Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 471: Thoughts

Chapter 471: Thoughts

'Next up is the cuisses which I think I will add a simple balance enchantment to.' Nick thought while setting the greaves to the side. After he mastered the Celebrimbor style and gained near perfect control of his spiritual energy he became much more efficient at crafting new items. Add onto this his current reserves of mana and he can now craft two brand new enchantments back to back before needing to refill his mana. He didn't need any tricks or cut corners in order to do this either as he was easily considered a master smith by elven standards.-

Still two enchantments back to back was the absolute limit of his energy reserves so he waited a bit to regain some more mana. Not long just thirty minutes or so before he started to enchant the cuisses as well. For them he used the three words , ranta(part) , luntha(balance) and Steadime(steady). With them he tied the enchantment for the greaves to the cuisses and created the balance enchantment that would make him quite hard to knock over while he wore the armor. The grade of this piece of the armor while still rare was only mid rare at best but Nick had expected this considering how simple the effect it had was.-

Nick was pleased about this as if the rest of the armor was also rare grade then by default the whole set will be counted as such as well. He relaxed as he waited for his mana to refill by sitting in his chair and working on the daedric book he had. Nick was eager to fully absorb the information held within the book and start the process of becoming a true realm lord. The problem was that the book contained extremely high end information that made it a pain to understand.-

In truth Nick had a suspicion that he was having so much difficulty with it because it might be a higher tier of powers level of information. In that case it made perfect sense as he was simply trying to skip to skip a grade or two in terms of pure information without having the required background information to begin with. It was like a normal second year student trying to learn a sixth year subject , was it possible? Yes it was. Was it easy? Nope , in fact it was extremely difficult as that student would need to constantly fight with the subject because of lacking the context for parts of it.-

Nick knew this of course but he was helpless about it as even tier four knowledge was very hard to come by not to even think about tier five or six. Slytherins library was able to provide tier four information and maybe a small amount of tier five if Slytherin recorded anything after he basically turned himself into a lich. This gave Nick a leg up over most people but compared to the likes of Zeus it was simply not even worth mentioning.-

This was what made becoming a realm lord so important to Nick. With that done even Zeus would be nearly helpless to truly kill him and that let Nick get the breathing room he would need to try and close the gap. Anyways he made very little progress in this regard over the next four hours as his mana refilled itself passively with every breath he took. That was the only real downside to having greater amounts of mana that was of a higher quality that Nick found. It takes longer and longer for him to recover after emptying his reserves as he grew more powerful.-

Nick thought it was a worthy trade off really since it only made sense for it to happen. 'Perhaps that's why the higher tiered being can't sustain themselves in this less mana dense environment. Their natural consumption and replenishment of mana simply can't handle the small amount of mana thus making them die slowly and painfully as their bodies drain other forms of energy to fill the mana need.' Nick pondered curiously.This also explained why the golden apple tree in the vault had survived long enough for Rowena Ravenclaw to find and store it in a stasis field.-

Magical plants were much less complicated then people and thus didn't need as much mana to survive. 'It's possible that the tree was just barely hanging on thanks to this fact and if it hadn't been found by my ancestor would probably be dead by now.' Nick thought thankful about it since that tree likely held the key to the higher tiers and he could tell it would be a pain to reach them on his own effort.

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