Headed by a Snake

Chapter 749 A Mere Tactician

The xeno's filed out of the room, one by one. Of the ones that acknowledged Phaedra's presence, they regarded her with either outright contempt or mild curiosity.

'Breathe, girl...' She reminded herself in her heart. 'Be patient. Get what you need. Leave respectfully...'

Soon, only Teneca and two of her guards remained.

Phaedra glanced over at the closest chair.

"Oh, don't bother with a seat, Phaedra," Teneca waved her hand. "This won't take long."

...Phaedra grit her teeth and took a deep breath, "Very well."

That woman was being frustratingly thorough.

"Teneca, tell me what you know about Tychon."

"Hmm..." Teneca tilted her head, as she averted her gaze. "The older wolf was more polite, don't you think, Staff Sergeant?"

"One can only imagine the quality of her pups," An unsmiling xeno replied.

Phaedra found herself reaching for where her sword had been.

...It was reasonable for Teneca to have taken it away.

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she lowered her head... "I... respectfully request knowledge, Commander Teneca."

"Hah... hahaha..." Teneca laughed quietly, "To begin, Lady Phaedra... you must realize that that man is far more than... what was it? 'A mere tactician without an army'?"

Phaedra grimaced upon hearing the words she spoke earlier in the sun.

She bit her tongue so she wouldn't speak her thoughts aloud, 'Yes, you insufferable b*tch. That's why I'm here.'

"Miss Coraline," Teneca gestured with an open palm, "she has informed you that Lord Tycon is Sol Invictus, has he not?"

"So you're saying..." Phaedra narrowed her eyes, "--that I'm a fool because I insulted a member of a once-popular Tyrion guild."

She was beginning to see her error. Admittedly, the name Sol Invictus was not one she should have taken so lightly... That wasn't something she'd acknowledge in front of that Teneca, though.

"Tch... hah..." One of the Highblade guards scoffed and began to chuckle... and the other didn't bother to hide a mocking grin.

"Unfortunately, that isn't quite the case," Teneca sighed and shook her head... as if she was pitying her, "That man is not *of* Sol Invictus. He is Sol Invictus' guild leader."

"And what does that matter?" Phaedra twisted her lips, "The old Sol Invictus was just an Arena Guild... a famous one, yes-- but that doesn't mean anything out here!"

Teneca shrugged, "I believe... a man named Maximus of Ezyria would have disagreed."

Phaedra's eyes widened, "The hero of Tyrion? What's he have to do with this?"

Teneca opened a scroll tube and began to unravel the paper inside.

"This a report of all of Lord Tycon's movements in your Holy Country-- all unclassified information gathered at the Adventurer's Guild in Rixus.

"Your 'Tyrion Hero' was famously attached to Sol Invictus at the time he fell during a mission in Alizeau."

That... was something Phaedra could not ignore. Maximus was a celebrated hero... it was impossible for him to have belonged to a guild with a worthless name.

"HmMm~" Teneca's smile grew wider as she continued to read, "Lord Tycon has worked for both your High Oracle and for... Archbishop Crucis? Those are two rather important women in your Holy Country, are they not?"

Phaedra felt a drop of sweat drip down her head, "Yes... they are."

Tychon was a valued agent of the Basilica. If... he were to report Phaedra, it was very possible for the Church of the Eternal Flame to send Avengers to arrest and crucify her...

"Mm..." Teneca pursed her lips, "there's a note here in his file on... your Duplcarius being associated with Divine Armorsmith Harkus and his student, Athanasius the Oathkeeper."

Phaedra shut her eyes and took a deep breath.

The crafter of Divine Armor Gaheris... and the pilot of Divine Armor Apollonius.

That news was just as ominous. If she were cursed by either, it would be impossible for Guild Metal Wolf to receive technical support for their constructs...

"Oh! I like *this* one~" Teneca smiled, "Tactician Tycon is also the primary instructor for the troops of Letalis Serpentia."

Phaedra felt her head begin to ache. That... that was one of the three Gold-Ranked guilds in western Tyrion. She could no longer hold any hope for any contracts working for or alongside them...

"There's a statue of him in Apollonia," Teneca mused, "a work of House Vanzano."

Phaedra felt her eye twitch. That didn't have any sort of importance at-- "Wait, House Vanzano?"

Teneca nodded, "My informant has appended a report detailing how Lord Tycon was of great assistance in building the financial power of their young House Head, one Miss Athena Vanzano."


So Tychon didn't just claim Maximus of Ezyria. He was ingratiated to his younger sister... and thus to the nobility.

House Vanzano was well known for leading the reformation of the Adventurer's Guild in Tyrion, pushing for public quests like monster relocation, exploration and mapping of the wildlands, and establishing patrols across the countryside.

That girl was loved by citizens, merchants, and adventurers all...

"It's really no wonder that he has such connections," Teneca chuckled as she reclined in her chair, balancing herself precariously on its back legs with inhuman grace. "Besides holding rank in Tyrion, he's also a Prince in the Free Nation. I recall that was a painful lesson learned by one of my Sergeants-- though his rank has been stripped since then."

Phaedra nodded quietly. That made sense... she knew Tychon was *some* kind of nobility. Being a Prince in the Beast Kingdoms, though, was surprising. Assumedly, the lands he held were mostly populated by humans.

"Ah, and he owns land in Alizeau," Teneca added. "I believe he's a... Baron-- not that I expect you to know what that means."

Phaedra grit her teeth. She didn't know what exactly that meant... but it was clear that Tychon was a noble in the Fairytale Kingdom, too.

"But good men are never satisfied-- not that I'd expect you to know that," Teneca tapped her fingers to her lips as she stared at the table... "This report written by the Fleet Commander of the Alizeaun Navy is quiiiiite illustrious. Oho, it seems he's a Lieutenant, there! Wouldn't that make him... equal rank to you, Lady Phaedra?"

At that point, Phaedra wanted nothing more than to dig a grave for herself and crawl in. If even *one* of Tychon's associates were to discover that she insulted him... she'd never be able to return to Tyrion.

But, Teneca...

--that insufferable whore, Teneca.

Her ugly grin had spanned the full width of her twisted face.

Phaedra took a breath through her nose and straightened her posture, "Is... there something else?"

"One tiny... minuscule, absolutely unimportant thing, Lady Phaedra," Teneca tilted her head. "Lord Tycon is the sole founder of the East Charm Trading Company."


...the impossibly young, impossibly connected, impossibly meritorious savior of her gods-damned guild...

The worth of that man's name in coin... was so monstrous, it made Phaedra physically shake.

When Guild Metal Wolf restocked in Rixus, she had labored to get the highest quality equipment for the cheapest price. Nearly every smithy, armorer, and supplier they used were subsidiaries of that company...

He was... rich. No... he was... beyond wealthy.

Phaedra could probably lick that man's sandals and earn enough coin to replenish the guild's ranks, pay off their loans, replace everyone's equipment, and even send her to university with the remaining funds...

It was nothing short of incredible. Duplicarius Tychon had the titles and merits equivalent to a dozen respectable men.

"Hah..." Phaedra smirked, "Haha... You're... you're joking, right?"

If she wasn't, then Phaedra was the biggest joke in the room.

Teneca's smile fell in an instant, "Are you questioning my integrity, you ugly f*cking b*tch?"

Elves. They took insult to anything.

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