Headed by a Snake

Chapter 755 To Whitehearth

Tycondrius insisted that Januarius continue to rest at least until his fever died down. With Guild Metal Wolf being his latest investment, he wanted to ensure that their founding leader could travel the plains to Whitehearth without *dying*.

It took two suns, a process expedited by the Highblades' healers and a lovely Elven recipe for poultry and herb soup.

The Elven city lied just beyond the rocky hills. On account of the injured, however, the pace of the march and the time traveled per sun was largely reduced. Still, with not even half a century remaining, personnel accountability and general upkeep were managed quickly, somewhat making up for time lost.

Optio Phaedra took charge.

It seemed she was still embarrassed for her earlier actions against him, as she rejected all of Tycon's well-meaning attempts at casual conversation.

He decided not to hold it against her.

She was a proud woman, but an intelligent one, loyal to her guild.

He respected that.

Lieutenant Teneca sent a team of her Highblades to accompany them, two in particular belonging to the Scout and Survivalist Classes. Their skill at pathfinding and padding the Wolves' meager rations with desert creatures and edible plants were nigh indispensable.

They were certainly spies of a sort and would report to House Moonwell upon reaching the city.

Tycon considered refusing them... but he could not do so without needlessly insulting Teneca... nor did he have enough rations in his spatial ring to keep a half-century from starving.

If any enemies were to target him or his own... he'd just have to deal with it, then.

As the company traveled with two Gold-Rank adventurers, Tycon asked Elle to unsummon Gaheris to reduce her passive mana expenditure. The two lovers grew closer over idle conversations filled with clever banter, light flirtation, and general musings about life.

The Tyrions had become aware that he and Elle had become an exclusive couple. This seemed to attract a number of them who took windows of opportunity to strike up 'friendly' conversation with her.

Elle was always polite... but as Tycon had been made aware of how she'd been treated by a majority of her pack, he did not hide his displeasure at their unsubtle attempts at ingratiation.

Tycon had no issues being angry for his lover's sake... but Elle expressly forbade him from enacting physical violence against her fellow guild members.

That woman... was a far better person than he was. He was lucky to have her.

As for Coraline, with the return of her fire elemental and the assistance of Tycon's ⌈Inspirational Surge,⌋ the Elven Arcanist was soon restored to combat capability. However, she suffered bouts of mania, obsessing over a desire to 'fix' her boyfriend. This shifted with little-to-no warning into debilitating depression that she had yet to do so.

It was very... Elven of her.

Of course, Elle grew worried for her-- her... 'bestie', as she termed it.

Thus, by obligation, Tycon also had to show concern, which resulted in several sessions of him and Elle patiently listening to the elf's complaints.

Then, there was Beatrice. Beatrice was fine, contrary to her contractor.

She got her fruit juice.

As they traveled, Guild Metal Wolf came under attack multiple times each sun by hostile wildlife. The strength and intelligence of such creatures were... not high.

Tycon would have imagined they would have fled at the sight of him and his Gold-Rank aura... or Elle and Gaheris, for that matter. However, at every opportunity, the Elven Ancient known as King was always first to leap to the caravan's defense.

...Yet after several skirmishes, Tycon sought to correct a particularly unsavory behavior of his. That fellow insisted upon entering combat while forcibly lowering his Rank.

A Metal-Ranked adventurer reigned in their aura to conserve energy. That the Ancient cultivated a specific ability to forcibly limit his mana output was... the most asinine thing Tycon had heard of.

Anyroad, after two suns of him saying the same gods-damned thing-- only louder and angrier each time, Elle tried her luck. She essentially repeated Tycon's logic while appealing to the virtue of preserving life.

That's what it took for the Ancient to see reason.

Reacting against threats seriously and routing the enemy both saved lives and wasted less time for their group... which... should have been *painfully* obvious, to all relevant parties.

Stars and stones...


⟬ One week later. ⟭

The city of Whitehearth was defended by white walls made of thousands of towering, petrified trees. Many of the large buildings within were the same... hollow wooden structures warped by the magic of Elven Druids and Shapers.

Yet, the city of wood was known across the Realm for... its metalworks.

In the surrounding hills and mountainous areas, there existed a number of elf-run rock quarries, rich in durable metals and arcane crystal.

Where dwarves and humans hewed precious materials from the rock with tools and actual effort, the elves... did... not.

Instead... they chose to... coax? the ore from the stones?

Whatever they did, it was markedly different. Suggesting otherwise was taken as insulting... enough that even polite inquiries about the process were met with Elven contempt.

This was... slightly different from regular contempt. He and Coraline tried to explain it to Elle to... no avail.

Tycon advised his lover not to think about it.


Tycon had drafted a temporary contract with Januarius with Phaedra, Elle, and a Highblade Staff Sergeant as witnesses. The East Charm Trading Company became the primary patron for Guild Metal Wolf. The full details of the relationship would be determined after consulting with Sorina Capulet, Sol Invictus' Chief Financial Officer.

It took Optio Phaedra less than two bells for her to find a temporary base for her Wolves.

So impressed by her diligence and capability, Tycon withdrew funds from his account with the Banker's Guild and entrusted its allocation to her.

Lancelot needed several core components replaced and the guild's overall supplies to be replenished. Tycon also advised that they pad their ranks with freelance adventurers, as their operations would continue in the Eastern States for some time longer.

Tycon planned to send the Wolves to protect Sorina Capulet as she acquired assets. In theory, the existence of Guild Metal Wolf would dissuade any potential saboteurs from targeting her.

Only two types of organizations were able to field Divine Armors: the wealthy elite and those steeped in debt.

The first was difficult to attack, as an aggressor had much to fear from political and martial reprisal-- not only from the primary organization, but from their host of allies.

The second was far more dangerous.

After all, they had very little to lose.

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