Headed by a Snake

Chapter 713 Tyrion Tactics

Haelvia honestly had no idea what her childhood friend, Justus, looked like after so many years. However, teasing the only other Divine Armor pilot in the company was something she enjoyed.

It made his presence... bearable.

The sound of Loki coughing and clearing his throat made her turn back to face him.

The boy was biting his upper lip... He made a cute popping noise that seemed slightly out of place for him.

"Hey, uh..."


"You uh...?" The boy wiggled his fingers, as if he was playing with them... "Did you have uh... some kind of... relationship? With that guy?"

"Wh--" Haelvia choked on her saliva. She quickly unstoppered her waterskin and took a deep pull... "Hah! Loki, you... Ah. By the Flame, no..."

"Well..." Loki tilted his head, "why not?"

Haelvia shook her head violently. Her? Having anything more than a friendly relationship with Justus? The thought had never crossed her mind, nor would it.

"He... he had Rena," She explained, "She was... she was also a close friend of mine. The two of them joined the Rhodoks about a year before I started adventuring on my own."

"Oh! Whoaa!!" Loki exclaimed, "The Ezyrian guild, right? And why didn't *you* join THEM??!"

"Ugh. Why do you think?" Haelvia groaned, "Same reason the army wouldn't take me. I didn't meet the height requirements."

"The maximum height requirements, you mean?"

Haelvia tossed a hardfruit at the boy's face-- which the criminal easily caught and took a bite out of.

"Obviously," She sighed.

"Still, though..." Loki crunched thoughtfully, "the Rhodoks... they're para-military, aren't they? Your friends are probably doing alright."

"If they're still alive," Haelvia shrugged. "They haven't written back to my letters in-- Flame take me... in years..."

She'd heard... some worrisome rumors that the Rhodoks had left the Holy Country.

It bothered her. Rena didn't say anything about it... which really wasn't like her.

She was worried that something had happened to her-- to both of them. She tried not to think about it overmuch, because it made her stomach twist and turn.

In all probability, they were fine... just as Loki said.

The Rhodoks were a Gold-Rank guild. Gold-Rank guilds sometimes took on high-profile quests... in defense of the nation... or on behalf of humankind.

It wasn't... *impossible* for Justus and Rena, to be taking part in a clandestine mission on behalf of the High Oracle.

That's what she hoped, anyroad.

Haelvia furrowed her brows, "And what's so impressive about being *para-military*? Guild *Metal Wolf* is para-military!"

Loki pushed his palms forward, "H-hold on! It's different, isn't it? Our guild focuses around supporting our Armored Classes and two Divine Armors. The Rhodoks use regular century tactics!"

"All of our Armored Classes are subclasses of Legionnaire-- a Tyrion Class! Also, Divine Armors are almost solely used by the Holy Country!" Haelvia argued. "Therefore, all our combat manuals are *obviously* Tyrion-tried and Tyrion-tested."

Her head began to hurt. She had a sneaking suspicion that Loki had never even seen even a single one of said manuals.

...Then again, If he'd been taught their contents, she doubted he retained any of it.

"W-well..." The green-haired buffoon tapped his forefingers together, "L-lancelot was made in Whitehearth."

Haelvia took a deep breath and sighed, "The Divine Armors made in the Eastern States have only reached a level of strength comparable to ours in the past couple of years. I read a news pamphlet the other moon saying that the Arcanite Princess--"

She glanced over to Loki-- he wasn't even listening.

Of course. He was never interested in anything about Divine Armors other than piloting his. Unless his way of thinking changed, it was probably impossible for him to learn Lancelot's true name.


"Nevermind," Haelvia grimaced, "I'm here now... in a Tyrion adventuring company-- and there's nothing wrong with it."

"Well-- I uh... I mean..." Loki stammered, "I dunno, Hagrid--"

"Don't call me that."

"I dunno, Elle," The boy scratched at his head of annoyingly green hair, "I really don't... *feel* like we're doing Tyrion stuff. We haven't done any *real* monster subjugation quests since I joined..."

Haelvia sneered, "And how about that hundred-foot long Deathworm the other sun? That didn't count as a monster?"

"I uh... I guess it was?" Loki shrugged, "But... it's not really... I guess I expected joining Guild Metal Wolf would have me killin' xeno's and burning witches and heretics."

"Go read a history book, you. We don't do that anymore!" Haelvia scolded. "The wars are over-- at least, for now. The Eastern States and the other nations have a right to their own religions. Even the Free Nation--"

"The Beast Kingdoms, you mean?" Loki snickered.

"Did I stutter, you pompous prick?" Haelvia rolled her eyes.

The brat laughed loudly at his stupid own joke, cackling like a maniac... "Calm dowwwwn, Elle. Listen. I get it! The reason Guild Metal Wolf shifted their operations to the Eastern States is probably 'cos we got lots of baddies out here to purge... 'sides from... harpies and kobolds, anyroad."

"It's the *same* here," Haelvia narrowed her eyes. "Except now it's drakes and goblins..."

"Little fish," Loki shrugged. "A single kick from Lancelot, and they'll all scatter."

"To you and me, maybe. And only because of our Divine Armors," Haelva scowled. "But we still need to stay vigilant... to protect the infantry on the ground...

"And besides," She sighed... "We're even escorting a civilian."

"Ah, right," Loki nodded. "The xeno? Or was she a witch? Dunno why we didn't just leave her in the sands for the vultures."

"Because elves are people too, you tiny-testicled blockhead."

"Hey!" Loki shouted, "That's-- ...is that an insult?"

"It's not a compliment."

⟬ Another human approaches. ⟭

Haelvia glanced up the Divine Armor whose thoughts she sensed... to Lancelot. His eyes had glowed briefly, but had dimmed when Loki followed her gaze.

"What's up, Elle?" He asked.

Haelvia hopped off of her seat on Gaheris' foot, onto her own two feet, "Good evening, Decanus."

It was Ollus, the rude Decanus that passed orders to her and Loki, earlier. However, even though there were only two others present, the man refused to meet her eyes.

He continued to stare up at Gaheris, ignoring the two of them, "Hey, Hagrid. Keepin' the watch, I see."

...Haelvia cleared her throat, "Decanus... I'm standing over here."

Ollus spun around, feigned shock on his face, "Oh! By the Flame, you scared the hells out of me, girl. Can never tell you apart from good ol' Gaheris, here."

Loki continued snickering like the fool he was.

Haelvia had heard the joke too many times to care, "Are there orders?"

"Yeah, there are," The Decanus sneered. "The Optio wants to see you. Probably to give you your woman-supplies."

"That time of the moon, Elle?" Loki sneered.

"Pound sand, you," Haelvia growled.

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