Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 463: Next match

Chapter 463: Next match

After concluding his experiments with the gauntlet Nick got rid of all the leftovers while feeding the souls of the still living creatures to a single rat before extracting the now very powerful soul and using it to empower the anklet he wears on his leg. Nick hadn't forgotten this particular piece of protective gear but refused to use it unless it was an emergency since the longer he went without doing so the more powerful it got. As it was at the moment using it would make it seem as though time had stopped for Nick for all of about a minute.-

That was what a total loss of kinetic energy within twenty feet would look like if one was indoors after all. After the empowerment by the soul however the range grew to nearly sixty feet in every direction. Having the realm break down and assimilate the corpses base components Nick stored the gauntlet away and left the realm. With a flick of his wand he knew the current time and started to head towards the great hall since it was dinner time. Nick listened in on the conversations as he walked to his regular seat at the Gryffindor long table.-

'Seems the ministry is keeping the news on the creature under wraps for now , no doubt to take credit for it after we deal with it.' he thought with derisively. The more his knowledge and power grew the more Nick started to disdain the petty methods that fudge and the ministry used to keep the british wizarding community reliant on them. He understood why they did it of course but that didn't mean he didn't find it pathetic. As much as everyone tries to ignore it the fact of the matter was tricks only counted for so far and only having true recognized power really held weight.-

It was why Dumbledore , Grindelwald and even Voldemort were all able to sway the hearts and minds of so many people. Each and every last one of them showed their power and ambitions and people naturally fell in line behind them to follow those same ambitions. Simply having an ambition but no power behind it was unsustainable and it showed as the ministry was constantly scrambling to keep hold of it's place at the head of the wizards but it was a tenuous affair.-

Shaking his head to remove such thoughts Nick sat down at the table next to Harry. "Hey did you hear? The next match has been decided already!" Ron said excitedly between messy mouthfuls of food. "Oh? Which ones is it this time?" Nick asked curiously. "It's the mermen and the krakens. The captains of the teams put out the announcement earlier when you were doing whatever it is that you do by yourself." Ron said seriously. "When's it scheduled?" Nick asked with interest. "This coming up saturday , supposed to be better than the last game since they've had longer to train." Harry said with a shrug.-

"It might be but it's not a very complicated sport so there's not a whole lot to improve upon." Nick said honestly. "That is where you are wrong my reclusive friend!" Fred chimes in from further down the table. "The rules aren't very complicated to understand true but the things that we players can do is much broader and intricate. We had affectionately called them BT's or blitz techniques if you don't like the short version. Can't really go into details since we don't want to ruin the surprise but it's gonna change the whole game." George says with a wide grin.-

"Pretty sure I know what you are referring to but I'll see for myself this upcoming saturday." Nick said with a shrug. The week moved by quickly after that as nick focused on trying to complete his mission as quickly as possible as he was starting to get close to the two hundred fifty thousand rings of protection needed for it. He also recovered a hefty amount of points as a result and was eyeing the book on magical cloaking he saw previously since he was still very much interested in it.-

The day of the match Nick woke up as per normal and took on his Animagus form before vanishing from the dorm after he got dressed. Nick had discovered that after he gained the celestial bird form he got a slight improvement to his natural vision and related bloodline abilities but could only gain all the benefits of the species if he was in the form. This meant no elemental teleportation unless he took on his Animagus form. A little inconvenient to be sure but nothing he couldn't work around by getting a little privacy.

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