that though "It is not a matter of consent , ALL avian races are subserviently to me and veelas are no different." he said honestly.-

Fleur looked hateful "That is unfair! Who gets to decide that!?" she exclaimed angrily. "What are you talking about ? Explain what is going on!" Maxime demanded unable to understand the situation. Dumbledore sighed but explained Nick's unique nature in terms of avian creatures and how it creates a feeling of subservience to him which Fleur was likely rejecting due to pride. "Perhaps it's best if you avoid him whilst he's here my dear?" the headmistress said to try and help the situation. This was a very awkward situation for everyone involved as neither side wanted to deal with the other because of factors out of both their controls.-

For Nick it was the irritation that the allure caused while for Fleur it was because of her nature clashing with her personality. She was a proud and powerful person and refused to bow her head to anyone which clashed with her veela instincts to do exactly that. Even worse was that she couldn't release her allure while in Nicks presence since he had commanded her to remove it causing her a lot of pain. She could only huff and leave in anger to escape the discomfort she was feeling.-

"I apologize for this situation , had I any idea it would happen I would have never brought him to compete in the pageant." Dumbledore said honestly with a deep bow. The half giant shook her head with a sigh "You cu'd not 'ave known." She said in her heavily accented english. "As for you I hope you can forgive fleur for her disrespect. This must have taken her by great surprise and angered her , she is quite prideful so your ability must bother her greatly." Maxime said to Nick in French.-

He waved it off "It's not like I will need to deal with her much in the future so it doesn't matter to me how she thinks of me." he said honestly. She accepted that answer without any issue since it was perfectly logical. "That reminds me however , you never did say what you were using to compete did you?" she changed the topic to one that she was interested in easily at that point. "I actually have two possible entries in the form of my familiar , Nazgul and one of my companions , Dusk." Nick said with a smirk as he released both of them from his realm.-

The shift from lifeless and barren that was the realm to filled with life and color disoriented the two beasts. Madam Maxime however had her jaw drop in shock at what she saw , the first was an immortal bird native to Asia while the other was an unknown creature that was very beautiful. "Dusk here is my companion and won't allow anyone to touch him. Nazgul on the other hand is my familiar and the first and only one of her kind , a ring beast. She will let you touch her as she is quite friendly usually." Nick introduced the two creatures with a laugh.-

Dusk looked at the huge woman sternly after landing on Nicks shoulder since he could tell that she was half giant like Hagrid. The gamekeeper had been quite insistent on trying to pet him despite getting bit more than once which made the bird wary of large folk like him. Madam Maxime was not a simple minded person like Hagrid so when she got warned about not touching the bird she knew better than to try and do so. Nazgul on the other hand was showered with affection that the spoiled creature accepted eagerly.

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