Headed by a Snake

Chapter 720 Heartfelt Confession (Part One)

Haelvia nodded as she closed her eyes. Coraline could tell Gaheris' true nature at a glance. If all elves were like her-- that was a little scary.

⟬ Gaheris serves loyally... as does the fire elemental, to her own master. ⟭

Ah... So that's what the reason was.

Haelvia opened her eyes and smiled... "Gaheris is my loyal knight and protector. And so is Beatrice to you."

"Beatrice is my dearest friend," Coraline nodded. "She's irreplaceable... as are all my friends."

The ball suddenly stopped moving... then continued, "I... don't have very many, if I'm being honest. So... I'm sorry if I came out a little pushy. I don't... really know how to make friends, ahaha..."

A tinge of pain washed over Haelvia's heart. She was the exact same way... except she didn't have even half as much courage as Coraline had.

...After such a heartfelt confession, she was going to look like an absolute bitch, if she didn't accept that invitation to Whitehearth.

"AaAny-rOOad," Coraline raised her voice-- it cracked a little bit, probably out of embarrassment. "Whitehearth is where Divine Armors are made in the Eastern States... the home city of Arcanite Prince Landris Wyndham."

Haelvia sucked in air through her teeth.

She remembered being told earlier that Lancelot was powered by an Arcanite Core. Divine Armors weren't uncommon to see in the city-state ruled by the Arcanite Prince... which also meant that Haelvia's last excuse would also be rejected.

"A-alright... I'll go with you," Haelvia fanned herself with her hand... "But I highly doubt I'm going to find a good man in some seedy public house."

The little fireball danced about excitedly, "It's the journey that will be fun-- the adventure!"

The fiery elemental landed adjacent to Haelvia, opening her Elven arms wide.

⊰ beatrice too ⊱

"Of course, Beatrice," Haelvia smiled. "We'll all go together."

The flaming figure opened its 'mouth' as if to show a radiant smile. It looked a bit disturbing, but it seemed fine.

"Who knows?" Coraline giggled, "Maybe we'll find you a good man on the way!"


Haelvia was fast to become friends with Coraline.

Maybe it was because Coraline was a great listener-- though not as good as Gaheris, for obvious reasons.

Her Elven friend was sweet, clever, funny... and hopelessly in love.

They talked about absolutely nothing of importance, but... it was nice.

The conversation was... warm-- and not just because one of the participants was a sentient manifestation of fire.

Time passed and the night grew late...

In a flash of red and gold, Coraline-- or Beatrice, rather, transformed back into a subtle, floating sphere.

"Running away, little girl?" Haelvia teased. "I guess I'm boring, huh?"

"Psh, nah. We could probably keep going like this until the same time tomorrow," The ball glowed. "BuuuUuu~t... aren't you supposed to be on patrol? Miss Haelvia of Leopardon?"

"Aren't you supposed to be on bedrest," Haelvia countered, "Miss Coraline Heartsong?"

"Whaaaat?" The ball flashed in embarrassment... "I'd... I'd sleep if I could. I slept the whole sun, y'know... Beatrice and I are gonna explore for a little bit before heading back."

That was fine. As much as Haelvia wanted to keep talking, they'd been doing that for literally bells. Her back hurt from standing for so long.

"Alright," Haelvia waved. "Stay out of trouble, dear. You too, Miss Beatrice."

⊰ no burn? ⊱

"No burning anyone who doesn't deserve it," Haelvia waved her finger.

⊰ yes ⊱

"Ellie... can we hang out later?" The elf-ball pulsed, "Maybe in the morning?"

Haelvia touched her hand to her heart... "Yeah... I'd like that."

After another few minutes of farewells to her spherical elf friend and the erratic flier that was Beatrice, she turned back to Gaheris.

"We have more friends. You're not jealous, right?"

⟬ Gaheris believes that more allies can only be beneficial. One such ally approaches. ⟭

"Oh, is it that time already?" Haelvia closed her eyes and kept silent...

She felt it was probably past due for Munifex Loukius to arrive-- but as Haelvia was properly entertained for most of the evening, she didn't mind it too much.

Yet... she didn't sense Lancelot's heavy steps?

"Talkin' to yourself again, Hagrid?"

Haelvia turned around slowly... to see Loki emerging from a flowery brush.

That name again... It was annoying to begin with, and thrice so out of Loki's mouth... but she'd had a good evening and didn't want to make change-over longer than necessary.

And thus... she chuckled to herself, smiling out of obligatory politeness, "I guess."

"Well... you should probably stop that," Loki suggested, approaching with his hands on his hips. "People might think you're a crazy person."

"I guessss," Haelvia repeated herself with a lazy shrug.

She didn't care what most anyone else in the company thought of her-- there was far too much hearsay and trashy rumors, anyroad.

In fact, she had a strong suspicion that the source of half of her shite popularity was in her very presence.

...And Gaheris wasn't so talkative.

Haelvia tried to change the subject, "About the change-over... I was about to check on Decanus Ollus, but--"

"He can wait. He says he's an Iron-Rank Legionnaire-- even if he can't touch me in a fight, but still..." Loki rubbed his opposite elbow, "H... hey, can we talk for a bit?"

"What?" Haelvia lost her balance, letting her head dip to the side, "No. I'm going to start my sleep cycle."

"Oh, come onnn~!" Loki opened his arms wide, as if to block her from leaving. "Just for a little bit?"

...Unlike his earlier joke, this one was actually funny. The boy might have been good with a spear and shield, but he had neither... nor did he have his Divine Armor. Conversely, Haelvia was both bigger and stronger than he was. Gaheris wouldn't even have to lift a finger.

Loki was being awfully serious, though...

So... even though Haelvia was really, really tired... and even though she really, really didn't want to spend another minute with the scoundrel... her accursed politeness won out.

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