Headed by a Snake

Chapter 746 Relentless

** Content Warning: Sexual Activity **

"Good morning, Elle," Tycondrius returned a short salute before offering an upward palm forward.

Elle furrowed her brows, focusing on his hand-- unsure of what to do, "I... err... I... ah...? Where... is your shirt?"

"It got dirty," Tycon rolled his eyes, "Here is where you take my hand."

"But I..." The girl pulled her arms close to her chest, "I... need to report to... m-my..."

"Nope," Tycon snatched her wrist, tugging gently.

While he normally wouldn't want to inconvenience a professional Immunes trying to do her job... he was in a sour mood and feeling somewhat selfish.

He guided Elle deeper into the fortress at a brisk pace, searching for an important enough Highblade that could accede to his requests.

She did not pull away, though she had plenty of opportunities to.

That was consent enough.

"Duplicarius..." A Metal Wolf Legionnaire stepped forward, his face in awe, "you... fixed Divine Armor Lancelot."

"Incorrect," Tycon answered casually as he pulled Elle past the fellow. "It was a temporary measure using a borrowed fire elemental. I'm placing you in charge of his recovery, Decanus. He's just outside the walls, where I left him."

"...Oh," The fellow's shoulders slumped as he cursed, "Flame take me."

Lieutenant Teneca, Commander of the Keep, was the next challenger.

She stood in Tycon's path, her arms crossed, two armed Bronze-Rank yes-men at her side.

"Lord Tycon," She narrowed her eyes, her gaze drifting downward... "Impressive physique."

"Lieutenant Teneca, you've excellent timing," Tycon nodded, ignoring the remark. "Grant me the use of a private room."

"Your first destination, *Sir*, would be the infirmaries," Teneca frowned. "Immunes Haelvia is obviously suffering the effects of mana fatigue and it would *behoove* all parties involved to have her undergo a medical examination."

"You will direct me to one, *Miss* Teneca," Tycon narrowed his eyes, "and I shall take her to the other when and if I see fit."

Though Teneca was the fortress Commander, he didn't feel like listening to her. In both status and martial skill, the young Elven Lieutenant was not his match.

"Duplicarius," Elle squeaked, "this... this really isn't--"

Tycon turned back and placed a finger on his lips with a wink. The subtle action bought her silence.

Teneca sighed and shook her head before glancing down an adjacent corridor... "Down that hall. Second to last door on the right."

"Thank you."

The dazed and confused Elle allowed herself to be pulled towards that direction... though not quietly.

"But... shouldn't I... But... Teneca's the Commander here? But... but you?"

Ignoring the girl's complaints, Tycon tried the door lever. It opened-- which was good. He was fully prepared to break the mechanism if it wasn't, "Mind the door frame."

Tycon gave the room a cursory inspection, keeping his hand on the hilt of his sword.

No occupants. Two beds.

The door did not have a locking mechanism-- but he deemed one unnecessary.

Turning back to Elle, he pulled on one of her legs. Supporting her weight by firmly gripping her buttocks, he pinned her to the door.

He stared deep into the woman's eyes.

He saw her fear. He saw her uncertainty.

He felt her hot breaths... and the heat between her loins.

She bit her bottom lip.

Tycon took it as an invitation, obliging her with a deep kiss.

After a moment, he pulled back to gauge her reaction.

She stared back dreamily...

...Tycon took a moment to ensure she wasn't suffering a concussion. Once he was reasonably sure she was in sound health, he kissed her again... deeper... more passionately.

Elle responded in kind. At first, she seemed unsure. Her movements were awkward and clumsy as she placed her arms behind his back.

She wanted him...

And he... he wanted to get all the sand out of his clothes.


'Please don't look!'

'It's-- it's dirty down there.'

'Are... are you okay with someone like me?'

Tycon responded to each of Elle's concerns by taking her with renewed vigor.

She was adamant about her inexperience.

Tycon found it rather obvious.

Being a proper gentleman, he guided her patiently, focusing on ensuring her comfort. It was above and beyond what she could reasonably expect from a partner of lesser skill.

It wasn't difficult. Tycon had discovered that Elle was both mentally and (interestingly) physically prepared to receive him. As such, her body was extremely sensitive to stimuli.

Unfortunately, after only two bells, Tycon was convinced to yield to her as she pleaded for respite.

He gave in, only grudgingly... and only at the point when Elle reached the verge of tears.

Tycon sat up against two down pillows, offering his arm for Elle to lay on. Earlier, he'd pushed the two beds earlier... but his woman's calves hung off the ends.

There was no helping it. The beds were made for elves and humans of regular height.

"Y... you're horrible, Duplicarius..." Elle whispered, snuggling into his chest.

Her blonde ponytail had come undone and strands of hair stuck messily to her forehead.

Her disheveled appearance made Tycon want her more.

"Your words and actions conflict, Elle," He teased, tilting her head up to kiss her gently. "Also, I believe in such a setting, first names would be appropriate, no?"

The girl nodded shyly, "O... okay... Tychon..."

Tycon chuckled to himself, "Are you ready to begin again? Now that you're comfortable using my name, I'd like to hear it at the top of your lungs."

Elle embraced his chest as she looked up to him with sparkling eyes, "C-can we wait a little bit longer? My... legs-- no... my whole body... it's tingly? And... that... feels sore?"

"Hm, very well," Tycon reached beneath the covers to run his hands up and down the erogenous areas around her thighs... Though he'd agreed to allow her rest, he intended to keep their heart rates elevated.


"Horrible, you say," Tycon smirked, kissing her with a light nibble of her bottom lip... "Care to elucidate?"

"You're... still..." Elle's eyes were still unfocused as she cooed... "I mean... you're... relentless..."

"If you must know my reasoning..." Tycon continued to kiss his woman's neck, "I'm trying to make you fall in love with me."

"I..." Elle bit her lip as she loosed a light moan, "you..."

"Is it working?"

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