Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 495: Mistaken assumptions

Chapter 495: Mistaken assumptions

Nick wasted no time at all searching the system for any book on the subject of whatever the abomination used but found only a single work on it that was WAY out of his price range at a whopping five hundred million points. Nick was not surprised at the price or that the knowledge was so rare either as it was obviously extremely high tier and also the sort of thing no one in their right mind would try and learn. From what Nick could tell the magic was basically pure destruction given form to the point of erasing matter itself.-

Something like that definitely couldn't be controlled with any real level of precision meaning it only took a split second mistake to see yourself erased from existence. With a sigh Nick closed out the system since it was pointless to keep looking at the tome on the subject if he couldn't afford it. Instead he headed to the library to see if he could find the information on the blood curse that the Greengrass family suffered from. First he checked the ancient section to see if it was there and only after a few hours searching he found what he was looking for.-

It turned out that Nicks theory about the curse not originally being meant to be a curse was correct as according to the information he found the original creator noticed the steadily decreasing power of the pureblood bloodlines and wanted to forcefully correct this problem. 'And this is why false assumptions are the bane of peoples attempts.' Nick thought with a disapproving look at the method behind the persons spell work. The person assumed that the key to the bloodlines power was in fact within the blood which was obviously incorrect.-

Nick was well aware that the bloodlines mere set the body up to be able to host the power inherited but after that point the blood in ones body had little to do with it anymore. The magic circuits were where the true key to that power was and the reason for the decreasing power of the purebloods was because of their generationally atrophying circuits as they tried to coast off their ancestors glory and effort without any themselves. Besides the false assumption though the creator of the curse correctly did their work and the curse did effect ones bloodline in a small but otherwise generally positive way.-

The issue came in the form of the fact that the magic was incorrectly founded and thus horribly flawed which caused the spell to turn from a blessing to a powerful hereditary curse. There was no more information after that point besides a warning to never try and use this spell on yourself as it will only kill you instead. 'Considering the sudden change in handwriting I assume that the end was written by the creators apprentice or relative.' Nick thought while shaking his head. It was pretty easy to understand why that was the case too since the creator likely got over zealous and used the spell on themselves.-

'Well at least it is easy to fix now that I know this information. You just need to channel the curse from the blood to the magical core so that it actually does what it was intended to.' Nick thought withan odd expression. Despite a plethora of mediwitches trying to crack the Greengrass curse none had succeeded now despite the solution being very simple to accomplish. To be fair to them though they all operated off the premise that the curse was entirely meant to be a negative thing like most curses which stopped them from making progress on it ironically.-

Till now all they could do was treat the symptoms of the curse to extend the bearers life and try and make them more comfortable before the curse eventually claimed them. 'Time to give this method to Madam Pomphrey then.' Nick thought as he left the library. He quickly placed a powerful disillusionment charm on himself as well as a notice me not charm to keep the perceptive mediwitch from finding him as he approached the hospital wing.-

Nick found that he actually had perfect timing as he spotted Astoria leaving the place feebly. Nick saw the curse flaring up within her at this point and secretly pulsed a reverse magical wave to forcefully calm it down as she passed by him. Astoria didn't notice this but clearly felt better as her footsteps became more stable. Nick nodded in satisfied with this and stealthily slipped into the hospital wing while avoiding the detection wards placed at the entrance. He knew that they were there not to detect trespassers but to inform Madam Pomphrey of incoming patients.

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